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Flight was delayed so we finally arrived at resort at around 4am Saturday morning. We popped to the shop just up the road for munchies and water and they also done a good array of Chinese dishes which would come in handy for late munchies for Joey. Impressions of Coventry Airport was that it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be but I wont be travelling on a budget airline again because I didn’t get the lovely free meal and we were delayed 30 mins.


Woke up early and went down to get some tanning time in at Savannah. It was quite windy so it was nice to be sat there drinking san Miguel and sangria. I spoke to the manager about dj’s during the day and he said that they just play a CD so I wangled Joey a 3 hour spot there the following day and then for the rest of the holiday we had free drinks – result.

We went back down to our loungers and I sat with my eyes closed with the wind blowing through my hair and the warm sun shining down on my face and it was nice to be there again and with the one man that I love and wanted to experience this with.

We watched our first sunset at Savannah’s and it was fantastic, we also got a henna tattoo done too which we were told would last up to 3 weeks, more like 6 days.

We bumped into someone that we know from London which was nice but Ibiza has the strange thing of doing that.

After the sunset we went up to the room to get ready and then we headed over in a taxi to Pikes Hotel. It was so beautiful at night with the pool all lit up and the candles on the tables. Me & Joey both had Gazpatcho each to start and then I had lamb chops and Joey had the BBQ buffet which consisted of 2 steaks, chicken, sausages, 2 lamb chops. We both then shared a chocolate cake and washed it down with a lovely chardonnay and it come to 105 euros which was all worth it and the service was excellent with friendly staff.

After the meal we then went back to the hotel for an early night.


Woke up mega early and went to sunbathe outside Savannah again while Joey played a set at pm until 5pm. After this we both went and had a little nap before heading over to Kumharas for dinner.

I had the spring roles with spicy curry dip and Joey had Chicken Satay. For a main Joey had the prawn curry and I had salmon steak which was supposed to be medium but it was still quite raw inside so we swapped and Joey had mine and I had his after he ate all the prawns in the curry. We both shared a traditional Spanish pyramid dessert and had 2 bottles of chardonnay which come to around 70 euros.

I took Joey to Orange corner and then onto Bar M and by this stage we were a little giddy and I was doing my moon walking so I was quite gone. It was 3am and we stupidly thought it would be okay to buy tkts for judgment Sunday and go in the funky room. All very well and good but not when you only stay for hours and im sick at the bar.

We left at 5am and headed back where I died until the next morning


I was a little hard to get out of bed the next day and it was also a little cloudy so we decided to give Forentera a miss, it started to rain a little bit but we just chilled in the lovely comfy chairs at Savannah for a little bit until the clouds dispersed and we done a couple of hours sunbathing and then went to get ready for dinner.

There was no water at the hotel all day which I was told at the reception there was no water in the whole of town. We had to improvise and boil the drinking water in the kettle.

I took Joey to Villa Mercedes because it was the only place in San An that I could think of that was semi decent and not far. I wished that we never went at all, the service was terrible and the food wasn’t that great too. It was also very over priced for what it was. I had chicken with pepper sauce and I can’t really remember what else we had because the whole thing didn’t really stick in my mind as memorable. I won’t be going here again.

We went to Bar M for a quick couple of drinks and then we went back to the hotel where we tried to get some sleep among the many hours of someone kicking their door in and other shouts and screams from people that had obviously never been on holiday before.


Got up very early and headed over to Ibiza town so we could get the ferry over to Formentera. We got the 12pm ferry and it was returning at 4.30pm which was a shame but we made the most of it anyway.

We got over there after an hour and went straight for something to eat at a lovely restaurant called Sa Sequi. We both had Gazpatcho to start and I had spaghetti bolognaise and Joey had fried squid washed down with a lovely jug of sangria. The Whole thing came to 45 euro. We decided not to go all the way to the beach because we didn’t have much time so we found our own little private cove so I said to Joey that I could go naked and he said no and that I could only go topless.

We went into the sea and I cut my foot on a rock which was really painful but the little lizard thing that was running over our feet took my mind off it. We started to head back and get ready for dinner where our friend was going to take us over to Es Vedra.

We watched the sunset at Savannah with a lovely cocktail and waited for our friend to arrive and then he drove us over to Es Vedra. I was glad to get out of the car because he wasn’t the bestest of drivers. We went to a restaurant / hotel that was on a hill overlooking Es Vedra, it was Es Boldado. I had the lamb chops which were really nice and we had lots more chardonnay. The view was spectacular, the moonlight shining on the water around the Es Vedra rock. We tried to take some pictures but they didn’t come out. Both guys had Paella and kept shoving the big prawny things at me, making them dance on the table.

We went over to Space to see the Carl Cox closing party, it was good to see the new terrace but that was it. The music was shit in the main room so we went to terrace to see Giles Peterson and then we went after 2 hours leaving our friend behind.
We went to the Savannah funky room for a couple of drinks and I felt so much more comfortable and then after a bottle of san Miguel I got very drunk and we started to take silly pictures.


Got up to a cloudy and over cast day but it wasn’t so bad because Joey was playing at Orange Corner today so I knew we’d be pretty much covered. It went really dark at one stage and started spitting but towards the end the sun came back out again.

We started off the day at Mambo’s where we had breakfast. I asked for an English breakfast to be greeted with a breakfast bagel which was actually quite nice, washed it down with a lovely freshly squeezed orange juice. Joey opted for a fruit platter, also with a glass of orange juice which came out sour, must have been a bad orange.

It was lovely to meet Jamie properly and he’s such a sweet guy. Joey played really well apart from a couple of slip ups at the start but I think all dj’s need to get used to the equipment they are playing on to start with. I could tell that Joey was enjoying his set because everything after this went very smooth and the tunes were vv good. He played an extra hour and half than he should of and then we went back to the hotel to get ready for our dinner reservations at Pacha and Subliminal.

When we got back to the hotel Joey told me that during the day when he went back up to the room to get something someone was in our room. Joey made him empty all his pockets before he let him leave the room. He said that he was in the wrong room but it was quite clear that he had got in through the balcony door and where we were situated it was very easy for him to have climbed up. It was my fault for leaving the patio door open.

On the evening we went back to Orange Corner for a drink and a chat with Jamie and then headed over to Pacha Restaurant to start on the wine at the bar. We were seated in one of those tables that faced everyone else so we were sat next to each other too which was a really nice place to sit.

I didn’t have a starter because I wanted to leave room for my main which was going to be lamb, hehe. Joey had some sort of fish thing for his starter and also some sort of fish thing for his main. We both had a bottle of Rose that we couldn’t finish and then had one of their famous desserts. Joey had the crème Brule and I had some apricot thing. I have always rated the food and service at Pacha and this year once again it was the highlight of the holiday. The whole thing came to 126 euros.

When we went into the club I showed Joey around who was very impressed with the décor and just how beautiful it is. The bar staff as rude as ever took out first drink order as just a bottle of coke when I infact asked for a vodka and coke and small bottle of cava. She got quite arsey with me when I had to correct her so we just stuck to water after that which was just as well considering how we were going to be feeling a little bit later on.

We went into the Hip Hop room and stayed there all night. It was such a good atmosphere with room to dance and they had break dancers. Joey said I looked like a little old man dancing along but I had lost all feeling in my body at this point. We both went up to the terrace at around 4am and sat talking for what felt like ages as Joey felt the effects properly for the first time, I was beginning to think he was immune.

We left at around 5am and got a taxi back to San An and it looked like it had been raining. When we got back we twitched for ages while trying to get to sleep. Joey said that he’s had the most bizarre dream about Chewie and the waitress from Savannah. Chewie was sat on the bed talking to him as clear as day.


We struggled to get out of bed today, still feeling the effects of the night before. We weren’t hungry but got the munchies so we went to the little restaurant accoss the road from the hotel. I had egg and chips and Joey had a full English. Neither of us finished it but what we did have of it was nice.

We spent the day at the regular haunt of Savannah’s and at around 4pm went up to the room for a little nap before out Curry @ The Curry Club.

