my hols in ibiza

Jam Man said:
Keifer said:
Dude, where's my car... Its a movie. just came into my head.??? Don't ask me, I'm not in control of the Good Ship Kiefer..
Super review mate. I'm there in 5 weeks for closings and will deffo check out some of the places in your review, Bar Zuka is a deffo.
All the deadly reviews coming in have me driven mental. 5 long weeks of hell waiting. Closing parties better be worth it...
Aaaaaand Thennnnnnnnnnn.....?! :twisted:

Jam Man said:
Keifer said:
Dude, where's my car... Its a movie. just came into my head.??? Don't ask me, I'm not in control of the Good Ship Kiefer..
Super review mate. I'm there in 5 weeks for closings and will deffo check out some of the places in your review, Bar Zuka is a deffo.
All the deadly reviews coming in have me driven mental. 5 long weeks of hell waiting. Closing parties better be worth it...
Aaaaaand Thennnnnnnnnnn.....?! :twisted:

I originally posted this little rant below at 9 on Saturday morning
I woke up really dazed and paranoid at about 5 (after falling asleep at lunchtime)... I thought it was really silly and took it off....
now after a day in the office with severe Monday blues i have looked at it a again and quite liked it... so if you think it is really bad send me a pm and if i get enough i will remove it:

Well thanks so much for all your kind responses.
I am sat here with my main man Rio….
We are “more spaced out than Neil Armstrong ever was”….(yep stolen line from Human Traffic). We had a proper funky thrilling bop last night at the Living Room in Brixton. Come down choons and chatting with some new friends met is in vogue at the moment. Bifta heaven here folks

Well there is the problem actually. I obviously haven’t used his real name. I mean like duh… that I would or that I am the kind of guy that’d hang around with a geezer called Rio anyway. I mean P-L-E-A-S-E.
He asked me where I got Rio from. I told him the truth and that is that when I was writing my review I got the point where I realised I needed a name and that song popped into my head… Dunno if they are the right words even, but… “Her name was Rio she was a showgirl .. da da da dahhh” whatever
Anyway he isn’t actually impressed by all of this…
So a new name then…
What about Mr Helter Skelter
Or Mr Most Mashed up (the holiday photos would certainly attest to that)
I would probably go for Barbara just to really wind him up…
I am flagging now
Be good be groovy

oh yeah he also said that i should credit him with the phrase of the holiday "there is no point in people back home thinking that we are caners if we dont cane it"... yep hands up mate that is your line. Good one Barbara
and one more thing...
a good friend of mine runs these kicking nights in London....
they have been underground and by invite until now but is about to go propper !! :P

anyway i will def be there and would lurv to meet up with you cool groovy like minded funky double lifers... so if you are in London and free on the 23rd of this month see you at Mass in Brixton

see ya there
ps i will be wearing my favourite t-shirt that says FUNKY on, so come and say hello!!!
i thought that this was a brilliant piece of writing and that it was a shame for it to slip onto the second page
discodude said:
When a tragedy happens I hope that people like Mssrs Tong and Gaurnier will be able to justify dancing some mothers’ child into an early grave.

surely its not the djs fought but the club owners.
Robo said:
discodude said:
When a tragedy happens I hope that people like Mssrs Tong and Gaurnier will be able to justify dancing some mothers’ child into an early grave.

surely its not the djs fought but the club owners.

its everyones fault really....
but the truth is its the djs people go to see...
when the stones had that free concert in LA where they got the Hells Angels to do security and they beat a few kids to death everyone blamed them and to right to.
If i was a big name dj i would not play in clubs that create a health risk for punters in the way that Pacha does... its just nor right and in that situation if i played a wicked set that ended with some poor soul dead i wouldnt be able to live with myself... i just wouldnt
good enough response robo?
to be honest, and i am being honest i'm 'taking' that explanation.

i say boycott each club for 1 week. that ain't gonna happen i know, but its the only why its gonna teach the money grabbing bastards.

anyway, this debate is boring me now.
