had hoped this thread might get zapped

but basically (to explain zzz) - someone put up a scathing poem about roman polanski on another board and then my mind turned to poems and limericks and then (yes it was a quiet day today) thought I might get creative so I put some really lame ones up here - but they were pretty >>
but seeing as its been resurrected and Mark B's thrown down the gauntlet

there once was an agent under cover
who was a seriously bodacious mutha
he tied the knot
after which he drank a lot
until his bride started to really shudder
there once was a girl called hauskitten
with whom half the board was smitten
she bestrode the scene
like a warrior queen
until all critics had been trully bitten
trevor from slough, trevor from slough
the podium king, the chicas go wow
trevor from slough, trevor from slough
tiesto's disciple, hitting privilege round about now
philly cent, philly cent
the toolroom king, at that ministry thing
friend of the stars, in only the coolest bars
no cat could ever quite groove
like philly cent bustin' a move