
It's quite interesting actually. It's not allowed to say anything critical about foreign people, foreign workforce or people of other races or you are a RACIST. When one is labeled RACIST, they can completely pushed aside from the political playground, no matter how logical or sound their arguments are or are not. Same applies with this homo stuff that if it's critical, its HOMOPHOBE, and therefore is pushed aside automatically. This also applies to many subjects, at least in finland, that I and other people might find more or less important. You cannot touch is critically because then you a labeled BAD PERSON and <then nudge away>, therefore resticting political and social conversation. The danger here is, that if a certain group feels or finds out that they cannot have their say in a POLITICAL matter, they can or eventually will slip to more extreme points of view.

What comes to someone "trying to insight violence etc towards groups", that's illegal so there's no problem here, is there?

If you label a race of people as 'all the same' in a negative way, simply because of the colour of their skin, it's racist. If you don't like it, take it up with the dictionary.

"a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others."

In what way is saying black people can't get married, not racist? Now replace the word race(s) with Sexual orientation, and in what way is saying gays can't get married not homophobic?

Also, as I've already said, everybody is entitled to their opinion. If somebody wants to say that only white people should be allowed in their country, then that's fine. Go ahead. But just as they have the right to say that, I have the right to tell them that I think they are wrong. Whining about not being allowed an opinion is utter BS.
But in a democracy yes you can have whatever views you like but the fact is you need supporter's and to be voted in and the majority of the UK do not support these views.

Dont get me wrong I do agree with the "political correctness gone mad" stuff where there is all sorts of red tape and regulations about stuff especially in schools which seems to go against common sense.

People like the BNP are allowed to stand in the same elections as everyone else , the fact is they have alot less support and MOST people don't like their policies

Spot on.

As an aside, these wuss-liberals are the only party that would, if given the chance, give the BNP seats. 1% of the vote = 1% of the seats. So how exactly are the wuss-liberals trying to stop free speech? Considering it's one of the things that liberals hold dear.
No, you are a wuss-liberal. If someone says that black people shouldn't get married, he has the right to have his opinion without calling him names or whatever, like a biggot. It's a political point of view and he has that right according to all western values and laws. But wuss-liberals say, that people have only one allowed way of thinking, that is the wuss-liberal way. It's like nazi-germany, exept opposite universe where everyhing goes and all that is opposing that, is bad, evil and no one can make their own mind what feels right or wrong. There's only one way.
I am far from a wuss-liberal. I am, however, someone with a brain that understands logic.

So if you say that people of a certain race are/aren't allowed certain things or are all a certain way then yes, you are a racist. THERE IS NO ARGUMENT HERE. It's just a fact, according to all "western values and laws".

I see you're trying to link this with some immigration debate. Those aren't necessarily linked issues, although a lot of time the immigration debate is clouded by racism.

But to equate what is right and wrong (the latter being racism) with anything having to do with Nazi Germany (a regime built on anti-semitism and homophobia) is just plain stupid.

I'm repeating Mark and Spikey a bit, but I just want you to understand that your position is entirely untenable.
my favourite quote on marriage recently, courtesy of Aussie plumber, Kenny...!

"find someone you hate and buy them a house" :lol:
This has been very interesting. I don't think we should limit anyone ability to get married with the exception of age, mental capacity, and being human. What happen in someone home or bedroom should be a private matter between adults. If you look at it closely no one would know your sexuality unless you brought it up; unlike sex, race, nation origin, or color. Live and let live.:lol:
I just don't see how we justify changing the definition of probably the oldest custom in the history of man across all cultures.

This is incorrect.

Ancient cultures were torn to shreds by Christianity and associated religions.

They are man made concepts.

The roots of your culture are in shamanic/pagan cultures like the Aboriginal/Native American traditions in Australia and the US.
It's quite interesting actually. It's not allowed to say anything critical about foreign people, foreign workforce or people of other races or you are a RACIST. When one is labeled RACIST, they can completely pushed aside from the political playground, no matter how logical or sound their arguments are or are not. Same applies with this homo stuff that if it's critical, its HOMOPHOBE, and therefore is pushed aside automatically. This also applies to many subjects, at least in finland, that I and other people might find more or less important. You cannot touch is critically because then you a labeled BAD PERSON and <then nudge away>, therefore resticting political and social conversation. The danger here is, that if a certain group feels or finds out that they cannot have their say in a POLITICAL matter, they can or eventually will slip to more extreme points of view.

What comes to someone "trying to insight violence etc towards groups", that's illegal so there's no problem here, is there?


How do you feel about predjudice against the very, very, very dim?
This is incorrect.

Ancient cultures were torn to shreds by Christianity and associated religions.

They are man made concepts.

The roots of your culture are in shamanic/pagan cultures like the Aboriginal/Native American traditions in Australia and the US.

Very good point

How do you feel about predjudice against the very, very, very dim?

I don't get your point. What's your point exactly?
