Mcdonald's breakfasts


Active Member
Sin or Super?

For me personally, I don't eat McDonald's. Too many calories and too much junk in their burgers and chips :evil: However my one weakness is a sausage and egg Mcmuffin in the morning. I restrict myself to having only about 2 a year, but I have to say, when I do have one, man are they good!

I got in work about an hour early today, didnt have time for breakfast, there's a McDonalds next to me work so I popped in and treated myself :oops: :lol:
I used to have mcd brekkie all the time, but that was when I was 19 and could eat anything. But I have gone off of McD's, BK Kentucky etc, not a big of any of it now.
Reading that nearly made my porridge come back up.

Takes me back to when we used to roll out of 'Niche' around 8am and go for an egg Mcmuffin, which incidentally took about 2 hours to chew and swallow following the excesses of the night :?
I've never been a big fan of McDs food and never ate it on a regular basis but very ocassionally after a drunken night out I'd have a cheeseburger. After watching Super Size me the thought of McDs makes me feel sick. The food just seems plastic and processed to me! I've never had a egg McMuffin before but think I'd prefer weetabix!
I do normally just have cereal or toast for breakfast, but this morning I was feeling especially naughty and bought a Mcmuffin :( It is the first one Ive had this year! :roll:
Beckiboo said:
I do normally just have cereal or toast for breakfast, but this morning I was feeling especially naughty and bought a Mcmuffin :( It is the first one Ive had this year! :roll:

Becki, I sympathise with you. When I feel naughty I have some Mcjunk and to be honest, it's disgusting but once a year doesn't feel taht bad ;)
silvia said:
Beckiboo said:
I do normally just have cereal or toast for breakfast, but this morning I was feeling especially naughty and bought a Mcmuffin :( It is the first one Ive had this year! :roll:

Becki, I sympathise with you. When I feel naughty I have some Mcjunk and to be honest, it's disgusting but once a year doesn't feel taht bad ;)

Thanks Sil :( No one could agree with me that a junk breakfast we needed once in a while, I was about to go running around the park just to burn it off and be good again :evil: :lol:
Beckiboo said:
Thanks Sil :( No one could agree with me that a junk breakfast we needed once in a while, I was about to go running around the park just to burn it off and be good again :evil: :lol:

This forum is soooo healthy 8O ;) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

BTW, how is your new work? :D
I agree that a lardy brekkie does the biz every once in a while, but I just don't like McDonalds stuff.

A big bacon sandwich on the other hand.......mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
You can't beat:


(stuie looks at expanding waistline! :? :lol: )
Drew said:
Not as fattening as you would think actually.

No but you risk to have a colesterol coma 8O

Sorry guys, but I don't think english breakfast is a big contribution to mankind 8O :lol: :lol: :lol:
silvia said:
Sorry guys, but I don't think english breakfast is a big contribution to mankind 8O :lol: :lol: :lol:

give me a hearty full english over a traditional continental breakie any day of the week! :lol:
silvia said:
Drew said:
Not as fattening as you would think actually.

No but you risk to have a colesterol coma 8O

Depends what it's fried in and providing the sausages are made from good meat all the rest is good food, although i can't eat cooked tomato's in any form (or Mushrooms)
Drew said:
silvia said:
Drew said:
Not as fattening as you would think actually.

No but you risk to have a colesterol coma 8O

Depends what it's fried in and providing the sausages are made from good meat all the rest is good food, although i can't eat cooked tomato's in any form (or Mushrooms)

Drew, you are like a diet dictionary 8O :roll:
i love a maccy d's brekkie when I have a bad head on a sunday!!!! hollyoaks on telly, news of the world and a double sausage & egg with 2 has browns!! 8)
silvia said:
Drew said:
silvia said:
Drew said:
Not as fattening as you would think actually.

No but you risk to have a colesterol coma 8O

Depends what it's fried in and providing the sausages are made from good meat all the rest is good food, although i can't eat cooked tomato's in any form (or Mushrooms)

Drew, you are like a diet dictionary 8O :roll:


I just find diets/foods really interesting.