8) Well it was my time at last. I am pushing 30 so thought it was about time to see what all the fuss was about. Anyway I needed a holiday badly and as I love caning it almost as much as I love house music… a holiday on the legendry island of Ibiza with a couple of me favourite boys seemed perfect.
We were away to escape the stress of London life so the two Irish lads and me arrived at Heathrow too late and like absolute geeks missed our flight to Barcelona and as a result the connection to Ibiza. Stress levels were out of control now.
Four hours later than expected and 100 quid down (each) we touched down on the island. Rio’s bankcard was retained by the machine at the airport adding a nice touch to a crappy day. We then made it to our hotel, Mar Blau, by taxi. The humidity and heat was very intense indeed and the room had no aircon. If you go to Ibiza this time of year make absolutely sure that you get aircon.
Straight out…. we had a few drinks in a bar recommended to us. Bar Zuka is above the Base Bar literally. It is a small cool bar with nice varied summer beats and an English owner who will look after you like he was your older brother. They have a balcony over looking the Base Bar but drinks are like half the price. We stopped by for a few drinks there before going out pretty much every night.
What with all the work stress leading up to the holiday and the heat and booze we staggered back to the hotel at about four. With the help of a couple of thrills we managed to stay up for a couple of hours tokin’ the sunrise. I was beginning to get the sense of that Balearic feeling but I was very tired. The heat and the humidity pulled me out of my fragile sleep around midday so I roused the boys and stoned as lords we sauntered into Ibiza town for some eats and shopping. By about 3 the streets were deserted and the heat and humidity were so intense it was like we had been caught in the ray of some bizarre new weapon that enveloped us in a thick hot gel that made it ten times more difficult to move. A taxi was needed to bring us home.
Out on the balcony caning it as the afternoon wore on. The phrase of the holiday was coined there. “There is no point in people back home thinking that we are caners if we don’t cane it”. So cane it we did. Nose candy to keep us from falling asleep and reefers for the heck of it. Choons on that balcony sounded better than ever before. Must be that we were going Balearic.
So it was Friday night and we were in Ibiza…. WOW. But it was too hot and humid to have the swing in my hips I had envisaged. We had a couple drinks at Bar Zuka and watched the eye candy down below. Then we had a few more drinks at the Spin Bar and got some thrills off a geezer a little while later. We then walked round the harbour to the famous Pacha. We stopped on the way for a reefer or two and for me to spew. Thrills and Spills ya know. Maybe it was the barmy weather and preceding lack of sleep but these thrills left us f*cked and unable to move. We spent the next three hours on the couch in the entrance area of Pacha listening to the choons coming from the main room. I had a couple of wanders to check out the vibe. It was rocking. I was too f*cked to join in properly but Pete Tong and Laurent Gaurnier had the ravers absolutely bopping even in that heat. I managed a bit of a boogy in the global houseroom, which is just to the right before you go into the main room. Well worth a check out. There was some pretty mad mixing going on that night and much more room to dance. I have heard about Pacha for years. In London I am used to going out dancin’ in clubs were the punter is respected. So the vibe in the club amongst clubbers and between the djs was sweet and just like it should be. Dance culture is a lot about the sense of community that thrills bring. But the attitude of Pacha as a club absolutely stinks. 50 Euros to get in and 8 Euros for a water. These people should be utterly ashamed of themselves. Paying that much to get into a club and that is rammed pack full with too many punters and bar staff and bouncers who act like they are doing you a favour. The conditions created are a health risk. Some 18 year old little raver is going to go over there on his or her dream hols and run out of money pretty quickly and then be unable to drink water in clubs! In forty Celsius plus heat with outrageous humidity and a belly full of thrills… it is a recipe for disaster. So even though I did go to more big clubs and Pacha again before I left I won’t again. When a tragedy happens I hope that people like Mssrs Tong and Gaurnier will be able to justify dancing some mothers’ child into an early grave.
Met some really mashed gals from Blighty. One said the other had “her drink spiked”. Possible because she was an absolute mess but also could be that she had got some of the same mind blower thrills we had got.
Back to the hotel for some sitting very still on the balcony chain-smoking reefers whilst sweating like a whore with a mortgage. After only a couple hours of sleep we spruced ourselves up and powdered our noses. Back to the Zuka bar for a long sit on the balcony and lots of drinks (I was on the water by now). At about 3 we caught the boat across the harbour to El Devino. It was pretty cool and a fantastic way to arrive at a club. It was Hed Kandi night and I was pretty excited. I have almost every single Hed Kandi cd and cheesy groovy funky vocal house really rocks my boat. I like the music they played and a good few dances but it was much harder than I expected. It is rather annoying going to a Hed Kandi night knowing almost all the choons on there cds and only recogsising one choon all night. It was harder version of that one that goes “I’ve got peace in my soul, I’ve got love making me whole…. Since you opened up your heart and shined on me”. I very rarely get the music I listen to at home in clubs. But on thrills and in clubs like the hard stuff and get really bopping. I wasn’t expecting to do that on that night. Feel like it was a bit of false advertising fellas. Good night though must admit. Sexy dancers… very sexy indeed. Even the one that couldn’t dance!!!!
We were going the famous Space on Sundays so we tried to get to bed early. But it was pushing 8 by the time I spun into sweaty unconsciousness.
We arrived at Space at about 5 and the terrace was absolutely rocking. Best vibe I have ever seen and absolutely spanking hard summer choons. I lurved it big time. Even the 50 euro entrance sting and aggressive bouncer couldn’t spoil this for me. The vibe there me reminded me of what it must have been like in the early days of thrilling. Off your face in some field in Surrey in Summer 89 (the love one) just moving your hips for the heck of the base line. And knowing warm smiles all round. Every one gurning in the sunshine to choons that warm the heart and send a chill down the spine. Magical. We got some spanking thrills there on the terrace and I did my usual wander through the crowd whilst mashed. It is one of the things that good thrills do to me…. Weird but I prefer to dance with strangers or more correctly “new friends” when really flying…. And that I did. Me and the boys, as experienced thrillers had a meeting point to where we would periodically meet. I loved Space so much and would recommend it too anyone. Brill…..
As my fun glands were approaching full over load I decided to try and find the boys and see if they were good and groovy. Walking back to the terrace from the bar I noticed an absolute stunning lady wearing and apron…. I don’t go clubbing to pull gals I go for the choons and the dancin and the come down chatting with my mates and new friends met .BUT must admit that I have only ever felt butterflies like that in my tummy on meeting some-one twice before…. once led to a five year relationship and the other I got completely wrong and nothing happened! But I blew the chance of ever finding out about this one. I asked if she could cook me some dinner (her and her mates had got these cooking aprons with stuff on --- pretty cool and a bit zany – I liked it) and she obliged … cooking with her imaginary “pot”… we soon established that we were like minded thrillers from Blighty and currently leading the most fun part of our double lives… She was lovely and blatantly flirting… and I should have got her number or asked her to come dance with me or something other than just “seeya gotta go find the boys”. Maybe it was the thrills and the sun but looks like I will never know anyway … (If you are called Sarah and was on the terrace on a Sunday… two weeks 2 days and about 16hours ago last wearing an apron and chatting to a disco dude looking like an absolute geek dressed in white…then reply to this if you fancy a drink sometime
Found the boys and went to Bora Bora which was now closed. We had a couple of biftas there and headed back to town for another crack at El Divino for Defected in the house, with Miguel Migs and Jay J. Absolutely cracking. Cheesy vocal funky house choons often with live PAs. Brilliant…actually a lot like what I was hoping Hed Kandi was gonna be like. Far too f*cked to dance though but well into sitting outside listening to the choons…..
We were too mashed and too tired to be able to going early enough for DC10, which we had heard so much about and so we went to Bar Zuka until it closed and then me and one of the boys went for another quick crack at Pacha. Wasn’t impressed by Roger Sanchez in the main room at all. Probably coz there was absolutely nowhere to dance. Had a good old explore and found these stairs leading up from the global house room to a very cool roof top terrace and then loads of exits going into either a very funky small house room or into good spots in the main room…. Too expensive and too pretentious for me to ever go again… I am not a two cherry man and will certainly be downloading their cds and not buying them from now on.
So we were into our last day on the island. The next day we were to take the ferry to Barcelona and meet up with of the lad’s bird and then head of into rural Spain for a chill out. I hadn’t had enough though. Especially after I had seen a flyer for Soul Heaven/Southport weekender in the Bar Zuka. Just my thing and yup you have guessed it … cheesy groovy vocal house… So I booked a room at the hotel Es Vive and booked a flight to meet up with the boys in Barcelona the next day.
We spent our last night actually inside the old town in a really nice restaurant. No clubbing just food and a few drinks at a nearby bar. We stumbled home. A last few smokes and we crashed out an hour before the boys had to catch the ferry. The alarms on their phones went off and I was out of bed like Mr motivator. I wanted them on that ferry. I was proned for solo adventure and did not want to have them stressing me out with “how do we get to Barcelona” woes.