Neither of us was really all that hungry but we really wanted to eat it because it smelt and looked so good. We both shared what we had and had a chicken bhuna and chicken curry between us with a lovely bottle of Mateus Rose. The Rose went down better than the food. Tonight was supposed to be our cheesy night in the west end but we both decided to call it a night and go back to the apartment for some sleep.


Got up all bright eyed and bushy tailed from our night’s sleep which co-incidentally is never a full night’s sleep when your staying in a club 18-30’s hotel. We went to Mambo’s and stayed there most of the day and had another breakfast bagel which was again very yummy and Joey joined me this time and agreed that they were very nice.

When we went for breakfast we went down to Savannah and we both popped out beach towels on the loungers along with our lotions while we went to Mambo for breakfast. When we come back just my beach town and oil had gone. I was livid that someone so pathetic thought it was rather funny to do so but then I reminded myself that while im in San An I have to expect this kind of pathetic behaviour.

I made some comment directed to some pikey lad sat down by our loungers about pikey scum etc etc and then moved to Mambo’s.

Stayed outside Mambo’s all day and baked in the sun, tan was coming along quite nicely at this stage and I was quite happy.

We went back up to the apartment to get ready and fought with the water pressure, Joey had to boil to kettle again to wash my hair in the sink because the shower had cut out on me again – grrrrrrrrrr.

We headed down to Mambo’s to watch the sunset and had a jug of sangria which was very strong and I struggled to get up from the sand afterwards. Wobbling down the road we were still quite early so I took Joey to the west end to have a drink and we came across a bar that was playing the Simpsons so we got a vodka red bull each which came to a staggering 3 euro’s each and I nearly fell off my chair when I heard and watched 2 episodes.

I stood up trying to put one foot in front of the other and made a declaration of drinking water for the rest of the night.

We headed down towards the taxi rank in San An and there were some people trying to push in front of the woman in front of us. They then went to stand on the other side of the road so i said “Stand on the f*****g correct side of the road” and I was quite vocal with it but it wasn’t until afterwards I realised how I must have looked – like I fitted in.

We arrived at km5 and went to the bar to wait for Rachel and Rob to arrive, I ordered a cocktail – oh dear. I had sent Rob a txt earlier in the day just to check if he was going to come and I never got a reply so when they came up to us I was very happy to see them. They had managed to keep our reservations which was great and we ordered a bottle of vino sol and ordered our mains. I had the steak fillet which I will say was the best steak I have ever eaten. I was struggling to hold my knife and fork and sit up straight so I dread to think what Rachel must have thought of me, im not normally such a bad lady at the table. We had desserts and then went to locate Nostrum who was sitting chilling out with his friends. Found him and shared another bottle of wine. We left at around 12.30pm because we had guest list entry for Pure Pacha and apparently they can be quite funny with you so our Italian friend came with us and we left for Pacha.

I was so looking forward to seeing the lovely Pete Tong all holiday and I was disappointed that they don’t play the Radio One show over at Mambo’s at Friday anymore even though he was up there I couldn’t see him to perv.

As soon as Tong came on I was down at the front with a perfect view so I could see him. I was being all stalker-ish and put my hand up and he touched it – how happy was I for the rest of the night. He kept looking down and smiling at me but I secretly think he must have thought who is this mad person that keeps on staring at me. Joey didn’t help matter when he typed into his phone “My girlfriend is in love with you”, I could have died but he saw the funny side. The music was sooooooo good, we danced away all night and the tunes he played were dirty and I liked it, hehe.

We left at 5.30am and it was raining yet again when we left. We were in the hotel reception waiting for the key and Son of Smurf came down the stairs pretending to be the receptionist and I believed him.

He came up to our room until 8am and chatted about his mate that kept pooing his pants and other random things. We got into bed and I stayed there all day only managing to open my eyes and sit up at 5pm.


I went back to sleep until 8.30pm and then dragged myself up and got ready to meet up with Stonebridge, his lovely girlfriend and manager for dinner in Ibiza Town at a place called Bianca. It was pissing it down with rain and by the time we got to the restaurant even more so. We had to wait for the others to arrive and they didn’t have a table ready for us so we sat and drank some wine. The others arrived drenched through because they left the car a few streets down and walked. They set up a few tables just for us in the bar area which was really nice and intimate because it was just by ourselves. They all had the mussels which is why they all went because Stoney had them last year and had recommended them to us. I don’t eat that type of thing so settled for roast beef and that was all I got which I was really surprised about.

After dinner we went over to El Divino where Stoney was playing the 2am – 4am slot. I hate El Divino with a passion so I try and stay in the booth if I can but there was a few of us and I wanted Diane to be in there without any fuss so I came out and went to the terrace and got rained on. Diane joined me and Joey and got pushed together on the terrace which was the only place to breathe because it was yet again so packed in the main room. We left after Stoney played his set and then went back home.

I asked Joey if we could go to kfc on the way back because I was still hungy. On the way back to the hotel I had to walk through rivers of rain water and we got soaked through.

Sunday – Home time

We got up and checked out of the hotel and went for a little walk and it started to rain again so we took shelter in Gino Ginelli in San An for around 3 hours until it died down a bit. We went back to hotel where I tried to sleep on the sofa’s but another group of people came and sat down so we got up and went for another walk. We went over to Orange Corner for our last supper which consisted of chicken soup and garlic break because the waiter heard our order wrong and gave up soup instead of Gazpatcho.

We decided that even though it was only 7.30pm we would go to the airport because we were getting depressed knowing that we were going home. Joey kept saying good bye to everything we passed. We got to the airport at around 830pm where we sat and waited until it was time to come home at 2.30am. Once again the flight was delayed by about half and hour which I’ve come to the conclusion is because they only have 5 planes in total and why I’ll never be flying with them again.

We got home at 6am Monday morning and today is the first day back on work and it’s not so bad. I don’t feel so bad about being back but I think Joeys about to drown himself in the bath bless him. He said that he’s never felt so relaxed on a holiday before and that’s exactly what I wanted him to do. We both needed it.

Am I going back next year? . . . maybe 2007.
Leese said:
great review mambs 8) shame about the rain :confused:
Any ideas where you may go next year?
Any pics??

Next year id like to go to Florida but if we go it would have to be beginning of year because of weather so thats out of the question. Joeys going to take me skiing next year, maybe towards end of year september time. If we go somewhere hot it will be June/July time - possibly mallorca or something like that.

Ive had enough of Ibiza for a bit now.

We took pics but the computer still isnt set up at home, i may bring the card into work with me tomorrow and DL them here :D
I treid my lingo on a waitress at savanahs. something along the lines of que guapa(cant spell), she then said she was a lion made some clawing movements, meeowed and came back with a free whiskey?

Must try that one again.

:lol: :lol:
nice .... that rain was really something huh
reading that just made me really hungry and since i havent really eaten since friday i think i am gonna have to get on the food case
oh i wish there was a way to order roast beef like you can pizza
x-amount said:
russ said:

good to know you eat well. ;)

Haha. :lol: That just made me laugh out loud at my screen

Yes, i like to eat when im on holiday and not take copious amounts of drugs and go to a different club every night and get wasted when i can do that back home :rolleyes: :lol:

Not taking the mick like :confused:
mambobirdette said:
x-amount said:
russ said:

good to know you eat well. ;)

Haha. :lol: That just made me laugh out loud at my screen

Yes, i like to eat when im on holiday and not take copious amounts of drugs and go to a different club every night and get wasted when i can do that back home :rolleyes: :lol:

You and me both.

It's that Damian fella...
So...are you finally gonna give up on shitty San an now mate? :eek: :lol:

Rain rain go away!
mambobirdette said:
Joey said that he’s had the most bizarre dream about Chewie and the waitress from Savannah. Chewie was sat on the bed talking to him as clear as day.

im quite worried.

at least i made it over. of sorts.

silvia said:
Close... Buenas noches :lol: :lol:

Nice review, Mambo, altho I miss some proper beaches in it ;)

Thanks ;)

I know Sil, i didnt even make a beach @ Formentera :cry:. Joey didnt want to move anywhere else during the day and as it was his first time over i let him off.