London Clubs to close

Here here :) :)

Back to Basics at it's new (last year) home is surviving too much of a chav invasion. I think the place is just far too seedy for most:lol:

Seedy - I love that thought......

My favourite warehouse party was when the police and the fire brigade raided it for being unsafe - it was back when the Ecstacy scene first hit and it was so funny a night!! Imagine a smoke filled warehouse and firemen with hats with lights on the front cutting through the smoke - everyone dancing around the firemen with their lights - coppers getting everyone out, not understanding why everyone is drinking water, smiling, causing no trouble and there not being any alcohol being sold illegally and dancing down the street to the music (that's just a faint memory in our heads) - one of my best memories - still picture those coppers faces today - total and utter bemusement....:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Glasgow has its moments too

recently a new club openend - Byblos

supposed to be "big name" guests every fri & sat

a defected night, jo mills monthly fridays etc etc

people like tim Sheridan & tom stephan were lined up

then nowt - all the big nights were pulled and its now just another club in Glasgow
The Cross is a f**king quality venue & a quality club. Would be sadly missed imo as would Turnmills.

'Real Clubbers'? 'All about the music man!!' :oops: Will you all listen to yourselves?? This thread is turning into that scene out of Human Traffic, when they're talking about Tom Toms!!

Just coz some bird takes a handbag into a club & some bloke turns up in a shirt doesnt automatically mean they're only there for a pint, kebab & a sh*g. Remember they could get all these things alot easier in their local Tiger Tiger alot cheaper & alot quicker!! Hell, maybe just maybe, they like the music too?!
Lots of fond memories of the cross, mixed memories of the key both good and bad, lots of sweating in canvas (only been there for TDK last year although the roof terrace for secret sundaze is fantastic)

will be a shame to see them go :-(
Which one used to be Bagleys? Canvass? That was one of my very first clubs I went to. That and the Camden Palace!
The Cross is a f**king quality venue & a quality club. Would be sadly missed imo as would Turnmills.

'Real Clubbers'? 'All about the music man!!' :oops: Will you all listen to yourselves?? This thread is turning into that scene out of Human Traffic, when they're talking about Tom Toms!!

Just coz some bird takes a handbag into a club & some bloke turns up in a shirt doesnt automatically mean they're only there for a pint, kebab & a sh*g. Remember they could get all these things alot easier in their local Tiger Tiger alot cheaper & alot quicker!! Hell, maybe just maybe, they like the music too?!

:lol::lol::lol: I take it you were a shirt/dress and dance round a handbag then ???

What I am trying to say is that "tourists" in a club when they are pissed up and monged on too many pills "because its Saturday night and one of the DJ's that Pete Tong goes on about" is playing a set is just not my idea of having fun, nor is it conducive to a good club night, when they cant hold their drink/drugs and end up causing havoc on the dancefloor, or looking for an argument just because they have a belly full of beer and drugs.

Its not a slur on anyone who wants to wear a dress or a smart shirt in a club FFS :rolleyes::rolleyes: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
The Cross is a f**king quality venue & a quality club. Would be sadly missed imo as would Turnmills.

'Real Clubbers'? 'All about the music man!!' :oops: Will you all listen to yourselves?? This thread is turning into that scene out of Human Traffic, when they're talking about Tom Toms!!

Just coz some bird takes a handbag into a club & some bloke turns up in a shirt doesnt automatically mean they're only there for a pint, kebab & a sh*g. Remember they could get all these things alot easier in their local Tiger Tiger alot cheaper & alot quicker!! Hell, maybe just maybe, they like the music too?!

I agree with you 100% mate 8) Some people think of the Cross like they do Pacha (sorry but Pacha does fall into that category you mention above), but i think there's a clear distinction. I always liked the Cross because you had the slighlty more dressy crowd, but still had a cracking atmosphere. (not recently mind you).

