okay ibiza gurus..........

Olivier said:
It has to be some sort of nickname used by the cops.
nah, its the REAL name used by locals!! :idea:
I-Spy said:
I think it's called 'Puig des Savinar'.
I-Spy said:
Or I have heard the name ' Els Jueus ' in that area too. (cap des jueu ;) )
.......... and no :!:

those two names are for the place where the tower is and thats not was i am asking!! :P

<--- view from cap des jueu
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: view from s'e.......... --->

sooooo :?:
ah is it the seafood restaurant with the big BBQ thing in the middle, that over hangs the cliff? Its called er er er Es boldado ? :P
sandi said:
Is it the name of the rock you are asking for? :?:

No it is a god damned helicopter patform shaped area with a steep cliff you can fell off (180 meters) and the view is fantastic.

See the movie we made:
I can't believe no one's figured this out by now... this thread's been going forever! Unfortunately, I haven't the anwer :(
Well I'm kind of not suprised nobody has the answer. I asked an old guy in his garden who has the house closest to where you park to walk to the place in question, and even he dosn't know. So don't feel too bad about it in Moscow.
okay ibiza gurus, after 7 months of wrong answers this ridicously eeeeeasy quiz arrives to the end!! :twisted:

the correct answer iiiiis..........


.......... so although I-Spy didnt give the exaaaaact answer he wins!!

actually, our spy friend deserves to be the winner just for going there and asking to a surprised "old guy in his garden who has the house closest to where you park to walk to the place in question" even if he didnt know the answer!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

for Olivier and the other members who tried to find the name of this place on a map (?): you should know that maps only show the names of the most famous places and there are thousands of names that locals know (and when i say locals i mean LOCALS) but you will never find on them :!:

by the way..........

· s'era (ibicenco) = threshing floor (english)
· racó (ibicenco) = corner (english)
Phew! I'm just back from scrabbling about the cliff top hunting for nomads & hippies in search for the answer.
Is it by any chance S'ERA DES MATARET :?:
· s'era (ibicenco) = threshing floor (english)
· racó (ibicenco) = corner (english)[/quote]

Strange place to have a threshing floor.
Should be dissapeared a long time ago :?: