Most embarrassing moment ever, ever, EVER!


Active Member
Noooo! :eek:

This is soooo embarrassing I can't even bear to claim responsibility for my actions so please can we all pretend this story is about a mate of Robder's. ;) (Mind you, the damage is done and I'm ruined anyway so a little more humiliation won't make the blindest bit of difference.)

My 'friend's ;) :lol: blokey recently moved to a 2 bedroom flat with a couple of really sweet Taiwanese people. One of them, Patrick, is a teacher that works a lot at weekends so on Sunday morning 'they' ;) had the run of the house. Naturally, primal urges took over and before too long 'they' ;) were at it like rabbits & grunting like pigs. (I'll spare the gritty details for obvious reasons but 'they' ;) put on a right holy show)

Last night, 'they' ;) rocked up from a hardcore Sunday sesh in a REALLY sorry state to find that Patricks school was in fact on holiday and he was in the whole time. What's more, the bedroom door was wide open - bear in mind this is late morning getting towards lunch timeish - oh dear. Basically he heard everything.

(Every time I leave the room now, it feels like a walk of shame and we're both really traumatised. The husband has since apologised but Taiwanese flatmate completely denied hearing anything...what can you say in such a situation??? Oh my God I've never been so embarrassed in all my life. Please shoot me and make it quick.)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :oops: :oops: :oops:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: the two flatmates will be dinning out on this story from now till Easter....... :lol: :lol: :lol:

There is no escape for your "friends"...... just tell "them" to forget about it, too late to be embarassed now...... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:oops: Oh God noooo the shame!

They were proper porn star noises too! (or so I was told by my friends) If Patrick wasn't homophobic before, I'd say it's probably a dead cert now! :oops:

This furore could be worse than Sarah Sue & the biscuits AND Stuie's B___ review put together! :eek:
If it offended Patrick that much he could have always taken himself off out, it was a nice day yesterday, he could have gone for a walk or something, he obviously CHOSE to listen.
Leese said:
If it offended Patrick that much he could have always taken himself off out, it was a nice day yesterday, he could have gone for a walk or something, he obviously CHOSE to listen.

But he's really shy and coy...I think he was too scared to leave the flat (or even go to the toilet for that matter) before the aforementioned grunting pigs/pillow biters had left the flat. :confused: :lol:
Robder said:
Leese said:
If it offended Patrick that much he could have always taken himself off out, it was a nice day yesterday, he could have gone for a walk or something, he obviously CHOSE to listen.

But he's really shy and coy...I think he was too scared to leave the flat (or even go to the toilet for that matter) before the aforementioned grunting pigs/pillow biters had left the flat. :confused: :lol:

Poor man, your 'friend' has probably scarred him for life. I bet he's flat hunting as we type :lol: ;)
Leese said:
Poor man, your 'friend' has probably scarred him for life. I bet he's flat hunting as we type :lol: ;)

Exactly... he's probably more embarrased/scared of eye contact/whatever than you... I mean... your friend :lol:

I was once living in a 7-room (5-bedroom) flat with some friends and had one of my roommates and her visiting friends barge into my room while my girlfriend and I were..... busy. Made things a little uncomfortable for a while :confused:
MidlifeRaver said:
Robder said:
Morbyd said:

That's an understatement. I don't think I can ever show my face there again! :lol:

How do you know he saw your face ? :eek: :lol:

He gave a decription as 'had a curly moustache with a cigar in the mouth underneath'* :eek: :lol:

*Adapted from the joke ending 'See, I'm from the Mexican Secret Service too'
No - he went back to Taiwan and my 'friend' ;) :lol: has since moved on also.

I'm doing a can get the DVD free with a bag of chips down at Mr Cod on Cambridge Heath Rd.