So we checked out and got a cab to the ferry port. Now I don’t know what the problem was but the cab driver lady was very aggressive and rude almost threatening and had a blatant problem with folk from blighty. If ever in ‘beefa DO NOT get into a cab with the number plat “IB 0775 DT”. Glad I remembered that.
So the boys were off and it cooled down almost immediately and the humidity dropped. HAH I thought. I caught a taxi to San Antonio to pick up my plane ticket. Got a bus back. A bit of shopping and then the hotel Es Vive. WOW the place to stay really. Very cool and just perfect of old timer thrillers like me. I spaced out by the pool sipping diet coke and watching the eye candy lolling about in and around the pool. When my room was ready I went up and had a massive bifta and watched the telly for the first time in a week. Had a terrific burger from room service and then crashed out for an hour or so. Wake up call for my massage down in the massage parlour. FANTASTIC. Then up for a shower and a smarten up and some NC and out for one last boogy. Went to Bar Zuka for a goodbye drink with Mark who asked ever so nicely not to “f*** it up completely” on the last night and to be careful please. What kind of service is that from a bar? Wonderful. Then off to Pin-UP for Soul Heaven. Got there midnight=ish and it wasn’t full at all upstairs on the terrace. Did a couple of thrills and sat there drinking watching the folk arrive as I sipped water. Finally got the energy to go downstairs which was air contastic. HOORAH and so not that many people. Was totally groovy… Met loads of cool people who were more than happy to share thrills for nose candy and so I got more and more mashed and those beats just grooved me to where I needed to be. My hips swung like a pair of greasy German wife swappers. Oh I was flying and danced until I had to stop for the wretching. Met a cool gang from blighty and special thanks to Ness, Rich and Ria for befriending me and introducing me to their gang… Was good to see other people signing along to those funky choons. Yeah yeah I know…not that bling…. Groovy though. BEST NIGHT…. Brilliant brilliant brilliant.
Met some cool ladies from south London who came back to my hotel room to help me finish my supplies. Then headed off to the airport after only another hours sleep. BROKEN… into the arms of my mates and so began the recovery…
Will be back to ‘beefa before long but will do it a bit differently. Slower easier and less of the big club madness. Its all good though except for the greedy capitalist club owners who have hijacked our sub-culture for their gain at a cost to our health! If you can get what I am saying here… “Go Balearic but, if you can help it, don’t pay the piper”.
We were away to escape the stress of London life so the two Irish lads and me arrived at Heathrow too late and like absolute geeks missed our flight to Barcelona and as a result the connection to Ibiza. Stress levels were out of control now.
Four hours later than expected and 100 quid down (each) we touched down on the island. Rio’s bankcard was retained by the machine at the airport adding a nice touch to a crappy day. We then made it to our hotel, Mar Blau, by taxi. The humidity and heat was very intense indeed and the room had no aircon. If you go to Ibiza this time of year make absolutely sure that you get aircon.
Straight out…. we had a few drinks in a bar recommended to us. Bar Zuka is above the Base Bar literally. It is a small cool bar with nice varied summer beats and an English owner who will look after you like he was your older brother. They have a balcony over looking the Base Bar but drinks are like half the price. We stopped by for a few drinks there before going out pretty much every night.
What with all the work stress leading up to the holiday and the heat and booze we staggered back to the hotel at about four. With the help of a couple of thrills we managed to stay up for a couple of hours tokin’ the sunrise. I was beginning to get the sense of that Balearic feeling but I was very tired. The heat and the humidity pulled me out of my fragile sleep around midday so I roused the boys and stoned as lords we sauntered into Ibiza town for some eats and shopping. By about 3 the streets were deserted and the heat and humidity were so intense it was like we had been caught in the ray of some bizarre new weapon that enveloped us in a thick hot gel that made it ten times more difficult to move. A taxi was needed to bring us home.
Out on the balcony caning it as the afternoon wore on. The phrase of the holiday was coined there. “There is no point in people back home thinking that we are caners if we don’t cane it”. So cane it we did. Nose candy to keep us from falling asleep and reefers for the heck of it. Choons on that balcony sounded better than ever before. Must be that we were going Balearic.
