New owners and name for BOOOM! in 2014?!

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bomba ibiza said:
public notice

termination of cipriani's lease over the property currently used as “booom!”

new landlord will not renew lease to cipriani for “booom!”

cipriani international occupies the property currently known as “booom!” by virtue of a non-renewable lease that expires on november 30th 2013.

nayarit inversiones 2012 sl – a spanish limited liability company (hereinafter called “new landlord”) holds the exclusive option right to purchase the premises as evidenced by the public deed executed before notary mr. Enrique rafael garcia romero, on april 16th 2013 (number 723/2013 of his files) and duly recorded at the property registry number 1 of ibiza.

“new landlord” has made the firm decision to

(i) exercise its option to purchase the premises currently known as “booom!”, and

(ii) not to renew the lease to cipriani and “booom!”,

(iii) this decision was formally communicated to cipriani and booom in a letter addressed by “new landlord's” lawyers last july 2nd 2013.

“new landlord” hereby places on notice all third parties that it will not be liable for any of the debts or obligations that “booom!” or cipriani may undertake towards any creditor (such as employees, contractors, service providers, suppliers, or ticket holders) once the present lease expires and “booom!” and cipriani are removed from the property.

“new landlord's” sister company vantage investments ltd is the exclusive registered owner of the trademark “bomba ibiza”, for which reason in july of this year cipriani international was forced to change the name of the venue from “bomba ibiza” to “booom!”.
“new landlord” is already in discussions with several of the major club operators on the island to develop a new concept in the venue, as soon as eviction of cipriani and “booom!” is completed.

IBIZA STYLE spoke to Giuseppe Cipriani and he made the following short statement: "Don't worry, we will be here with Booom also next year! I can not say more at this moment, but very soon I will give you more information". He also announced that Booom even may be opening its doors on the weekend during winter.
Looks like there was more trouble last night when a fire extinguisher was set off. Wasn't there but saw some retweets from Simon Dunmore (see below). This whole BOOOM thing is boring me to be honest.
@DefectedRecords: The club was forced to evacuate. Fortunately no one was hurt. We apologise to all those in attendance for cutting short a truly great night.

@DefectedRecords: We sincerely hope that these actions were not part of the continued dirty tricks campaign against @booomibiza this summer.
the first tweets said it was a can of tear gas set off! either way still makes you wonder what people are thinking sometimes.
no, not as far as i'm aware but I do delete posts which are potentially libelous.
i have no idea what the legal situation is in the usa, but as a 'legitimate' company in spain i'd rather not have accusations which may or not be true on this forum purely from a moral point of view. does that sound logical and good business practice?
i have no idea what the legal situation is in the usa, but as a 'legitimate' company in spain i'd rather not have accusations which may or not be true on this forum purely from a moral point of view. does that sound logical and good business practice?

I totally get not wanting to get sued. I know in the UK they libel laws are basically the opposite of ours. Maybe in Spain its a concern.

As you probably know we take 'free speech' quite seriously here in the states.... so people can say whatever they want on a US forum and you shouldn't lose a lawsuit because of our laws protecting the website (i've never heard of a case where the website lost). There is actual act called the Communications Decency Act. (per Wikipedia) the Act has been interpreted to say that operators of Internet services are not to be construed as publishers (and thus not legally liable for the words of third parties who use their services).

There are a few suits here and there but for the most part they don't happen as people who say they have been hurt in some manner know they can't win based on the act quoted above so they don't bother.

The key distinction is who the author is. if its a forum user no problem. if its the site owner than you might have a problem (though free speech laws would still make it hard to lose a lawsuit).
Agree with the above! I always assumed it was the author that was liable not the hosting site!

We need a lawyer to confirm the Spain / EU law as we wouldn't want this forum to be seen as a forum that censors free speech that our Grand Fathers died for would we?
as I mentioned and you ignored, we have moral and commercial reasons for not allowing some types of posts. have a read through our rules and regs, you all ticked a box to say you had done this and agreed with them when you joined the forum.
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