Mcdonald's breakfasts

Ummmmmm...Stumped. :oops: :lol:

But in my defence, where I can make changes in my buying habits I do.

(Does buying weed from Brixton newsagents to avoid supporting street dealing count? :lol: )

I knew I'd get ribbed for this. Grrr.
Robder said:

Seriously - are you telling me that's the only breakfast option you have???

...and I'm not going to rise to your bait. ;)

(but apathy is the biggest problem we have in society imo)

Off to do some chakra dancing/tree hugging & meditation before my afternoon re-birth appointment. :roll: :lol:

I have other breakfast options, im a bit more "pc" than my brashness lets on, but when you have a hangover a bowl of allbran & some sliced fresh banana doesnt quite cut it :lol:
Robder said:
Ummmmmm...Stumped. :oops: :lol:

But in my defence, where I can make changes in my buying habits I do.

(Does buying weed from Brixton newsagents to avoid supporting street dealing count? :lol: )

I knew I'd get ribbed for this. Grrr.

:lol: :lol:

only if said Brixton newsagent sells home grown!
Robder said:

Seriously - are you telling me that's the only breakfast option you have???

...and I'm not going to rise to your bait. ;)

(but apathy is the biggest problem we have in society imo)

Off to do some chakra dancing/tree hugging & meditation before my afternoon re-birth appointment. :roll: :lol:

Robder, I try to be coherent with my ethical standars, recicling everything even frying oil and all that shit, buying biological food, trying to avoid some big brands and all that.

But everything it's uselles cos I can't resist Nike clothes and trainers, and sometimes when the recicling thing overpass me (at the moment you can find at my kitchen 4 fins, the glass box, the batteries box and the frying oil bottle) I have to put everything in the same big bag and I throw it with no conscience punishment 8O
Beckiboo said:
I do normally just have cereal or toast for breakfast, but this morning I was feeling especially naughty and bought a Mcmuffin :( It is the first one Ive had this year! :roll:

Don't worry about it Becki, eating it now and then won't do you any harm.
Can i just say poor Beckiboo - she only had a McD brekkie and now she's in hiding because of her low ethical standards!! :lol: :lol:
stuie said:
silvia said:
Sorry guys, but I don't think english breakfast is a big contribution to mankind 8O :lol: :lol: :lol:

give me a hearty full english over a traditional continental breakie any day of the week! :lol:

I'd rather have a continental breakie. I'm a freak, I don't like fried food that much, although I am partial to the odd fried tattie (potato) scone!
silvia said:
I have to put everything in the same big bag and I throw it with no conscience punishment 8O

It's not about the guilt Sil! We've all got to start somewhere! :D

"All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
- I quite like that quote.

...time to shut up before I get accused of being too serious a b____ in the run up to Homelands.
glasgow-chick said:
I'd rather have a continental breakie. I'm a freak, I don't like fried food that much, although I am partial to the odd fried tattie (potato) scone!

At least I found someone normal!!! ;) :lol: :lol: :lol:
mmmm big macs..... :D

Double whoppers from BK are AMAZING too :D

Don't know why people take eating so seriously... everything in moderation and your fine :?
silvia said:
glasgow-chick said:
I'd rather have a continental breakie. I'm a freak, I don't like fried food that much, although I am partial to the odd fried tattie (potato) scone!

At least I found someone normal!!! ;) :lol: :lol: :lol:

Another normal person here Sil! I'm not a big fan of the traditional English. I don't mind a small one, if the meat is very lean and not too much toast 8O But generally fried breakfasts tend to make me feel sick (with the exception of today's Mcmuffin obviously :oops: :lol: ).

I'd much rather have some nice toasted croissants with butter on it ;)
I consider myself to have a healthy diet, but sometimes when i've been driving on the m6 for hours and it's a choice of M&S or wimpy I have to be weak! Qourn burger with chips and a large coke! mmmmm :P
I've really gone off Maccy D's lately (apart from the salad things which are ok) but am still partial to a Burger King. Glad i don't live in the USA because i like Wendys, In n Out burger, and all the others a bit too much


Wendy's is okay, but In-N-Out Burger is just flat out amazing!!!

Fortunately, they are only in California, or else I would be in trouble!!!
Beckiboo said:
Drew said:
Croissants are VERY fattening!

Sorry to mention that.

Yes Drew, we know :roll:

God next you'll be telling us cheesel is fattening too! :roll: :o

Sorry i spoke, good job i don't get in a strop everytime one of you talks a load of bollox innit? :roll: