Mayday Weekend

Enjoy the rest of the weekend spotlighters,15:10 flight for me today to Ibiza from dublin:D.
How has everyones long weekend gone then?

Mine was a bit too successful (still feeling ill today!).

Had a house party Saturday that started with 7 people quietly watching the football (BOOO) and it turned into 40-50 people (a good 1/3 of which I didnt know) raving away, a dj turning up from somewhere and playing; all the dining room chairs getting the legs bent and broken, a mysterious amounf of white powder residue on every flat surface and an unnatural amount of cig ends littering the patio! Then everyone left at 9-10am ish and left just me and a couple I'd never met who somehow ended up having a rather strange personal party till 5pm.

Today I feel like death and have to clean and pack my house in preparation for Ibiza! Any strong armed people live in the manchester area??! :)
Cracking weekend!

Friday kept it local as was moving house next day just a few after work drinks.

saturday started really stressful with the move but once we got to the new house was fine. So happy with the place we've managed to get its surreal.
Met up with a friend and stayed up waaay too late jus chattin in the kitchen then sunday was bit of a slow day.
by the afternoon was back on form and made our way down to Brick Lane. It was absolute carnage ive never seen so many hammered people at 5pm as sunday. Ended up in Exit bar as was only place that wasnt packed , met up with none other Spotlight's Morbyd!
Had a nice little catchup but in the end i made a dash for a booty call but i think he and my mates carried on for abit.

Today jus made some amazing nachos which ruined our appetite for the beef bourgingnon we spent 2.5hrs cooking for dinner , couldnt eat any of it!
In Tenerife since Wednesday night

Thursday - all day by the pool

Friday - - went behind the scenes on their discovery tour. Fascinating, not least to see the orca enclosure from below and see the amount of food they eat....

Saturday - all day by the pool

Sunday - Love this place. Could spend all day playing just on the wave machine

Monday - All day by the pool

5 days of fun, sun and relaxation - heaven. Arrived at Gatwick an hour late last night, half hour for them to get the doors open, massive queues at passport control. P1ssing with rain. Finally got to bed at 2.30am, up for work at 5.30a.m.

Great to be back:lol:
Quietest bank holiday ever.

Fri: had a client over for sound therapy case study stuff

Sat: met a friend for lunch and went for a quiet pint in the eve

Sun: no comment :eek: :eek: :eek: (enjoyed self immensely though)

Mon: sedate pub crawl and lunch in Brixton

god my days have changed - this is the second BH weekend this year that I have filed away under "S" for sensible...

Fri: chucking it down and freezing - stayed in with a bottle of wine and cooked
Sat: met my mate and baby for a lunch and a couple of soft drinks - weather picked up so home for 5 and Phil and I went out for a long coastal walk - had a couple of smokes then dinner and drinks - strangely raveneous :D:D:D Home by 9 and tried to watch Terminator 4 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Sun: Parents to do some gardening then out for a 3 hr walk - beautiful 8) Had guesties for Carl Cox and still got a box of goodies since Dec!!! but still couldnt muster up any enthusiasm - couldnt be arsed to recover for 4 days which is the amount of time it takes these days.....
Sun: Gardening and cooking and feeling a teeeeeeeny bit jealous of my mates updates from CC.
went to godskitchen to see van dyk and burren... they were both in the car park.. great at first, but as it got to around 2am it went absolutley freezing.. we all had t shirts on so ended up having to buy anything to keep warm, even amongst the crowd.. problem was now we all looked like a bunch of tw**s in our paul van dyk t shirts ( i think this has happened to most of us) :D ended up having to que to get back in the club cos everyone was doing the same, but worth it cos john ocallaghan smashed it... left 4.30am for journey back to liverpool, wife couldnt hack the journey, she ended up sick and went straight to bed when we got home...night over...:cry:
Sorry to hear about your Gods night ending so badly!

