Looking for name inspiration

I like Sancho too...

And Pancho... but I heard it means 'Lazy' in south america... not 100% on that mind you
call her Selina...(almost salinas).

girl name with a P can only be Penelope - beautiful name.
I like Sancho too...

And Pancho... but I heard it means 'Lazy' in south america... not 100% on that mind you

I like sancho but it sounds too much like sasha doesnt it?

Sebastian (or Sebastien)

I like 'sol' but other half doesnt

call her Selina...(almost salinas).

girl name with a P can only be Penelope - beautiful name.

looking for a boys name nostrum :) we have a girls name already
pedro, paco, bablo, paulino, pepe...all spanish names, but maybe not what you're searching for.
pitiuso might be an idea ;)

guess you can hardly call someone sa trinxa or sa talaia...
it doesnt have to be spanish as my other 2 arent, i just want something in a similar vein really. didnt think we were going to have another one for ages, so had no name prepared. we had sasha and savannah before i even got pregnant! :lol:
Jees, two children already and you were able to, well....... get pregnant. Ah, its all a memory now. "What deepseadiver? "


ha ha we're obviously really fertile cos it happened straight away, no months and months of trying for us much to paulys disappointment!!! :lol: as soon as we decided to go for number 3, bam i was pregnant.......was a bit of a shock lol!