Must have Items for holiday to Ibiza......

sharcker said:
Don't forget the Condoms... :twisted:

club guide, bank card, i.d other than passport, and some alternative music other dance i.e morning glory, libertines, and of corse porn mag for the hotel room.
Was going to a start a "What one essential item do you have to have with you in Ibiza" thread but this one will do......

So what one item do you HAVE to take (other than the obvs money, passport etc)
my "larger than usual one" holiday wallet.

Only place I really use cash regularly
Plenty of cornflakes.

A watch.

5 coins.

17 editions of Good Housekeeping.

Bubbles (various)

Spare teeth (you never know!)

Creams and ointments

Model trainset (Hornby)

My dissertation


Small envelopes

Line items

Unusual trays (2nr)

Leslie Grantham autograph (security)

A 1/2hp sump pump

Squares of meat (40% beef, 25% pork the rest Veal)

9 pieces of factual history from the Victorian Era (again, you never do know folks)

Thats all for now. If I think of any more items I will post as soon as I think of them..