So it was Friday night and we were in Ibiza…. WOW. But it was too hot and humid to have the swing in my hips I had envisaged. We had a couple drinks at Bar Zuka and watched the eye candy down below. Then we had a few more drinks at the Spin Bar and got some thrills off a geezer a little while later. We then walked round the harbour to the famous Pacha. We stopped on the way for a reefer or two and for me to spew. Thrills and Spills ya know. Maybe it was the barmy weather and preceding lack of sleep but these thrills left us f*cked and unable to move. We spent the next three hours on the couch in the entrance area of Pacha listening to the choons coming from the main room. I had a couple of wanders to check out the vibe. It was rocking. I was too f*cked to join in properly but Pete Tong and Laurent Gaurnier had the ravers absolutely bopping even in that heat. I managed a bit of a boogy in the global houseroom, which is just to the right before you go into the main room. Well worth a check out. There was some pretty mad mixing going on that night and much more room to dance. I have heard about Pacha for years. In London I am used to going out dancin’ in clubs were the punter is respected. So the vibe in the club amongst clubbers and between the djs was sweet and just like it should be. Dance culture is a lot about the sense of community that thrills bring. But the attitude of Pacha as a club absolutely stinks. 50 Euros to get in and 8 Euros for a water. These people should be utterly ashamed of themselves. Paying that much to get into a club and that is rammed pack full with too many punters and bar staff and bouncers who act like they are doing you a favour. The conditions created are a health risk. Some 18 year old little raver is going to go over there on his or her dream hols and run out of money pretty quickly and then be unable to drink water in clubs! In forty Celsius plus heat with outrageous humidity and a belly full of thrills… it is a recipe for disaster. So even though I did go to more big clubs and Pacha again before I left I won’t again. When a tragedy happens I hope that people like Mssrs Tong and Gaurnier will be able to justify dancing some mothers’ child into an early grave.
Met some really mashed gals from Blighty. One said the other had “her drink spiked”. Possible because she was an absolute mess but also could be that she had got some of the same mind blower thrills we had got.
Back to the hotel for some sitting very still on the balcony chain-smoking reefers whilst sweating like a whore with a mortgage. After only a couple hours of sleep we spruced ourselves up and powdered our noses. Back to the Zuka bar for a long sit on the balcony and lots of drinks (I was on the water by now). At about 3 we caught the boat across the harbour to El Devino. It was pretty cool and a fantastic way to arrive at a club. It was Hed Kandi night and I was pretty excited. I have almost every single Hed Kandi cd and cheesy groovy funky vocal house really rocks my boat. I like the music they played and a good few dances but it was much harder than I expected. It is rather annoying going to a Hed Kandi night knowing almost all the choons on there cds and only recogsising one choon all night. It was harder version of that one that goes “I’ve got peace in my soul, I’ve got love making me whole…. Since you opened up your heart and shined on me”. I very rarely get the music I listen to at home in clubs. But on thrills and in clubs like the hard stuff and get really bopping. I wasn’t expecting to do that on that night. Feel like it was a bit of false advertising fellas. Good night though must admit. Sexy dancers… very sexy indeed. Even the one that couldn’t dance!!!!
We were going the famous Space on Sundays so we tried to get to bed early. But it was pushing 8 by the time I spun into sweaty unconsciousness.
We arrived at Space at about 5 and the terrace was absolutely rocking. Best vibe I have ever seen and absolutely spanking hard summer choons. I lurved it big time. Even the 50 euro entrance sting and aggressive bouncer couldn’t spoil this for me. The vibe there me reminded me of what it must have been like in the early days of thrilling. Off your face in some field in Surrey in Summer 89 (the love one) just moving your hips for the heck of the base line. And knowing warm smiles all round. Every one gurning in the sunshine to choons that warm the heart and send a chill down the spine. Magical. We got some spanking thrills there on the terrace and I did my usual wander through the crowd whilst mashed. It is one of the things that good thrills do to me…. Weird but I prefer to dance with strangers or more correctly “new friends” when really flying…. And that I did. Me and the boys, as experienced thrillers had a meeting point to where we would periodically meet. I loved Space so much and would recommend it too anyone. Brill…..
