London riots


Active Member
London looks like a different place today - all of a sudden we've got a big society coming up from the street with its own rules.

My gripe of the day:

I can't bear the middle classes looking down on poverty areas as 'benefit scrounging scum' and racism seems to be rife all of a sudden. Shocking how people find it so easy to pull the race card when it suits them. :cry:

I have a feeling it'll get worse too.
Sadly, I think the people who had actual cause to protest / riot have been overshadowed by the groups of mindless thugs who are taking advantage of the situation by robbing and looting shops, homes and businesses.

When the "riot" very first kicked off I thought "good - finally people are taking a stand in what they believe in" - but seeing it escalate into the severity of Saturday night, and seeing people's homes burnt to the ground, made me think it had got way out of hand.

Yesterday's carnage was a disgrace - absolute pikeys with no reason to riot, storming into town centres and robbing for their own personal gratificaiton.

I say send the army in, that'll sort them out!

Very sad that the family of Mark Duggan have been drawn into all this with some people saying the riots are "in his name". Whether he was wrongly killed or not, his family wanted to make a point to the police that they wanted answers... they didn't want to see their local community half destroyed.

People are saying that Notting hill carnival might now be cancelled. Sadly I think if relations between the police and the young black community don't calm down it's the most sensible thing to do.
Yep - sadly I agree.

The reality is, we're entering times of extreme chaos.

The volatile nature of London is not one that should be hosting mass street parties (or the olympics for that matter).

It's a scary world out there at the moment.

Choose your riot folks...the street or the financial markets. ;)
Hackney next to go - riot police trying to disperse the gangs in Dalston / Mare Street. Apparantly one police car already been destroyed! eeek - hope I get home tonight!!
Christ. :eek:

Thankfully am living in Maida Vale for the next few days so am avoiding all that.

What's going on??? :eek:
Hackney next to go - riot police trying to disperse the gangs in Dalston / Mare Street. Apparantly one police car already been destroyed! eeek - hope I get home tonight!!

PS: where did you hear that part? Can't find a news feed.
Is it really coming to anything in Dalston ? Last night they robbed the Kingsland Centre and dumped a load of clothing in the streets. The police are there but is anything actually happening ? ...


victohenry Victoria Henry

Can everyone in #Dalston stop tweeting that the Santander window has been smashed? It's been like that for ages, not riot-related

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That Hackney thing was a complete non-event - a few youths doing something active for a change, by the looks of it. This kind of headline is just ridiculous to describe what went on there :‘hackney-war-zone’

Still, glad I didn't have to go any further into London than Chiswick today !!

Peckham & Lewisham too now ? TITs open for business ..

(that's Trotters Independent Traders, btw...)
Sadly, I think the people who had actual cause to protest / riot have been overshadowed by the groups of mindless thugs...

Very sad that the family of Mark Duggan have been drawn into all this with some people saying the riots are "in his name". Whether he was wrongly killed or not, his family wanted to make a point to the police that they wanted answers... they didn't want to see their local community half destroyed