
I read in a scientist magazine some months ago that mosquitos have a special ability when looking for warm bodies, and they even can distinguish among temperature differences of for example 36º C or 36.5º, then they tend to choose the warmest bodies. I mean people who have a warmer blood is what they prefer.
And I thought I had ice water running through my vains! Hee! Hee! Just joking. Very interesting tid bit of info though about the whole body heat thing!

If I was to smoke a lot of pot on my trip to keep the mosquitos away, I would probably freak out. I never really smoke pot unless I roll, otherwise I end up in a ball in the corner of the room freaking out! Hee! Hee! But hey, thanks Pachagirl for the advice. I think I am going to try the ointment/vitamin intake thing! I hope it works or at least keeps me from getting as many bites as I did last time! :D
Susie said:
If I was to smoke a lot of pot on my trip to keep the mosquitos away, I would probably freak out. I never really smoke pot unless I roll, otherwise I end up in a ball in the corner of the room freaking out!

You can get these great plug-ins which go into the plug socket and keep them at bay-plus humans can't even smell them. You can purchase them in most camping and outdoors stores.

That and lots of gin :lol:
Has anyone tried these plug-ins? Do they really work? I guess there's some that put out ultrasonic waves, and then there's the citronella kind. What works best?
My auntie stays in France and she swears by them in the bed rooms at night. You get a wee cardboard looking thing that slides into the plug-in, and you just change that every few nights. You can't smell them, and I've never had a bite while using one - definitely worth a try :D
MBmaverick said:
Has anyone tried these plug-ins? Do they really work? I guess there's some that put out ultrasonic waves, and then there's the citronella kind. What works best?

Yes, used them in Majorca and Tenerife and they worked. Didn't need to use them in Ibiza though.
if you stop eating all meat, fish & animal products & also all cooked food, the mosquitos are not interested in you anymore. a bit extreme though....although it might be healthy for a while, and in ibiza, food isnt always top of the agenday anyway. :P
Thank god i'm not the only one bitten...
Last year i stayed in the Jet Apartments & had over 90 mosquito bites, the first few days of my holiday were ruined as well as anyone around me, as i turned into the anti-christ!!

This year i took odourless garlic tablets one month before i went, and i only got a few, also get these individually wrapped repellent wipes in Boots, they work a treat post clubbing.

Hope this helps,

Sui. :)
Wow! 8O I never saw one mosquito in the whole time i was there.. :)

Maybe they dont come out so much until later in the season.. :?
Ah, the mosquitos. I depart for Ibiza in 1 week and I am already popping vitamin B pills and taking antihistamine pills so the little bugger bites won't swell and itch as much. I am sure that I will get bit, but I am just trying to take the precautions, so that my reaction to the bites isn't so horrible. I still hate those damn things! :evil:
I came back from staying in San An and only got bitten twice and that was once in San An and at the airport on the way home! I usually get bitten badly but was really suprised by the lack of mozzy's
Drinking gin and tonic will also keep them at bay (because of the quinine in the tonic water) and is a far more pleasant way of keeping the little blighters at bay than any lotion.

The plug-ins are a god send too.
The ‘Skin So Soft’ spray you get from Avon is a fantastic repellent, it works a million times better than all the other sprays you can buy.
Yeah, I've heard that's good for warding against midgies too (and there's bloody millions of them up here at the moment)