Mobile phones in clubs


Well-Known Member
Ok, so the selfie backlash isn't a new thing and so far in Ibiza, I've been pleasantly surprised by the lack of selfies or the dreaded selfie sticks.

However, what is with large numbers of people just standing in clubs looking bored, tapping away on their mobile phones? At Mosaic in Pacha last night, probably about a quarter of the people I could see, especially on the balcony, on the steps and around the bars, were just stood as if waiting for a bus, whilst on their phones, seemingly on Facebook.

FFS people - you're in one of the best clubs in the world and you're on Facebook!

It's bloody tragic and a total buzzkill especially when as with Mosaic, the lighting was so dark that the mood and atmosphere was ruined by the light from these idiots spending all night on their mobile phones.

One guy sat near us (not in VIP) had a table of drinks - bottle of Belvedere vodka, Moet, mixers... and he was sat down and glued to his phone for the hour we were dancing nearby. Great way to spend a night in Pacha!

I wish clubs had a 'phone zone' so people who want to do this could bugger off and not ruin the vibe for everyone else.

I'm pretty sure it wasn't anywhere near this bad at Space on Sunday, so perhaps it's a Pacha thing?
Maybe they should start taking them off you at the door like they used to the cameras.:cool:
When Iam dancing in a club, with my pals, enjoying the atmosphere and music I couldn't give a monkeys if anyone has a selfie stick or phone out' it certainly doesn't kill my vibe, I don't even notice.

The fact that you mention that the guy was on his phone for an hour, and you look around clocking people on the balcony etc on their phones says to me you may be quite a boring person to go raving with or that you have way, way to much time on your hands

Leave them alone, let their do their own thing.....and you stick to doing yours
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Not exactly a club, but the phones really annoyed me at the LCD Soundsystem Ibiza Rocks gig. Kinda spoils the atmosphere if people are just standing filming rather than participating.
The fact that you mention that the guy was on his phone for an hour, and you look around clocking people on the balcony etc on their phones says to me you may be quite a boring person to go raving with or that you have way, way to much time on your hands

Thanks, I love you too! :lol:

As mentioned above, the lighting at Mosaic was very dark so it was hard not to notice the shining lights virtually in my face all night.

Boring? As if!
As mentioned above, the lighting at Mosaic was very dark so it was hard not to notice the shining lights virtually in my face all night.

I still think you are exaggerating.....but it Was a bit harsh, God forbid I become as agressive as Dirk....
One phone in a dark cinema can properly distract from the immersive experience of a good film on a big screen. A decent night out in a dark nightclub can be disturbed similarly.

Thanks Buckley! This was exactly my point.
As mentioned above, the lighting at Mosaic was very dark so it was hard not to notice the shining lights virtually in my face all night.

I still think you are exaggerating.....but it Was a bit harsh, God forbid I become as agressive as Dirk....

f*** off you prick. Biggest fanny on here and if I ever meet you I will kick the f***in shite out of you.
When Iam dancing in a club, with my pals, enjoying the atmosphere and music I couldn't give a monkeys if anyone has a selfie stick or phone out' it certainly doesn't kill my vibe, I don't even notice.

The fact that you mention that the guy was on his phone for an hour, and you look around clocking people on the balcony etc on their phones says to me you may be quite a boring person to go raving with or that you have way, way to much time on your hands

Leave them alone, let their do their own thing.....and you stick to doing yours
True but last year at Pacha on Saturday we couldn't get to the dance floor because of row upon of people standing with phones taking pictures. I don't think that's acceptable.
Everyone has a right to do whatever they want in this world as long as it's within reason! But.... Ffs put your phone away in a nightclub. On the odd occasion I'll catch myself looking at my phone in a club, and I always say to myself put that away you nob your supposed to be here dancing and enjoying yourself.
Facebook message to all my 500 fake friends "I am currently throwing some shapes in a club in Ibiza woohoo"
Reality is no one really gives a f@&k and surely you can't be throwing shapes as your glued to your bloody phone!
I'd say ban all mobile phones everywhere, they are a f@&King nuisance. Wish they never was invented.
P.s im currently typing from my phone while relaxing in my evening bath. Can't live with it can't live without it!