Nightlife in the Canaries?


Active Member
I may be going there this summer- I was wondering if there is any good nightlife, if there are any forums like this one about the canaries, and which islands are the best? Thanks in advance!
Where about in the Canaries are you going? I have only ever been to Gran Can, obviously nothing like Ibiza but there are a few not too bad places
I'm really not sure yet- it's just an idea that some of us are considering. I'm not sure which islands are better or if any even have a good enough nightlife to consider. I'm looking for some good house venues and nice lounges.
I'm heading tomorrow to Gran Can / Las Palmas. Never been there before but at least there is a Pacha :) Don't know what is it like, soon we'll figure it out.
I went to Tenerife, Playas De Las Americas, or however its spelt and that had a lot of nightlife going on, only went there once, but it was one of those strips with loads of english places, Yates and O Neils and the usual PRing trying to get you in the bars. Depends what you are after really.
Pacha in Gran Canaria is nothing like what you wouls expect!

Looks just like any other tacky bar that you expect to find in the canaries but some one has just stuck the Pacha logo on the front.

The best thing about the canaries is the Jumbo centre (Big Gay centre). My wife and I went over with my Gay bruvva and his partner in October and we had a right good old laugh.

I think once you have been to Ibiza everywhere else you go on holiday after is just so disappointing (In terms of night life)
I went to Puerto Rico in Gran Canaria years ago and it was rubbish. The centre of the action was a concrete monstrosity much like the Merrion Centre in Leeds with nasty Ritzy style nightclubs. It may have improved since then of course.
Looks just like any other tacky bar that you expect to find in the canaries but some one has just stuck the Pacha logo on the front.

Similar to London Pacha. Name licensed for a fat profit but no quality control whatsoever...
I went in 1999 - it was rubbish - and it's got the most annoying PRs on the planet.

When i stepped out of the taxi, I felt like Jesus in that scene from Jesus Christ superstar where he got mobbed by the lepers. (bizarre comparison, i know, but accurate:lol: )

I hope it's better now.
The best thing about the canaries is the Jumbo centre (Big Gay centre). My wife and I went over with my Gay bruvva and his partner in October and we had a right good old laugh.

I think once you have been to Ibiza everywhere else you go on holiday after is just so disappointing (In terms of night life)

Agree - I went out around 99/00 to visit friends who were involved in timeshare. The Jumbo Centre that was the only place that was any fun whatsoever.... great crowd!!

We just decided to knock going out to clubs on the head and just went to restaurants, basically, we were in bed by midnight just about every night - the only holiday over the past 10 years which has involved me putting about 1/2 stone on ....... Never have that problem in Ibiza.....:lol:
I went in 1999 - it was rubbish - and it's got the most annoying PRs on the planet.

When i stepped out of the taxi, I felt like Jesus in that scene from Jesus Christ superstar where he got mobbed by the lepers. (bizarre comparison, i know, but accurate:lol: )

I hope it's better now.

Lanzarote, and specially La Palma are stunning islands much more closer to Formentera than to Ibiza. Actually Madonna's "Isla Bonita" is devoted to La Palma
Tenerife and Gran Canaria are supposed to have very beautifull places, but they look to me like a big massive tourist ressort closer to Magalluf and Benidorm. Not my kind of place.

If you look something like Ibiza, don't go to the Canary Islands. If you look for great weather, great beaches, great people, then I would choose any of the smaller islands, but that's my personal choice
I went to Gran Canaria in 1996 and 1997. It was great then as all i wanted to do was get very drunk every night without fail and then fall over on the way back to the hotel and expose myself in my short skirt.

But if you want a "clubbing" experience like Ibiza then forget it.
I went to Gran Canaria in 1996 and 1997. It was great then as all i wanted to do was get very drunk every night without fail and then fall over on the way back to the hotel and expose myself in my short skirt.

:lol: :lol: You're a classy girl Erin, that's why I like you. I had a holiday "romance" with the bingo caller from my hotel. :lol:
I went to Gran Canaria in 1996 and 1997. It was great then as all i wanted to do was get very drunk every night without fail and then fall over on the way back to the hotel and expose myself in my short skirt.

Ten years on and she's still at it :lol:
I'm imagining it like Dirty Dancing. Was there a rival bingo caller and his young muse at the posher, flashier hotel across the road?