New owners and name for BOOOM! in 2014?!

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Apart from surely just pure greed and knowing people will pay those prices is there any other reason why drinks in clubs are so expensive?

Obviously there are a lot of things to pay for but surely they if they reduce the prices more people would buy alcohol rather than an occasional bottle of water?

Its one of life's mysteries. Usually answered with "The season is only 4 months long"
Apart from surely just pure greed and knowing people will pay those prices is there any other reason why drinks in clubs are so expensive?

By reducing drink prices for X%, Club owners have to sell X% more drinks. If they don't reach this mark, they will lose money.
If more people want to buy drinks, they have to queue longer. In times of fast internet, mankind is not used to patience anymore.
Speeding up the sale of drinks will need more manpower at the bar, which usually comes at a cost and they need to sell even more drinks.
Again, longer queues and less patience are a dangerous mix.

If you consider all this, you can only come down to the fact, that Club owners are more concerned for your wellbehaviour, than their profit.
So, there is no greed at all.
I somehow doubt it's for our 'well-being'

Bottle of vodka = 20 euros (at most)
Single can of red bull = 2 euros (at most) but clubs will buy in bulk so probably pay a lot less....

Then amnesia charge 23 euros for a vodka and red bull....?

I understand the costs aspect, but the mark up they charge must mean that selling a bottle of spirit is enough to pay for 2 members of staff for a night.
By reducing drink prices for X%, Club owners have to sell X% more drinks. If they don't reach this mark, they will lose money.
If more people want to buy drinks, they have to queue longer. In times of fast internet, mankind is not used to patience anymore.
Speeding up the sale of drinks will need more manpower at the bar, which usually comes at a cost and they need to sell even more drinks.
Again, longer queues and less patience are a dangerous mix.

If you consider all this, you can only come down to the fact, that Club owners are more concerned for your wellbehaviour, than their profit.
So, there is no greed at all.

Its not 1st april today is it?
By reducing drink prices for X%, Club owners have to sell X% more drinks. If they don't reach this mark, they will lose money.
If more people want to buy drinks, they have to queue longer. In times of fast internet, mankind is not used to patience anymore.
Speeding up the sale of drinks will need more manpower at the bar, which usually comes at a cost and they need to sell even more drinks.
Again, longer queues and less patience are a dangerous mix.

If you consider all this, you can only come down to the fact, that Club owners are more concerned for your wellbehaviour, than their profit.
So, there is no greed at all.

Queuing at a bar/club in Ibiza, whats that?

They would have to have Wetherspoons prices for that to happen

(to all none UK residents,Wetherspoons is a cheap chain of pubs that normally take over a run down town centre pub. They do a nice refit and sell some cracking cheap ales, wine at £8 a bottle etc..... They have no music and it is often frequented by the more upmarket alcoholic who minds his own business at in a corner somewhere. They are also a meeting point for 30-50 year old groups who have a scrum down at the bar as to who is buying the "Wetherspoons round" before moving on to more expensive places. They do quite good value food as well)
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