Office etiquet

Well I am going with Hywell's suggestion:

The other option is to let him know he's slurping loudly, but not actually tell him directly. When he's got a cup of coffee and started slurping, get a mate to ring you, and tell this colleague it's an important client/call. Half way through the call, hopefully colleague will still be slurping, say to the caller something like "You can hear what?..oh that, yes, it's just my colleague, opposite slurping his drink..." and carry on with the call without batting an eye lid.

Our week starts on Sunday and I'll let you know how it goes (I am already nervous for some reason!)

Unless you have the acting skills to pull this off he will see straight through it and be offended
Unless you have the acting skills to pull this off he will see straight through it and be offended
This is a breeze for me to he honest. If he sees straight through it, so be it - at least it will be all out in the open (although I'd rather it didnt turn out like that)
"I don't mean to be rude but you slurp your drinks and it's really annoying me could you stop it please?"
"I don't mean to be rude but you slurp your drinks and it's really annoying me could you stop it please?"

But that would breakdown any professional relationship I am trying to build. This evening was the final straw, I think I will just quit my job. It is not worth the stress.
But that would breakdown any professional relationship I am trying to build. This evening was the final straw, I think I will just quit my job. It is not worth the stress.

So British :rolleyes: :spank: ...

Just say "Hey dude ... I'm not being funny but I have a real problem with people slurping their drinks ... it's like fingernails on a blackboard for me. Could you be a sport and try not to do it when I'm in the room ? I've tried not to get wound up but I'm really struggling here ... so if you could at least try I'd be really grateful "

{slightly feigned Aussie twang optional}
I got called into the bosses office at my work the week before last and said someone had accused me of bullying. I had no idea where this could have come from or who it was i could have been seen to have bullied.

It turned out that my "bullying" was mocking a friend who took almost 5 minutes to open a window, then when he couldnt he stood on his desk to open it and hit his head on the roof. I was of course laughing throughout the duration of this episode.
Our windows are quite high (i can just reach them if i stretch & im 6ft) so most people use a pole with a hook on the end to do it, which he really struggled with.

Anyway he didnt notice that quite a few people had been watching and laughing until i sent the below picture (an ad for Arnies easy window opener if anyone ever is struggling) to everyone in our area at work plus the lad who had struggled.


Everyone burst out laughing including the guy himself who saw the funny side and had thought he had got away with it all without anyone seeing.

Turns out one of the girls i work with didnt see the funny side and reported me for bullying :eek: :rolleyes:

Apologies for just randomly chucking this onto this thread :lol:
Turns out one of the girls i work with didnt see the funny side and reported me for bullying :eek: :rolleyes:

I hate people like that. Taking offence on behalf of somebody else. Tsk.

If one of my employees had ever come to me saying as much I would at least have spoken to your friend first to see how he felt before dragging you in to tell you you've been accused of bullying. Nonsense.
Turns out one of the girls i work with didnt see the funny side and reported me for bullying :eek: :rolleyes:

Apologies for just randomly chucking this onto this thread :lol:

I may well make myself very unpopular here ... but ... in the days I worked in an office it was some of the girls who could be the most monumental pathetic attention-seeking cry-baby pains in the arses who abused the laws on bullying relentlessly to try to get their own way and not be told off when they screwed up.

Saw a colleague accused of rape (never happened) and the same girl burst spontaneously into tears regularly if she didn't get her own way and accused people (myself included) of bullying her causing all sorts of unnecessary disciplinary investigations which all came to nothing.

Such nonsense was far more common from the ladies, but then again I did manage to make one of my departmental managers cry after taking him outside, giving him a load of home truths about his uselessness when I turned up with a 10am meeting to find he hadn't got the file ready, hadn't said he couldn't and then insisted he was too busy to do it - so I had to quietly finish 3 peoples' work on it in 2 hours in order to hold a sensible client meeting. Apparently I was bullying then too :rolleyes: :lol:

It didn't take him long to have an extra-marital affair with one of the Juniors though, and was gone fairly soon after. :lol: British office workers = full of cry-baby interfering attention-seeking wimps :spank:

Sorry ... yet more tangential babble !
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Oh ... and by the way ... if I remember correctly from my "bullying in the workplace awareness training" of yesteryear ...

bullying is defined with reference to how the person who is the subject of it feels about your behaviour or actions, not by how some third party perceives your behaviour (whoever that third party may be).

So in this case I think you have nothing to worry about. So sayeth Judge kimajy ;).
bullying is defined with reference to how the person who is the subject of it feels about your behaviour or actions, not by how some third party perceives your behaviour (whoever that third party may be).

Well the person in question has now left the company shortly after said incident :eek:
That's due to the fact he's becoming a teacher and his teacher training started last week & nothing to do with the bullying :D
Ten years ago, im sure no one batted an eye lid to a bit of light hearted banter etc and most people would just take it on the chin and maybe have a little bitch about someone in the office etc, but these days people moan to see if they can get anything out of it, and its pathetic.

If someone was weak on my office floor, you wouldnt last a day, the swear words and abuse are 'normal' behaviour here :lol: and i wouldnt have it any other way and would be embarassed to complain about it in the first instance anyway, id rather quit if i didnt like it.

Some people take bullying right out of context :rolleyes:
Ten years ago, im sure no one batted an eye lid to a bit of light hearted banter etc and most people would just take it on the chin and maybe have a little bitch about someone in the office etc, but these days people moan to see if they can get anything out of it, and its pathetic.

If someone was weak on my office floor, you wouldnt last a day, the swear words and abuse are 'normal' behaviour here :lol: and i wouldnt have it any other way and would be embarassed to complain about it in the first instance anyway, id rather quit if i didnt like it.

Some people take bullying right out of context :rolleyes:

Sounds like a great place to work. Just like places I worked taking the p1ss makes the day go bye faster.