Office etiquet


Well-Known Member
So I have a cellular office (great for these days after a night out when one needs to bury their heads). Recently I have had an Aussie join me which is fine - I enjoy the company. The problem is, he slurps his tea, coffee, liquid intake to the point of really pishing me off. I do not know how to approach this. Help please!

Three options:

1) Tell him straight. (and risk offence)
2) Tell him half kidding, with a fake smile that doesn't even begin to show your frustration.
3) Tell him that the office has daily bets running on how many slurps he does.

Three options:

1) Tell him straight. (and risk offence)
2) Tell him half kidding, with a fake smile that doesn't even begin to show your frustration.
3) Tell him that the office has daily bets running on how many slurps he does.

Easier said than done. Look, I am an easy going type dude but for some reason this has wound me up. I am a natural joker - ie take the psiss of everything in life regardless of the severity. But this lad is so serious I would risk upset in bringing this up, and bearing in mind we are sharing a cellular office, I dont want issues. I thought about getting up and leaving the room, shutting the door everytime he does it. It is a bizarre issue he has given his age and seniority within my business.

I think I know what'll happen - as he is new to the country, we are going out for pints. no doubt with my loose tounge it'll crop up and I'll give my views. Which is the problem as I suspect he will take it personally regardless of how many beers we have.

Probably need to nip it in bud somehow.
Aussies take the piss out of their mates all the time. I would just make a joke about it but with a undertone lol.

So he knows your just giving him **** but its not a attack.
Aussies take the piss out of their mates all the time. I would just make a joke about it but with a undertone lol.

So he knows your just giving him **** but its not a attack.

Yeh, I have already given him lots of slagging - just think this is a red line. And Aussies can be really serious at times.

hahah kidding mate :) i would just be up front with him but sometimes things are worth being put up with at work.

hahah kidding mate :) i would just be up front with him but sometimes things are worth being put up with at work.

stuff like "you remind me of Philip Schofield, he also went grey when he was 12".

I have decided, I am quitting. It is not fair on him that I have issues about his slurpping. It is my problem I think.

Saying that, if you are a professional, you should be aware of your surroundings and not put others in this situation, what a twat
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The other option is to let him know he's slurping loudly, but not actually tell him directly. When he's got a cup of coffee and started slurping, get a mate to ring you, and tell this colleague it's an important client/call. Half way through the call, hopefully colleague will still be slurping, say to the caller something like "You can hear what?..oh that, yes, it's just my colleague, opposite slurping his drink..." and carry on with the call without batting an eye lid.

It's a bit Derren Brown cause it'll plant the seed.
The other option is to let him know he's slurping loudly, but not actually tell him directly. When he's got a cup of coffee and started slurping, get a mate to ring you, and tell this colleague it's an important client/call. Half way through the call, hopefully colleague will still be slurping, say to the caller something like "You can hear what?..oh that, yes, it's just my colleague, opposite slurping his drink..." and carry on with the call without batting an eye lid.

It's a bit Derren Brown cause it'll plant the seed.

Excellent suggestion. I can do this.
Suggest all teas/coffees to be drunk OUTSIDE the pod in a kitchen area. Or just slurp your own coffee / tea as much as he does every time you pour yourself a mug...

In the meantime, I'd probably have earplugs in by now .... hate slurpers !!!
Suggest all teas/coffees to be drunk OUTSIDE the pod in a kitchen area. Or just slurp your own coffee / tea as much as he does every time you pour yourself a mug...

In the meantime, I'd probably have earplugs in by now .... hate slurpers !!!

Nah, can not do - we have tea boys that deliver us our teas and coffees as and when required (never actually seen the kitchen on my floor). Its not a "pod" just a proper enclosed office. In any case, I want to have my tea at my desk. I can not slurp my own, it will make me spew. We have built a new office and moving in about 3 months where I have my own office again. So I have 3 options (1) leave now, (ii) put up with this - not possible (iii) try as suggested above.

I am gonna try (iii) but suspect (i) will be the outcome.
He's probably doing it to wind you up.

I would hit him with a chair.

Maybe he is just testing my tolerance. To be honest he could do anything but slurp - for some reason it is really bothering me. Fook sake there are wars in the world, people dying and I am getting worked up with someone slurping their tea - look what I've become!
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Hey, my name is not Beans! Good interview by the way - I tried to post a comment on your page but I was not allowed - maybe my reputation preceeds me and I am blocked

Ok I will be Dan and give you some advice. I lived in Auz for nearly 2 years so understand them ok.

Next time he slurps his tea, be direct to him about it, but deliver it in a humorous way.

eg Hey maite could you slurp your tea a bit louder the people in the other building cant hear you.... but smile when saying it as if you are slagging him.

Or ask him a simple direct come you slurp your tea and not your pints of beer is it an azzuie thing??

From my experience, Auzzies are direct and to the point and dont beat about the bush. Deal with them in that way and they will respect you. He might box you one but he will pick you up off the floor, buy you a beer straight away and be a good mate and respect you all the more after that:)

Thanks for the comment on the Interview.... I will talk to my IT department about the posting problem

Ps There could be a TV comedy show in this!!
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Well I am going with Hywell's suggestion:

The other option is to let him know he's slurping loudly, but not actually tell him directly. When he's got a cup of coffee and started slurping, get a mate to ring you, and tell this colleague it's an important client/call. Half way through the call, hopefully colleague will still be slurping, say to the caller something like "You can hear what?..oh that, yes, it's just my colleague, opposite slurping his drink..." and carry on with the call without batting an eye lid.

Our week starts on Sunday and I'll let you know how it goes (I am already nervous for some reason!)