Luggage Weight

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I have packed my case already (will be there in two weeks to the day), but am having trouble thinking of ways to weigh it, as we only have a 20kg/person allowance.

Any idea's?

Also, has anyone flown with Thomas Cook Airlines? I want to know what their policy is on being over the limit, and also carrying a portable tape/cd player as well as hand luggage.
Dont know how acurate this is but usually try to balance mine on a pair of bathroom scales. Found to be not to bad in giving you a rough idea.

Last year we flew with JMC airlines which I think has now become Thomas Cook. Dont know if it was just the bloke we had on check out but he was really strict. My boyfriends luggage weighed about 27KG and he was having none of it. Luckily my case only weighed about 13KG so we had to swap some things about. Who says girls cant travel light :twisted:
you can pay if you are overweight so to speak but i think about 25kg is the allowed weight of most airlines
Robo : Yep, ready to go! Can't wait!!!

I know you can pay for the extra, but I have no idea how much that'll be. I think my allowance last year was 25kg and I was over then, so this year, 8O !!

It says on the tickets 20kg, so I don't want to push it too much. Any idea's how much extra kg's are? There's nothing in the booking info or brochure, it just says "..charged at the airlines standard rate".
really cant help u there...all though it will eat in to beer tokens:(
If you have no hand luggage they give you an extra 5 kg with your main baggage. If you are over by 2 or 3 kg they usually let you off if your nice to them.

their are genrally 2 ways about it

fist one if their are 2 or 3 of you traveling then the weight diffrance get split between the 2 or 3.

secondlly you my have to pay extra.
first summer i went to ibiza I got away with paying any excess baggage, last yr tho booked up a so called cheap BMI baby flight for 27.50 and the f***ers charged me 130 quid excess baggage....sayin that tho i was 40 kilos over the limit! not all fun n games for us DJ's ya know!
Sparkle said:
Dont know how acurate this is but usually try to balance mine on a pair of bathroom scales. Found to be not to bad in giving you a rough idea.

Last year we flew with JMC airlines which I think has now become Thomas Cook. Dont know if it was just the bloke we had on check out but he was really strict. My boyfriends luggage weighed about 27KG and he was having none of it. Luckily my case only weighed about 13KG so we had to swap some things about. Who says girls cant travel light :twisted:

Agh! Surely if they knew the two of you were together they could have weighed the two cases at the same time ... that's what they usually do for us ..
I used to work at an airport and to be honest I used to let people away with overweight luggage all the time. If they were majorly over then I’d charge them a bit but I’d let them off with a good few kilos (what a nice girl I am ;) ) However if they were rude to me then I’d make sure they paid. :twisted:

I think a lot of the time it depends on the person who’s checking you in (whether they’re in a good mood or not!)

Ibiza airport can be quite strict though. After spending the entire summer in Ibiza my friend went to fly home and her case was overweight. It was the end of the season and we literally did not have a penny left to pay the excess so we had to empty half her suitcase and bin most of it! What a sight we must have been emptying half her shoes and beach towels into the bin. :lol:
Agh! Surely if they knew the two of you were together they could have weighed the two cases at the same time ... that's what they usually do for us ..

You would have thought so wouldnt you! Unfortunately this was not the case with this lovely guy, so Birmingham Airport got treated to a full display of knickers and god knows what else being flung from case to case to try and get them to balance! Ooh the shame!
Sparkle said:
Agh! Surely if they knew the two of you were together they could have weighed the two cases at the same time ... that's what they usually do for us ..

It was actually only her that was going home. We’d been there all summer and had different flights home. We were just seeing her off at the airport.
K said:
I used to work at an airport and to be honest I used to let people away with overweight luggage all the time.

haha - me too - I used to work for KLM and used to let the decent people off with a few kilos here and there but charged all the dicks full price - not sure how much it is nowadays but it can end up well pricey.
I know with Airtours / My Travel, they charge £4 per kilo over.....but they're pretty chilled, our cases were well over last week and it wasn't even mentioned....... :D

15k. is 4stone.on scales.your hand weight is cannot
put 5k in your case. thinking you can have not take a big beach towel.that more weight.throw away all your toilet stuff.try and use up all your lotions.share stuff with yor are very hard on people over the limit.£6.00 a kg.dont take to many cloths with you. its summer.put heavy items in your can go up to 15.9kg or 20.9kg before they can charge you.???buy a light weight of luck.
hey peeps
overweight charges are £££££ and such an annoying waste of money.
try your hardest to pack light, and small tip maybe get there early so your one of the first ones to put your case on.
it really is pot luck if you get a nice person checking you in or not!

i like to batter my eyelids and show a bit of clevage (sorry boys) but if it help ;)
DJBenson said:
I have packed my case already (will be there in two weeks to the day), but am having trouble thinking of ways to weigh it, as we only have a 20kg/person allowance.

Any idea's?

Also, has anyone flown with Thomas Cook Airlines? I want to know what their policy is on being over the limit, and also carrying a portable tape/cd player as well as hand luggage.

Everyone is talking in the past - ie pre 9/11 - airports and airlines are much more strict so contact them direct and ask. I flew over in April and people were being told most items had to go in the hold so if your tape/cd player is precious then lock it in somewhere as I had some sunglasses nicked from my luggage that was in the hold and the insurance refused to pay out. Also, the weight limits were being strictly observed (20K is normal for inter european ) and excess was £6 per kilo.

usually 20kg means youre taking too much! try lifting up the
suitcase with one hand, if it hurts, start packing again!

do you REALLY need (any??) jumpers?

or long trousers? shorts will do, unless going somewhere posh...

and jackets? behave!

flipflops and light trainers s/be enough footwear...(?)

if you plan taking a ghetto blaster, take as hand luggage, and stuff
everything else in the case... use a bumbag for tix, money etc..