Ole Gunnar Solskjaer retires

I am a goalkeeper (and thoroughly accomplished having played in the 13th tier of English Football)

Carlo Cudicini was a very good keeper. Couldn't tell you if he still is because i've not seen him play.

In my "expert" opinion... Cech is the best in the league, Reina next, James or possibly Hanneman third. Yes you heard me... I said James.
Morbyd, without deliberately being massively patronising but you seem to have typical foreign Chelsea supporter syndrome. If you for one minute think Cudicini is the Premiership's second best goal keeper, your very much mistaken. You have made a few comments thinking Chelsea are the best at everything and everything they do is perfect, far from it. Infact, the Chelsea team at the moment is weak as hell IMO, if it wasn't for such an unbelievably poor United team and a Liverpool team which isn't quite cutting the mustard as of yet, you would be third. But then again, if my auntie had bo.llocks she'd be my uncle.
I assure you that I have a very realistic view of Chelsea and it's place in the world/league.

I don't think they're playing particularly well at the moment, nor are United, though I believe both teams have the tools and players to do much better. I actually think Liverpool are looking quite dangerous at the moment.

As for Cudicini, he's an amazing shot stopper (but less good on handling crosses and corners than Cech). If he were playing regularly football and had his confidence, I'm positive he would be among the top 3 goalkeepers in the league, as he was the year before Cech came. He's won the golden gloves before and he's been Chesea's player of the year (ahead of Zola!). Plus he's quite good at stopping penalties - I've often wished Mourinho subbed him in for Cech before these penalty shootouts we always seem to lose lately.

So, no, my assessment of Cudicini is not based on some "typical foreign Chelsea supporter syndrome". It's an informed opinion. Feel free to disagree with it, but not to belittle it.
:lol:oh yeah....pat crerrand, another washed up old ex rag, blissfully unaware of any other team in the country who gets wheeled out by the MEN (or MUEN as I like to call them) for a quote when messrs Docherty & Law are busy!!! :rolleyes:
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Firsts rule of fight club, never take anything written in the MEN, by a 'legend' seriously.

Pages and pages of 'United legend 'admits' (why admit..I never get this) that Ronaldo could be best in world...'this could be the year'...'fergie is one of the greats' yadayadada...

F me Johnny68, your a sports editors dream!
Well constructed argument Morbyd. Alot of people band around the phrase, "shot stopping", that's just being a goalkeeper. Sure he's good, but alot are better, one good thing about the Premier League is we seem to consistantly produce brilliant goal keepers. A couple of seasons ago we had I'd say 18 brilliant brilliant goalies. Anyway, second best SECOND keeper in the Premier League, next to Super Stevey Harper, the most loyal player in the world.
Well constructed argument Morbyd. Alot of people band around the phrase, "shot stopping", that's just being a goalkeeper. Sure he's good, but alot are better, one good thing about the Premier League is we seem to consistantly produce brilliant goal keepers. A couple of seasons ago we had I'd say 18 brilliant brilliant goalies. Anyway, second best SECOND keeper in the Premier League, next to Super Stevey Harper, the most loyal player in the world.

Agree on the keeper/Premiership/quality thing completely. No evidence to back it up tho & Jens Leman seems to be f*ckin up the hypothesis no end!

Is there (and I am not sure of the answer) that much difference between say, a second division keeper and a premiership keeper?

Whenever I see a top V bottom cup match up the keeper of the bottom placed side often stands out as the best player on the pitch. And the skill set seems to be more limited than a midfielder.

Just a thought, btw is Steve Harper actually just Shay Given in make up? The resembelance seemed uncanny on MOD.
Well constructed argument Morbyd. Alot of people band around the phrase, "shot stopping", that's just being a goalkeeper. Sure he's good, but alot are better, one good thing about the Premier League is we seem to consistantly produce brilliant goal keepers. A couple of seasons ago we had I'd say 18 brilliant brilliant goalies. Anyway, second best SECOND keeper in the Premier League, next to Super Stevey Harper, the most loyal player in the world.
There are indeed a lot of good keepers in the league right now. No doubt about it. And I would hope it's obvious to you that when I said Cudicini was second best in the league that it was not meant as a firm ranking at this precise moment in time, simply a vote of confidence in his ability. Put back between the sticks full time he would be in the top tier, as he was when he got benched for Cech.

I do believe Shot stopping is a bit of an art. Reaction time, precision, etc... all the things that factor into it. Some keepers are good at it some times, others more frequently. Even so, it's only one of several facets of being a goalkeeper (and the part Cudicini is best at, which is why I mentioned it)... there's a lot more that goes into the job.
It's a well known fact that being slightly mental is the most important attribute in a goalie actually Morb :p
Agree on the keeper/Premiership/quality thing completely. No evidence to back it up tho & Jens Leman seems to be f*ckin up the hypothesis no end!

Is there (and I am not sure of the answer) that much difference between say, a second division keeper and a premiership keeper?

Whenever I see a top V bottom cup match up the keeper of the bottom placed side often stands out as the best player on the pitch. And the skill set seems to be more limited than a midfielder.

Just a thought, btw is Steve Harper actually just Shay Given in make up? The resembelance seemed uncanny on MOD.

I support Bournemouth, we have a Neil Moss. A legend, however, the man is 32 with the reactions of a sloth and about 16 stone despite only being about 5 ' 11. The difference between this man and any Prem keeper is vast. Any player that plays in League One, if you watch week in week out that has class, for example alot of kids come on on loan from Arsenal / Chelsea etc., their class stands out instantly. For example, Chelsea Youth captain Jack Cork came last year and set the league on fire, Jose Mourinho doesn't probably know the kids name yet he's stands apart from anyone else in League One. They difference in leagues is massive, across the board, including keepers.
Dunno how the fu*k this conversation went from being about Ole Gunanr Solsjaer to being about Goalkeeprs but how and ever i cant believe no one has mentioned the wackiest goalie ever...
