Legal Highs


New Member
I was wondering if anyone knows of anywhere that sells legal highs in San An, been looking at other threads and can't really find anything. Any info would be much appreciated, don't really fancy taking any with me on the flight!
where ya flying from?

going to dortmund in may my friend managed to bring 4 bags of that legal coke without any bother

and nah cant say i've heard of any places that sell legal highs over there, but i'll ask two of the girls i know that are working there
I wouldn't take anything with you on the flight.

What might be legal in the UK is not necessarily legal in Spain. You wouldn't want any surprises at customs!
There aren't actually any great legal highs *currently* available in the UK anyway.

And I couldn't see any places selling legal highs when I was over there.
Thanks for the replies, flying from Birmingham but def won't be risking taking any with me, don't fancy a run in with customs! :confused:
A wee bit of googling and you should be able to find better discussion of the compound in question. If not, one suspects The Scum and The Daily Hate will be orchestrating a campaign against it in a month or so's time. ;) I'm actually surprised newspapers haven't picked up on the online chatter and anticipation yet. It's had very good reports from people who've tried samples (including Bluelight mods) so I have a feeling it won't disappoint. This probably isn't the forum to go into too much detail on such things, though.
me personally would just go for illegal highs as you can get anything over there u wish.its practially legal
but this year i'm just going on the trusty drink!
9 days woohoo
me personally would just go for illegal highs as you can get anything over there u wish.its practially legal

It's this kind of attitude that has eventually lead to the clampdown on the whole music scene in Ibiza. Kids snorting coke off the pavement and when arrested saying "Ahh I thought it was ok to do this in Ibiza".

Drugs are as illegal in Ibiza as anywhere else in Europe, lets not forget this folks.
It's this kind of attitude that has eventually lead to the clampdown on the whole music scene in Ibiza. Kids snorting coke off the pavement and when arrested saying "Ahh I thought it was ok to do this in Ibiza".

Drugs are as illegal in Ibiza as anywhere else in Europe, lets not forget this folks.


Because everything has been so discrete until now.