Legal Highs

My wife bought The Sun last week. Before I could ask her why she explained they were doing vouchers for £5 of her shopping, I digress..!

Flicking through the paper I noticed The Sun are already instigating new campaigns against legal highs. One can only imagine the reporters are on the payroll of the bad guys selling the illegal sh*t.
The new govt are planning legislation that will allow them to quickly 'temporarily ban' a substance while it's reviewed by the ACMD (who will most likely permanently ban it). The legal high market won't be around for much longer in this country.

I heard MDAI being mentioned on BBC Breakfast the other morning as the next big legal high and, by implication, the next great threat to society. (1) It won't be and it's already been available for ages. (2) It's hard to think of a milder drug. :confused:
hey guys, just wondering of those that have used/are regular users of legal highs if you have a spare 10/15mins, could you possibly fill out my questionnaire with your comments. It's completely anonymous and part of my masters dissertatio so would help me out a massive amount!
I'm also looking to conduct some shorter interviews with those that use them so if anyones interested in helping me out, please drop me a line on if you could pass this onto to friends etc then i would be really grateful. thanks :)
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