Oh ffs - now look .. Kate Moss has jumped on the bandwagon !!!!!

I'll have to admit, it does bother me :(

Its another nail in the coffin for dance music after recent events like the Fake DJ phenomena of Guetta and co, Hilton learning to DJ and Simon Cowell's DJ comp anouncement.

Though the underground will always be there, evolve and influence and dance music has survived the likes of Aqua or Cotton Eye Joe, the person on the Street connects dance music with these new events.

... and this is a larger attack for money on a scene which is all about the effort and passion which is not even thought / cared about by its new invaders which could be devastating. :evil:

I'm surprised you really take all of this from the article.

On a side note, Guetta , rat faced git that he is, will probably do more for getting younger people into dance music than any of the inaccessible underground stuff ever will.

And did dance music really "survive" cotton eye joe and aqua? Or did it just ignore it as irrelevant?

People typically progress to the underground, they don't start there and end up liking the cheesy stuff.

Rgardless, i'm not sure how any of this can or will "devastate" dance music?

It seems a bit hysterical to me.
I'm surprised you really take all of this from the article.

On a side note, Guetta , rat faced git that he is, will probably do more for getting younger people into dance music than any of the inaccessible underground stuff ever will.

And did dance music really "survive" cotton eye joe and aqua? Or did it just ignore it as irrelevant?

People typically progress to the underground, they don't start there and end up liking the cheesy stuff.

Rgardless, i'm not sure how any of this can or will "devastate" dance music?

It seems a bit hysterical to me.

I'm in a hysterical mood ;)
:lol: :lol: :lol: