.Miami 2004...


New Member
.....Anyone know the dates of the Winter Music Conference in Miami, next March........always wanted to check this out, and now i,ve got lots of friends in the USA, thanx to Ibiza,.....would like to hook up with them over there......need some dates though.......tanx........... :D
yeah it´s supposedly really entertaining and has nothing to do with a conference, more like "let´s get together party for all clubbing dance labels who like to get drunk and parteeey"..well........I´d love to go.
spunkymonkey said:
I was out there this year and it was 16th March to 22nd March.
Should be around the same time next year.

Will you be going with you mate Dave again next year Steve ;)

WMC is sooooooooooooo overrated...south beach is nice, but if u r expecting anything like Ibiza, u r in 4 a rude awakening....I live in toronto, and have gone there twice.....nothing 2 rave about...
i got that MOS summer dvd and it shows the
best partys that go on all year round
Miami winter confrence is top of the list
in mid march and it looks pretty good
wouldnt mind going 2 dat me self.
Mr D & I went this year, expecting an American Ibiza... em. No. It was hot. And expensive. Don't get me wrong... the music is dead on, and people are really there for the music. But I think it really is an industry thing. There's a lot of who's who and who are you with and VIP this, VIP that. And while there were cues to get into places, once you got in, they weren't slammed with shiny happies like at our beloved Space or Amnesia... and that's supposed to be the BIGGEST week of the year. It was flat out wierd.
The cool factor is you're hearing the tunes of the summer before anyone else and big times like Roger Sanchez or Pete Tong dropping them... but other than that, the vibe isn't the same. I think the problem is you have that week competing with college students down in Miami for spring break -- which is messy and not so cool -- for example if you think San An is deficient, those are the types that seek out party destinations for spring break (although Miami is LOADS less messy than Panama City or Cancun).
La Troya had a night there and it was probably 30% capacity... which is, well, wierd. The music was hot and dead on... but the ratio of security to clubbers was probably 1:3, which is really really bad and adds a certain layer of paranoia to what's already a wierd clubbing experience.
We were going to go to Space (there's one in Miami), which was just reopening -- the entry fee was $100 -- NO JOKE. There's no effing way I'm paying $100 to get into a club, and on top of that pay for drinks. Not a chance. Friends of ours went, said it was dead on, but come on. That's just a pi$$ take. When you've had the experience of a euphoric and FREE Bora Bora, and you go down to Miami and someone wants to charge you $100 to get IN to their club, no way. Plus, all of the entrance fees are jacked up for this week. We bought our tickets in advance for everything and still it was bs waiting in line at some places. For example, Oakenfold at Opium Garden... it was completely mad how many bodies were packed into that space (this one is an exception for the not-being-packed comment) -- we purchased tickets in advance and still had to blag our way in. They had totally oversold the place and it was really a mess, which is kind of crap because, I mean, hey -- we really wanted to spend the night with Oakie.
I think if you don't have Ibiza as a reference point, WMC is probably just fine and dandy. And I'm not knocking Miami as a city -- I just think the WMC thing is overrated for those of us not in the industry and not looking to make deals or get noticed or something. That being said, unless you're close with locals, Miami is not all about Miami Vice. Really. We met up with loads of other people from the UK there and everyone was bemoaning the non-vice aspect of Miami -- I think people think it's easy/breezy because it's clublife, but it's also America, the country who invented the war on drugs.
That's my fitty cent.
Been thinking of going for the last 4 years. Don't think I'll bother now. :(
gecko2 said:
Been thinking of going for the last 4 years. Don't think I'll bother now. :(

I've had the same thought for the last 3 or 4 years but speaking to people who've gone in the past they've all said similar things to Mrs D :roll:

Too many uncertainties in Miami, getting in, queueing, g/lists, beans..........I think I'll stick with Ibiza :P
I'd definitely be interested to hear from other common people (i.e. no industry folks) who had different experiences for the WMC (not just Miami in general -- I don't think Miami itself would fairly be experienced during that week).

But in all honesty if you're paying for a flight to the US from the UK with expectations as large, I dunno :? Mr D's more of a seasoned veteran than I am (and should receive some sort of "'ave eet" award from the queen or something), and he was none too overwhelmed.

That being said, by the time February rolls around, we'll probably start salivating at the prospect of sun and Sanchez... Although I think we'd be hard pressed to spend that kind of money again.
i must admit ive been thinking about it but not no more, would rather spend 300 quid and have a guaranteed top weekend, hassel free, in London.

Shame tho cos I've heard they have lovely beaches, and if they were, in anyway, able to creative a Ibiza atmosphere is would be something else.

I really hate all this vip stuff aswell, so might save my dosh..
Re: overrated

cubby said:
WMC is sooooooooooooo overrated...south beach is nice, but if u r expecting anything like Ibiza, u r in 4 a rude awakening....I live in toronto, and have gone there twice.....nothing 2 rave about...

I have to Disagree!!

Winter music conference is soooooooo much fun!!
You can see all of your favorite dj's ( and I do mean all of them ) within a one week period and it's all within walking distance! And it's Miami!!

And you can get to meet all the DJ's and it's just a blast!
I agree that you can see all of your favorite djs in one week... but I just wasn't so keen on the cost, VIP emphasis, college-break kids, hassle and general vibe of the week. The best thing about the WMC is the music. But beyond that, I still think it's an industry conference.
Yeah i guess it depends on the person, i'd only go if the atmosphere was wild, and the music was amazing.. Not to worried and drinking with famous dj's around the pool, just want to ave it :D
Mrs D, I agree with absolutely everything you said. It is a complete industry week and essentially the whole UK music industry goes out there with the view of doing business and getting deals etc etc. Im sure its the same for industry people from other countries. But this business/deals is done in the clubbing and going out environment.
Miami was so busy for the week though. If you wanted to go from one end of South Beach to the other end, which is a good 30 - 45 minute walk, it porbably takes you at least that in a taxi!!
And as you said the place was full of Spring Break college kids which I didnt enjoy.
Queues to get in places were a nightmare and as you said its is very VIP orientated. Luckily enough I was in good company and would have been considered one of those VIPs (not trying to say I am!!) and we still had problems getting in places.
It's funny how hyped up in the UK it is as THE week to go... it's really not mentioned in the US, other than in Miami, as the week for partying. When I asked Mr D about it, he was like, "yeah -- let's go!" and I was like "what is it?" All of his friends back home were mad jealous, so we thought we'd really hit on to it. We even milked our connections to get into parties and stuff, and those were probably the wierdest things, cos for common folk... we were like WHOA! Big Giant Famous DJ! Big Giant Tune! And everyone else looked a little bored or like they were working, em, cos they were.
We saw Moloko singing "How did you know" live around the pool at the Shore Club, and everyone's just kind of mincing about, shaking hands... No mad caners or people getting pushed in the pool or even really dancing... just kind of like, "Huh. Moloko."
I guess it is very industry related, I am in the industry and everyone I went with was also in the industry,( DJ's, light guys, bartenders, promoters etc... )
So we didn't have problems getting in anywhere cause some of our people were gonna be playing and club courtesy stuff and whatever........