The lak, yep, Bagleys turned into Canvas.. I take it you went to Freedom and Peach then.. ;) Ah those hedonistic days!
I agree with you 100% mate 8) Some people think of the Cross like they do Pacha (sorry but Pacha does fall into that category you mention above), but i think there's a clear distinction. I always liked the Cross because you had the slighlty more dressy crowd, but still had a cracking atmosphere. (not recently mind you).

The lak, yep, Bagleys turned into Canvas.. I take it you went to Freedom and Peach then.. ;) Ah those hedonistic days!

Freedom and Peach!!! = :):) + :eek::eek: in equal measure - I "grew up" there - all my first proper clubbing experiences revolve around Freedom and Peach moreso - We used to disect the night - the messiness, messheads and the tunes all week at school! :eek:
Im going canvas on Sat prob for the last time, aint been there in 3 years when it was bagleys, has it changed much?
My first clubbing times were in the New york/ New Jersey area tony humphry zanzabar or larry Lavin paradise garage). When money and tourist come into play it all changes. The entry,drinks,labor, and rent all go up along with the number of tourist. I would rather go to a club with crap decor and blazing music and crowd than a posh in spot. It's all about the house music always was always should be. :lol::lol:

Ohh ohh I'm trapped like a fool....
Its a shame , The Key has had some wickid parties in the last year , never been to the cross as nothing has really grabbed me there. I reckon canvas is bit wack as a club for a night out but their roof terrace in the sun is worth it alone . Love TDK down at the freight yard , wonder where it will be next year?
Bring back the unknown but talented vinyl nerd whos itching to share his tunes with you on a sub conscious level whilst you get mildly munted on his silky new sounds my brother and enjoying the in the momentness of it all...8)

It's been in the offing for years, ever since the Chunnel was built, and they've finally got to the stage where it's going to be redeveloped. I used to love the Cross and it's great in the summer, but I have to admit I've not been in years. I still go to the Key all the time.

I think as much as anything, it will make it worse for other clubs. That's over 2500 clubbers worth of music gone every weekend, and I'm not sure what'll replace it. I can't see councils wanting to approve new venues either, no doubt the police would oppose licenses.

It's just a crying shame. Whatever anyone says, that area's been a memorable set of clubs there for a good decade plus, and it'll be hard to replace. But that's progress. The area has needed redeveloping for decades, but it's a gutter that this is part of that.

I, for one, will be having it at TDK in memoriam, and heading to the last renaissance in Dec.
Hi guys, talking about London clubs... I am new in London, and I want to go clubbing. Which house clubs would you recommend? And after hours?
Ive been in Pacha, The End and Burlington.

It's been in the offing for years, ever since the Chunnel was built, and they've finally got to the stage where it's going to be redeveloped. I used to love the Cross and it's great in the summer, but I have to admit I've not been in years. I still go to the Key all the time.

I think as much as anything, it will make it worse for other clubs. That's over 2500 clubbers worth of music gone every weekend, and I'm not sure what'll replace it. I can't see councils wanting to approve new venues either, no doubt the police would oppose licenses.

It's just a crying shame. Whatever anyone says, that area's been a memorable set of clubs there for a good decade plus, and it'll be hard to replace. But that's progress. The area has needed redeveloping for decades, but it's a gutter that this is part of that.

I, for one, will be having it at TDK in memoriam, and heading to the last renaissance in Dec.

Agree 100%. Great post.
Hi guys, talking about London clubs... I am new in London, and I want to go clubbing. Which house clubs would you recommend? And after hours?
Ive been in Pacha, The End and Burlington.


After hours head to Public life outside Shoreditch church (liverpool street tube) on a saturday it opens at 11am , think its the same on sunday but is much harder to get in on a sunday
ah yeah i knew they def did it from 6 once a month but wasnt sure if it was every week . I tend to go on saturdays. Theres the Raduno bar too next to fabric they open sat / sun mornings i think . Plus theres Departure bar on saturdays from 4am onwards i think
I, for one, will be having it at TDK in memoriam, and heading to the last renaissance in Dec.

i cnat believe ive never been to Renaissance at The cross, will have to make the final one. Hope they get a big DJ to finish it all off. 8)