Mambo CD Stall


Well-Known Member
Now open (well, from 5pm) - right behind Mambo itself. Come say hello to yours truly and get this the most up to date CDs around. (I did find some great old stuff while rooting around yesterday too!)8)
rkelly85 said:
would i be able to get the latest Amnesia Underground 6 CD?:?:

only if you agree to listen to a 2hr religion diatribe and a selection of Tim Vine's greatest gags
Clara said:
And I thought nobody else appreciated Tim Vine.

thats close to blasphemy my girl

i said to the butcher can i have those two pieces of meat from the top shelf please

he said no, the steaks are too high

i bought a bottle of hp sauce

4 p a week for 20 weeks
russ said:
thats close to blasphemy my girl

How? Nobody seems to know who he is or just rolls their eyes an goes "oh, that guy with the terrible puns".

Saw his newest show, Current Puns (get it?) at the Edinburgh Fringe last year on my tod and saw him for the first time at the Fringe back in about 1998 when I was horribly drunk and was supposed to throw a plastic lobster at him on cue. I got confused and just threw it at him which peeved him off a bit and made him think I was a foreign student. Oh well!
Buckley said:
Now open (well, from 5pm) - right behind Mambo itself. Come say hello to yours truly and get this the most up to date CDs around. (I did find some great old stuff while rooting around yesterday too!)8)

might see ya monday:D
do they sell them sparkly bikini tops just at the outdoor bit of it? i think i wanted to work there last year...
Buckley said:
Now open (well, from 5pm) - right behind Mambo itself. Come say hello to yours truly and get this the most up to date CDs around. (I did find some great old stuff while rooting around yesterday too!)8)

Will pop in and say hi if we're up that way. Will you be in attendance at space/dc10 this weekend Mr?
addict said:
woaaahh.. whats ur name on there??is it the same? im like an internet celeb but fuk is my hometown :D

I shall PM you my FUK name. Something I like to keep secret :)