Scoobie said:Buckley can you please delete some of your pm's! I'm trying to send you one but it can't get through cause you've got too many old stored ones. Ta!
Apols folks but this little venture didn't last long. There just wasn't enough custom for it to be interesting. I thought I'd spend every night chatting to lots of folks but no-one seems to come down those steps. You can still by CDs in the shop though.
I was being diplomatic at the time because my then gf was still working at the Mambo shop.
The bloke who managed the Mambo shops was the biggest cock I'd ever met. Can't think of his name now. Not Marco, something German from memory.
Very nearly moved me to violence and that doesn't really happen.
Seems a lifetime ago. How many jobs did I have? Spotlight, Mulletover, Dusted, CD stall.....
massimo? not very german but....
Nope, that's not it.......
You must have come across Olly, with the dreadlocks, down there.
Olly, yeah he and his missus are nice.
Remembered the other fella now - Fabian. (French sounding name but German).
(ps. I-Spy - did you friend request me on Facebook? If it was you I'll accept later mate, just wanted to make sure who it was)
yes it was. i actually went long to say hello but you'd skedaddled after about 2 days work.