Mucca gets £24.3 million


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Paul McCartney and Heather Mills in £24.3 million divorce

Beatles divorce is finally settled
Sir Paul McCartney will award £24.3 million to estranged wife Heather Mills after their protracted divorce settlement reached a conclusion today (March 17).

The hearing held at London's High Court marked the end of a long-running, public dispute between the pair.

Details about the settlement were also revealed showing that Mills had originally requested £125 million from her colapsed relationship with McCartney, whose initial offer was £15.8 million.

Speaking outside the hearing Mills said "it was an incredible result to secure mine and my daughter's future".

A spokeman for the ex-Beatle confirmed McCartney would not be commenting on the settlement, reports BBC News
Mucca is "so so happy" with £24million divorce deal Monday, 17 March 2008
Heather Mills reached a settlement of £24.3 million in her divorce deal with Sir Paul McCartney, it was revealed this afternoon.

The former model looked delighted as she addressed the media on the steps of London's High Court after the ruling on her divorce from Sir Paul McCartney.

She said: "It was an incredible result in the end. I am happy with the outcome. It was fair. I am glad its over and I hope this ruling is reported fairly and with balance.”

She added: "I will be appealing against the judgment being made public, not against the ruling. I just want to thank everybody, especially my sister for being so supportive for me.

"The Judge claimed that he (Sir Paul) is only worth £400m. But everyone knows that he's been worth £800m for the past 15 years.

"All of you who have researched know that it was always going to be a figure between 20 and 30 million. Paul was offering a lot less than that, which you'll see in the judgment, and very much last minute to put me and Beatrice sadly through this."

It was revealed that Sir Paul had initially offered £15.8 million, but Miss Mills eventually reached a settlement of £24.3 million.

“Paul wanted to send Beatrice to a public school, but he insisted we move out of the area. He got a voluntary demolition order to tear down the cabin so we moved to Brighton which forced us to move schools.

"That’s the school that Paul wanted. That’s what happens with powerful people."

And on rumours that she'll now choose to live abroad, Heather said: “I can’t leave England. I always wanted to keep my daughter beside her father, and believe me if I did want to move he’d (Sir Paul) would have an injunction against me.”

The warring couple spent six days in court in an acrimonious battle to decide the slice Miss Mills should have of the former Beatle's fortune after four years of marriage.

Mr Justice Bennett delivered the details of his decision in private at the High Court in London .

Some lawyers had claimed it could be the biggest contested divorce settlement in British legal history with a final payout of around £60 million.

But more conservative estimates put the figure at around £10 million because of the short duration of the marriage and the fact that most of Sir Paul's wealth was established decades before the couple met.

Even if one or both of the McCartneys decide to keep the divorce judgment a secret, the whole matter could come into the open if either side is unhappy with the ruling and decides to go to the Court of Appeal.

Appeal hearings of private Family Division cases are held in public so not only will the settlement be in the open, but also any deals covering gagging orders, security arrangements, properties, and custody of their four-year-old daughter, Beatrice.

While Sir Paul's legal team, headed by Fiona Shackleton who represented the Prince of Wales in his divorce, has reportedly denied he is worth £835 million, Miss Mills is alleging the figure is more than £1 billion.

The highest divorce payout awarded by a British court was the £48 million made to Beverley Charman after her 28-year marriage to insurance magnate John Charman. That sum came from the couple's total assets of £131 million.

Lawyers specialising in big-money payouts say agreements as high as £100 million have been reached privately.

Sir Paul, 65, married former model and charity campaigner Miss Mills, 40, in 2002, but they split four years later.
I've never quite understood why people think it's OK for the Sun to give this woman this nickname "Mucca".

I suppose she's no angel, but it seems quite cruel to me.
from what i saw she was moaning about paying 600 grand for the trial when she got 24mil,bit ridiculous surely?
well at least it didnt cost Sir Paul and arm and a leg...

he had to stump up whether he liked it or not...
yeah shes a bint of the highest order

i found myself shouting obscenties at the tv last night when her wee speech from the court steps was on the telly
I dunno... for all her insane ramblings, I feel sorry for her.

She's done nothing to help her cause, but the amount of crap she's taken from the media has certainly helped color public perceptions of her. After the split was first announced, you couldn't open the Sun online without seeing another story trashing the woman.
giving money for the welfare of a child should be done. How in 4 years did she think she earned the right to 50% of his wealth??????:?::eek: Some people think getting a divorce is like hitting the lottery. :twisted::twisted::twisted:
Judge has said she may have got more, but her case wasn't very well balanced, and in the end she didn't have a leg to stand on... ;););)
beatrice is quite lucky though:

rock legend father, fashion designer sister and a mum who will always be up for going out getting legless!!!
hang on...

the kid gets £35k a year for upkeep

and she was asking for £125k clothes allowance, while claiming its all for her kids future.

greedy money grabbing garden implement.
the judge said there was no evidence she'd given 80% of her salary to charity.

she said the accountant had forgotten to tick the right box. :confused:
saw this in the news last night

some of her desires were

£3m for a NYC home
£1m for a London home


£69,000 for wine (doesn't drink)
£100,000+ for horses (doesn't ride)
£670,000ish for charity work (£500,000 of which is flights)

those were per year!!!

i'm sure i saw that her sister was living in a pricey English property owned by paul and she wanted McCartney to transfer ownership to her sister whilst continuing to pay the mortgage!!!!

the woman is clearly insane
saw this in the news last night

some of her desires were

£3m for a NYC home
£1m for a London home


£69,000 for wine (doesn't drink)
£100,000+ for horses (doesn't ride)
£670,000ish for charity work (£500,000 of which is flights)

those were per year!!!

i'm sure i saw that her sister was living in a pricey English property owned by paul and she wanted McCartney to transfer ownership to her sister whilst continuing to pay the mortgage!!!!

the woman is clearly insane

This was all in The Sun today. Apparantly he did buy her sisters place and he also helped out some of her family with property and of course herself.
