no after hours before noon

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Noon or 4:30

It really doesn't matter that much. I mean if we start clubbing at 4:30 we still have more than 5 solid hrs of clubbing in the daylight.
I guess that when you come from a clubbing desert (Dubai), you'd be much easier to satisfy.:lol:
can't wait to party under the Ibiza sun....
I'd have to agree with the above post. I actually did a kind of "reverse" afterhours a few weeks ago in Madrid. We went to a party that started at noon and went to midnight...then we hit up a club and partied until 7am. I'd have to say that I almost prefer doing it this way. It was fun to start at more of an after hours venue...

BTW...if any of you are ever in Madrid and they are throwing a "Fiesta Goa" out at Club Fabrik, YOU NEED TO GO!!!! What an experience! I'd say that the place was bigger than Space...outdoor chill areas with terraces and a huge indoor discoteca too (with an ice cannon larger than Amnesia's)
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I'd have to agree with the above post. I actually did a kind of "reverse" afterhours a few weeks ago in Madrid. We went to a party that started at noon and went to midnight...then we hit up a club and partied until 7am. I'd have to say that I almost prefer doing it this way. It was fun to start at more of an after hours venue...

BTW...if any of you are ever in Madrid and they are throwing a "Fiesta Goa" out at Club Fabrik, YOU NEED TO GO!!!! What an experience! I'd say that the place was bigger than Space...outdoor chill areas with terraces and a huge indoor discoteca too (with an ice cannon larger than Amnesia's)

I thought the "Megatron" in Amnesia was the biggest of its kind in the world?
It was announced the following day, after a meeting with the most important club owners, that the Consell would try and use them to help extend the length of the tourist season.
as you might remember, the consell insular asked clubs to open earlier to make the season longer. last wednesday when the space opening billboards were placed certain blog, that always takes the mic out of the left, posted this to criticize that those meetings didnt work:


(normal version of the billboard HERE)
people do realise of course that san jose (dc10 & space) and ibiza town (who want the 6am- 6pm ban) are er... p.s.o.e. - ie socialist... and that the new socialist government (psoe) is behind the after hours clamp down ?
re dancers at space, also the following parties had dancers last year:

- spinclub
- carl cox
- matinée (in fact always hats quite a lot of dancers, male and female)
from today's DDI:

:arrow: the institutions will fine the owners of the houses that do illegal parties
the institutions are firmly decided to persecute the never ending parties, not only in the clubs, preparing a norm to act against the ones organized illegally in private houses. the government prepares a legal procedure that will permit the guardia civil to stop these parties when discovered, fining not only the promoter but also the owner of the house.

:arrow: race against the clock to approve the anti-afters norms
the town halls will start approving the new unified opening hours norms for the clubs to be ready for this summer. only in the case of san antonio theres some discord, as the town hall dont want this norms to affect the cafes-conciertos and pubs. the norms could apply in the other municipalities even if san antonio disagrees although the consell says there shouldnt be a problem to sign all together the new norms in all the municipalities. the last meeting between the consell and the town halls to decide the opening and closing times, which in theory will be 4.30pm till 6am, will take place this week.
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only in the case of san antonio theres some discord, as the town hall dont want this norms to affect the cafes-conciertos and pubs

I can't understand the link between the pubs and the clubs and the 4.30pm opening? Clubs yes but pubs? I might be wrong but the way I read this is thay no pubs can open till 4.30pm? 8O
i would say that when i have a candle lit soiree for ten or so people in my villa it would be legal - as opposed to hundreds turning up, blocking roads and listening to noisy music and consuming tonnes of drugs which would be illegal. it's not fair but that's the way it is..............
but still, what gives the police the right to go into someone's home... its a very grey area, even if it were a group of 20 people dancing around a pool on a sunny afternoon, there's a problem with that?

Where do they get permission to go to someone's house and stop a party? Where is that legal?!?

If you had thumping bass at your candlelight soiree could they charge you??
the law - which is being changed by the spanish government - gives them the right to go in, probably as a response to neighbourly complaints. i'm hardly likely to have a thumping bass at my dinner do's, am i???
the law - which is being changed by the spanish government - gives them the right to go in, probably as a response to neighbourly complaints. i'm hardly likely to have a thumping bass at my dinner do's, am i???

you never know stephen! thumping bass goes along quite well with dinner sometimes! :lol:
So is it illegal to have a house party in Ibiza or is it just illegal to have them during these "quiet hours"?

I assume that the only way that a party would be shut down would be if a neighbor made a complaint. That's pretty much the standard anywhere else in the world isn't it???
So is it illegal to have a house party in Ibiza or is it just illegal to have them during these "quiet hours"?

I assume that the only way that a party would be shut down would be if a neighbor made a complaint. That's pretty much the standard anywhere else in the world isn't it???

what are quiet hours? The clubs are allowed to remain open during the 'quiet' sleep-time hours.

i thought they were going after parties during the day, which you'd think would be more acceptable because neighbours are up and not trying to sleep.

so they can't have parties during the day, because its an 'after hours' party, but then they can't have parties at night because it will keep people awake!
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