Most embarrassing moment ever, ever, EVER!

I had one of these when seeing a lady a little my senior (~40). Her teenage daughter was out, leaving us to drink red wine and (IIRC) indulge in other tings and get jiggy. We decided eventually to go for it on the sofa. She was laid out naked, my arse was on display and I was just about to get to action when suddenly the living room door bursts open. There's the sound of a quick retreat and a lot of giggling from the teenage daughter and her pals. Fortunately, the lights were low and she would only really have seen me from behind. :oops:

So, if you have kids, leave a key in the door so they have to ring the bell. :spank:
I was living in Germany at the time. My girlfriend and I had gotten serious and it was meet the parents time. We were at here flat and nature took it course. She was going OOO jay ooo jay. The mother had a spare key and walked in to see us at it. Later that night was the dinner to meet the family. Her mother and family was calling me OJ for about 3 hours (I did not correct them). My girlfriend I think had enough and said mother his name is not OJ, it is just Jay spelling it out. The mother then said I heard you call him OJ; then turned red and stopped talking the girlfriend left the table. The rest of the family is looking around for answers I just closed my mouth and looked down. The mother gave no answer the silence was palpable. My tan was too good to blush.
I still bear the cross Buckers so not entirely forgotten no. :lol:

:confused: - Thought these days you just bare the cross, Robder :?:;)

Many moons ago in a student hovel my then girlfriend & I hadn't left the premises for a few days .. after a trip to the loo about mid-afternoon I came back, and getting sloppy by then had left the yale of my bedsit on the latch. Before long we were doing our joint impression of another scene from the classic Debbie Does Dallas when a bunch of 4 our mutual friends burst in ... rather caned.

Instead of b*ggering off as you'd think they would they proceeded to make themselves at home, getting drinks from the fridge and asking us whether they could change the channel on the telly :eek:. I thought if we just carried on they'd get the hint but in the end they didn't :confused: .. with the mood totally wrecked we packed it in for the day and left them to it ! Shortly after I decided it was time to learn to be more assertive over my "personal space" .. or get new friends :!:
This tired old thread again? :eek:

Buckers, I can buy you a compendium of erotic stories if you need stimulation. :lol:
My brothers first sexual experience at 16/17... he sneaks a girls home descibed later by my mother only as 'the whale'...he gets away with all the unspeakables, thinks he is home free....he gets out of bed at 7am on a saturday to walk hr the bus stop (ever the gentleman), bumps into my mother outside the bathroom and says he is walking his best mate to the bus stop (weird for a 17 yr old boy right?). My mother peered out of the lounge window to see 'him walking a whale in a far too short skirt down the street while she tried to grab his hand and bum and he shrugged away'. By the time he got back my mum had rang my dad, grandparents and aunties to describe his despicable behaviour (strict catholic family!) much to sniggering from me and my sister. Then we all got dragged to church on sunday.

Lesson learnt, never bring a boy/girl back for funny business to my mums house until married!