Friday: Drove down to Bristol, and headed out in to town after some home cooked food. Met a group of girls, and ended up going to Ramshackle. Drinking ensued. Shots. Jaeger... the works. Left as the club shut at 3.30, tried to get a subway but they'd shut. Eventually got the nightbus home and passed out about 4.30

Saturday: Woke up about 10am, probably still quite drunk so decided to play it safe and didn't go out to Chemical Records like I'd planned. Spent the morning on my decks (I brought my CDJs with me for Sunday evening). Walked the dog around Ashton Court, then went for a curry. Went to see Avengers after amazing film, highly recommend it. You need to watch Captain America and Thor first to get the most out of the film. Decided I wasn't done yet, and went in to town for a couple of drinks at Thekla. Bit of an odd one, Thekla. Music was all over the place (just the resident playing to your typical student crowd), and the crowd weren't brilliant either. Called it a night about 2am.

Sunday: This is it, the big one. Godskitchen for the last ever party at Air. Went out for lunch with the parents, then drove up to Birmingham. Caught up with two friends, then went back to my grand parents for a back to back session on my decks and a catch up over a couple of vodkas. Headed to Gods, listening to an epic domestic on the bus on the way in to town. Wore a thick hoodie, which may have made me look like a chav, but it kept me warm in the outdoor arena.
Got off the bus just by Air, and was instantly hit with the festival atmosphere. Rank 1 was playing Wild and Perfect day as we queued to get in. Caught the start of Armin then headed inside to see Ben Gold finish and Fila & John O' Callaghan (no Aly, not sure why) start the night as they meant to go on. They were smashing it. Decided to see the end of Van Buuren (last hour and a bit) and Paul Van Dyk. PvD was a bit disappointing, after Armin had finished on such a high. Went back inside about 3.45 as I was just too cold and spent the rest of the night flicking between the Warehouse Main Room and Room Two.
Jorn Van Deynhoven in Room One, and Hidden Agenda in Room two gave Air the proper send off it truly deserved. Left about 5.15, saddened because my favourite club after Turnmills closed was gone. I fully expect Godskitchen to go the way of The Gallery now when they switched venues. Good parties, but lacking that... 'factor' that they used to have.

Monday: Quiet drive back to Leeds and an early night.
hahahaha, well done ikoda with the thick hoodie thats were i went slightly wrong after all it was the coldest bank holiday since 1891 and christmas day was warmer. would i of stood outside at 2am in a tshirt on christmas day, dont think so!!!

also the avengers is a film ive wanted to see since last august in florida when they showed you a clip after captain america and ive seen thor so i just need to persuade the kids to come...:D

ive got to admit i'll miss godskitchen. ive been going since cream closed its residency at nation.. its always had a great atmosphere and thats hard to find nowadays... no were in the north west seems to like trance..

anyways 6 weeks in now then cream opening amnesia...:lol::lol:
The hoodie was a wise move on my part :lol:
Some cracking classics were played. Highlight was Binary Finary - 1998, heard it (or a remake, or a remix) about three or four times. Never gets old. :)

I'm glad OTR brought out the big guns for the Warehouse, (although how much Gods would of had to do with the actual line up...). Air will be sorely missed from the clubbing landscape.

I really do get the feeling that we will soon start to see the end of the 'superclubs', where you go to see the big dance acts play. Outside of London anyway. It'll drop to smaller, more intimate venues.
Which is both a good thing and a bad thing, as the bigger names will no longer play (look at Armin as an example to this, he hasn't done a club gig in England for Two years).
Certainly within the Trance scene, I think we'll end up with promoters using venues like the O2 Academies rather than the purpose built dance halls of old.
cracking weekend:

friday: over to edinburgh for Andrew Weatherall & Sean Johnston - A Love From Outer Space, never been in the venue , the caves , before, really nice 500 capacity space, nice layout, good crowd...weatherall & johnston played 4hrs back to back..amazing as always...the ALFOS nights i've been too have all been excellent (glasgow one at end of may coming up, and then they are playing a 5hr set at rockness)...came out club ended up at a party , came out that party about 6, about 8 of us back to another party...was still going strong when the neighbour from 2 floors above came down about 11 threatening the police...headed from there straight to football in glasgow....terrible end of season game, should've just stayeded in edinburgh and went to simian mobile disco/tensake....had thoughts about carl cox @ arches on the saturday night..but feel asleep when got home from football:lol:

sunday: off to aberdeen for the beach ball event, got train up, arrived in aberdeen...was pissing down with rain/freezing & then the hailstones came on!!..was thinking the outdoor stage wasn't going to be too much fun :lol:..surprisingly within about an hour, the weather totally changed, sun came out and off to the beach ball, didnt know what to expect from this, it being the first year and not really familiar with aberdeen clubbing, but turned out to be a cracking event, nice setup, couple of outdoor bars, outdoor stage, mini festival style with the main acts inside the ballroom venue, very nice building , quite plush inside, with a spring loaded dancefloor like the barrowlands...(bizarely for some reason they had an olympic torch from the winter games in torino 2006, so got a picture of me running about holding the olympic torch8)

seen t.williams on the outdoor bit, sun was out, and he got the crowd going very well, particualrly for an old guy like me when he played Crystal Waters - Gypsy Woman (i'm a total sucker for classic house records...glasgow club night bigfoots tea party were playing inside, their 2 residents i thought played well, then tiger & woods came on...i've seen them a couple times before but they were a lot better, lot more dynamic sounding than the more plodding sets i've seen them play previously...derrick carter came on, and he played a really good set, ballroom was fillin up (outside was getting a bit cold by now) and place was busy for SLAM coming i've seen Slam xountless times from going to Pressure in glasgow most of the time...but have to say there house set was one of the best times i've seen them...really was excellent (personally i'd rather see them play that kinda set than their more techno ones )..heathrob came on, but we decided to shoot off to make sure we got into the after party at Snafu in aberdeen city centre.

snafu turned out to be really nice club (crowd was a bit poor, a few casualties from the beach ball and a few too many wee scenesters just standing about at the front rather than dancing, but small club, dark, low ceiling, bit like the subclub in glasgow really (but not as good:p...the rumour had been that slam & heathrob were to be playing snafu..we got there to find derrick carter playign...he played a lot tougher house set in snafu, excellent, SLAM duly came on afterwards, and they were back to their more techno sets..bigfoots resident chris kelly finsihed off the night ...slam & derrick carter in a small club(maybe 400 people) for a £5...aye good night...came out back of 3..was a rumour about some after party at the docks in aberdeen, but that didnt happen, went to a party...terrible, lasted about 40mins...the 'dj' was playign reggae & early 90's hip hop...not what i or my mates wanted at 4am...went back to my mates on / dancing about the stop midday and crash out...train back to glasgow 6:30pm.

good times.8)
Sigh - ALFOS... Love love love this night at the mo. 8)
8) Indeed.

i've been listening to the weatherall masterpiece album a lot since it came out as well.8)8)

the Glasgow ALFOS night is also moving to a friday night from july (i think, or could be end of june)
Finally back at work today after the looooong Victory Day bank holiday weekend.

Saturday - Flew to London, settled into hotel, met friends at pub, went to Wembley for FA Cup Final, started celebrating at nearby bar, went to Marylebone for more celebratory drinks and some curry, came home and crashed out after 12 hours on the piss :lol:

Sunday - Roast lunch at a pub in Fulham, went to see some Moscow friends' band play at the Camden Crawl, met up with the good Mr Minimarc for drinks on Brick Lane (good to see you sir!), then back to Camden for the Crawl after-party. Met Ringo Starr's granddaughter :eek: (nice girl) among various other musicians & such.

Monday - Flew back to Moscow, headed up to Gipsy for some rooftop dancing, followed by an ill-advised late night snack at Starlite Diner

Tuesday - Watched football, went to Arma17 for Guy Gerber & co. Very good party 8) Made it home just before they shut down all the roads in the center of town in the morning.

Wednesday - Skipped the Victory Day parades (I saw enough of the tanks & rockets last year :lol:) in favor of recovering at home :lol: Did watch the fireworks though... pretty impressive! Caught up on some TV.

Good weekend 8)
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