
Christ where are you lot going to eat and drink! Over a grand in a week in Spain?!?! 8O

If you want to do it on a budget you can spend as little as you like, staying in Self catering like Niko Apartments in San Eu and shopping at the hypermarket (Consum) outside of Ibiza town and going to the buffets you can spend about £50 to £60 on food per person for a week and eat well!

Find the cheap tickets to the clubs and you can do a couple of the big club nights for around £60 to £80 per person. There are also loads of cheap places to drink, espically if you like wine and local drinks like Snapps.
Me and my b/friend normally take about £3000 for a 2 week holiday and £1500 for a week holiday.

We got out clubbing virtually every night, I drink loads 8O :oops: :lol: and when we do eat (albeit it's not that often :lol: ) we eat in nice places and always get taxis everywhere but we're older now and as you earn more money I don't like to watch what we spend in Ibiza.

There's lots of ways to spend less in Ibiza (drink in your room before you go out instead of bars, get buses instead of taxis, have nights off clubbing etc) it's all down to personal choice and what you want to spend.