As my fun glands were approaching full over load I decided to try and find the boys and see if they were good and groovy. Walking back to the terrace from the bar I noticed an absolute stunning lady wearing and apron…. I don’t go clubbing to pull gals I go for the choons and the dancin and the come down chatting with my mates and new friends met .BUT must admit that I have only ever felt butterflies like that in my tummy on meeting some-one twice before…. once led to a five year relationship and the other I got completely wrong and nothing happened! But I blew the chance of ever finding out about this one. I asked if she could cook me some dinner (her and her mates had got these cooking aprons with stuff on --- pretty cool and a bit zany – I liked it) and she obliged … cooking with her imaginary “pot”… we soon established that we were like minded thrillers from Blighty and currently leading the most fun part of our double lives… She was lovely and blatantly flirting… and I should have got her number or asked her to come dance with me or something other than just “seeya gotta go find the boys”. Maybe it was the thrills and the sun but looks like I will never know anyway … (If you are called Sarah and was on the terrace on a Sunday… two weeks 2 days and about 16hours ago last wearing an apron and chatting to a disco dude looking like an absolute geek dressed in white…then reply to this if you fancy a drink sometime

Found the boys and went to Bora Bora which was now closed. We had a couple of biftas there and headed back to town for another crack at El Divino for Defected in the house, with Miguel Migs and Jay J. Absolutely cracking. Cheesy vocal funky house choons often with live PAs. Brilliant…actually a lot like what I was hoping Hed Kandi was gonna be like. Far too f*cked to dance though but well into sitting outside listening to the choons…..
We were too mashed and too tired to be able to going early enough for DC10, which we had heard so much about and so we went to Bar Zuka until it closed and then me and one of the boys went for another quick crack at Pacha. Wasn’t impressed by Roger Sanchez in the main room at all. Probably coz there was absolutely nowhere to dance. Had a good old explore and found these stairs leading up from the global house room to a very cool roof top terrace and then loads of exits going into either a very funky small house room or into good spots in the main room…. Too expensive and too pretentious for me to ever go again… I am not a two cherry man and will certainly be downloading their cds and not buying them from now on.
So we were into our last day on the island. The next day we were to take the ferry to Barcelona and meet up with of the lad’s bird and then head of into rural Spain for a chill out. I hadn’t had enough though. Especially after I had seen a flyer for Soul Heaven/Southport weekender in the Bar Zuka. Just my thing and yup you have guessed it … cheesy groovy vocal house… So I booked a room at the hotel Es Vive and booked a flight to meet up with the boys in Barcelona the next day.
We spent our last night actually inside the old town in a really nice restaurant. No clubbing just food and a few drinks at a nearby bar. We stumbled home. A last few smokes and we crashed out an hour before the boys had to catch the ferry. The alarms on their phones went off and I was out of bed like Mr motivator. I wanted them on that ferry. I was proned for solo adventure and did not want to have them stressing me out with “how do we get to Barcelona” woes.
So we checked out and got a cab to the ferry port. Now I don’t know what the problem was but the cab driver lady was very aggressive and rude almost threatening and had a blatant problem with folk from blighty. If ever in ‘beefa DO NOT get into a cab with the number plat “IB 0775 DT”. Glad I remembered that.
So the boys were off and it cooled down almost immediately and the humidity dropped. HAH I thought. I caught a taxi to San Antonio to pick up my plane ticket. Got a bus back. A bit of shopping and then the hotel Es Vive. WOW the place to stay really. Very cool and just perfect of old timer thrillers like me. I spaced out by the pool sipping diet coke and watching the eye candy lolling about in and around the pool. When my room was ready I went up and had a massive bifta and watched the telly for the first time in a week. Had a terrific burger from room service and then crashed out for an hour or so. Wake up call for my massage down in the massage parlour. FANTASTIC. Then up for a shower and a smarten up and some NC and out for one last boogy. Went to Bar Zuka for a goodbye drink with Mark who asked ever so nicely not to “f*** it up completely” on the last night and to be careful please. What kind of service is that from a bar? Wonderful. Then off to Pin-UP for Soul Heaven. Got there midnight=ish and it wasn’t full at all upstairs on the terrace. Did a couple of thrills and sat there drinking watching the folk arrive as I sipped water. Finally got the energy to go downstairs which was air contastic. HOORAH and so not that many people. Was totally groovy… Met loads of cool people who were more than happy to share thrills for nose candy and so I got more and more mashed and those beats just grooved me to where I needed to be. My hips swung like a pair of greasy German wife swappers. Oh I was flying and danced until I had to stop for the wretching. Met a cool gang from blighty and special thanks to Ness, Rich and Ria for befriending me and introducing me to their gang… Was good to see other people signing along to those funky choons. Yeah yeah I know…not that bling…. Groovy though. BEST NIGHT…. Brilliant brilliant brilliant.
Met some cool ladies from south London who came back to my hotel room to help me finish my supplies. Then headed off to the airport after only another hours sleep. BROKEN… into the arms of my mates and so began the recovery…
Will be back to ‘beefa before long but will do it a bit differently. Slower easier and less of the big club madness. Its all good though except for the greedy capitalist club owners who have hijacked our sub-culture for their gain at a cost to our health! If you can get what I am saying here… “Go Balearic but, if you can help it, don’t pay the piper”.