Oh ffs - now look .. Kate Moss has jumped on the bandwagon !!!!!

Good point Jay - and it's a shame. Probably as guilty as the next person of it to some extent but try my level best not to pre-judge on outward looks. At least that is, I hope, a step in the 'right' direction.

Just remember that ugly peoples parents love them and dogs will hangout with them if you tie a steak around there neck:lol:
Just remember that ugly peoples parents love them and dogs will hangout with them if you tie a steak around there neck:lol:

What a non-story this is.... She's gonna play playing tunes to ****y fashion types at highend events where no normal street level person will ever see her.... if she was planning a tour round the club circuit then i'd have a stronger feeling of disdain towards her.

...good DJs can barely get a gig and are forced into production to even get taken seriously.

forced? I'd like to think most DJ's have a love for the music they play and therefore have a desire to lay down their own ideas in their own productions.

I doubt anyone feels forced into. And if they did I doubt they'd make very good tracks.
What a non-story this is.... She's gonna play playing tunes to ****y fashion types at highend events where no normal street level person will ever see her.... if she was planning a tour round the club circuit then i'd have a stronger feeling of disdain towards her.

I agree. Her fee is simply, surely, just a 'celebrity appearance payment' along the lines of Paris Hilton turning up at Novum (?) last year to grab a sensationalist headline. It has little to do with music and DJ'ing - the numbers are not commensurate commercially so it's nonsense to paint a picture of her commanding those fees for her DJ skills. What amuses me is the Press reportage expecting everyone to take seriously a notion that she is being paid for her DJ work and has talents of commensurate value for that work... Patently, she doesn't else she would surely be the most in-demand DJ in the world playing to crowds of thousands ... and thus planning said tour by now :!:

Guess saying Kate Moss is paid £x to DJ and having her spin a couple of tracks looks better that saying you've had to pay her to turn up at your event :idea:

I realize many people disagree, clearly, but I still dislike the culture of celebrity that this so succinctly symbolizes. As with footballers, media personalities and bankers, the indecent payments made to these people cannot rationally be admired. They are the product, in my view, of 'market forces' gone haywire in a society out of control and in a parallel universe of reality. A case of amorality, not immorality. Rant over.

forced? I'd like to think most DJ's have a love for the music they play and therefore have a desire to lay down their own ideas in their own productions.

I doubt anyone feels forced into. And if they did I doubt they'd make very good tracks.

I've heard that story from several DJs 1st hand, off the record, and no - they don't all want to produce. They're pushed into it by their agents in order to 'get ahead'. No remixes = essential CV items missing etc. etc. I agree they likely won't make very good tracks on their own - that's what they wind up buying in production support for. Let's face it many authors write a fraction of what is attributed to them. Same difference.

Not every producer wants to write the screenplay ... ?

Some, like Bill Patrick (who is open about his views) just want to be good DJs and don't produce music. There's nothing wrong with that and it doesn't make him any less of a DJ. But these days there is a handicap for taking that stance - as far as gigs and fees are concerned.
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still don't understand why it bothers you so much

its so far removed from my life I couldn't really give a damn what they do or earn
It doesn't bother some folk that rich people/celebs have massive claims on the world's resources while others can barely eat?
It doesn't bother some folk that rich people/celebs have massive claims on the world's resources while others can barely eat?

:lol: exactly.

If we're going to get precious about this microcosm of an issue then at least get political about it.

I'd go and see Kate Moss DJ. Shoot me.
It doesn't bother some folk that rich people/celebs have massive claims on the world's resources while others can barely eat?

It is the way the world works. Give celebs/popular and the rich free entrance and drinks. Those that can't afford hardly ever get free entrance or complimentary food or drinks.
I'll have to admit, it does bother me :(

Its another nail in the coffin for dance music after recent events like the Fake DJ phenomena of Guetta and co, Hilton learning to DJ and Simon Cowell's DJ comp anouncement.

Though the underground will always be there, evolve and influence and dance music has survived the likes of Aqua or Cotton Eye Joe, the person on the Street connects dance music with these new events.

... and this is a larger attack for money on a scene which is all about the effort and passion which is not even thought / cared about by its new invaders which could be devastating. :evil:
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still don't understand why it bothers you so much

its so far removed from my life I couldn't really give a damn what they do or earn


Why bother starting a thread about something/somebody you don'like/hate.:spank: