Next Weekend Thread


Since last week's discussion is off on a major tangent, and as it's Wednesday afternoon most of us are now over the midweek hump, I thought I'd get us started looking ahead to this weekend.

Yes, I'm excited :D

My little brother is coming for his first visit to Moskva (after nearly a decade of my being here!) so...

Friday - Pick up brother, show him my neighborhood & Red Square, Italian dinner at Produkty, drinks to introduce him to friends at Art Akademia, then to club Vozdukh for Hernan Cattaneo :D :D :D followed by after hours at Krysha Mira for Dave Squillace 8) 8)

Saturday - Down to the pub to watch football, then the wife's birthday party, then random club silliness.

Sunday - Kremlin & other sightseeing, out to a Georgian restaurant for dinner

Monday - Brother leaves :cry:
My weekend involves dinner with friends on Sat night, maybe some decorating, seeing the folks. Pretty standard.

Very much looking forward to Easter break.
Friday: Above & Beyond goodness at DS in Leeds

Saturday: Chilling, ASOT 500 during the day, then sleeping and Gym.

Sunday: Sleeping, and then Gym, maybe.
aaah - how old is your 'little' brother? :lol:


Off on a retreat from Thurs - Tues

Far from being restful am expecting the usual kaos. 8)
my heart usually sinks when the weekend approaches. there's 3 parties on I could go to but just can't be bothered anymore. I'm feeling reckless, destructive, violent even, in the mood for some spontaneous chaos + a large part of me is just itching to load the car and leave England forever
Saturday - holiday preparations/packing for house move

Sunday - cheer on Tom in the London marathon, few well deserved beers afterwards

Monday - 9am flight to Los Angeles, followed by 3 weeks California roadtrip 8)
.... muchos fiesta next week :lol:

I like :D

Friday - I'm flying solo as Mr BG is out with his friends. Can't decide whether to stay in with the cats or go for a couple at my local.

Saturday - out with my ladeeeeez.....hopefully....
Trying to get my 'Mom' friends together is like pulling teeth. It took me about 3 weeks to get this date sorted, and this was 2 months ago. I'm betting at least one of them pulls out between now and Saturday evening :rolleyes:

Sunday - nothing planned thus far.
I've just been looking at ferries from portsmouth > Spain in June

well over £300 (car/one way/no cabin) :eek:
my heart usually sinks when the weekend approaches. there's 3 parties on I could go to but just can't be bothered anymore. I'm feeling reckless, destructive, violent even, in the mood for some spontaneous chaos + a large part of me is just itching to load the car and leave England forever

Where would you go?
my heart usually sinks when the weekend approaches. there's 3 parties on I could go to but just can't be bothered anymore. I'm feeling reckless, destructive, violent even, in the mood for some spontaneous chaos + a large part of me is just itching to load the car and leave England forever

Don't cheer up - get mad.

Am a great believer in catharsis. ;)

Hope it gets better for you though.
may possibly still be feeling the after-effects of last weekend's rock'n'roll

since Sunday have had 3 consecutive nights of mad, intense, disturbing dreams :eek: