Ole Gunnar Solskjaer retires

Schumacher anyone? Exponent of the most lethal martial arts-style lick that ever pole-axed an oppo striker!
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Morbyd, Igor Afinkeev. Discuss.
Good kid. I've met him a couple of times. Had a decent chat once. He's done very well for CSKA and his manager Gazzaev thinks very highly of him.

I got the impression he didn't think much of the idea of playing abroad though he's linked with Arsenal every year lately.

I think he's got a lot of potential. Not very many 19 year olds would have been their country's first choice keeper, nor get voted 7th best keeper in the world at that age! I think he tends to come off his line sometimes when he shouldn't, but wisdom theoretically comes with age.

I'm not sure he's psychotic enough to be a goalkeeping legend, although he is still young :lol: His predecessor as Russian goalkeeper, Ovchennikov, was off his rocker.

edit: ps. I should note that CSKA has fallen to 4th place this season since he's been injured...
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I only know as he is "definately " going to Arsenal, like Ryan Babel was. :rolleyes:

Meant to be the next big thing in Goalkeeping world for the last few years, awaiting his foreign transfer so I can have a butch. Interesting though.
There's been no overriding compelling argument for him to go abroad. He feels at home here. Plus, he's had European football every year for the past 3 years, and he won the UEFA Cup.

Obviously money and the chance to prove yourself in a top league are important... but do they outweigh the other factors for him? Not yet, I think.