Japanese Tsunami

I heard a News Report this evening suggesting that another big earthquake is likely to happen again very soon (within 1 month) though next time hitting Turkey and Greece. Mother Nature it seem's is telling everyone to behave or face the Consequences of her Wrath.


NB: As with murderers who receive life sentences or the Death Penalty for their crimes depending on the laws of the Country or States where such a Crime was committed. If Mother Nature could be brought before the Court for wreaking death and havoc to our Planet i wonder what sentence the Judges would give her?
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Now it's time to worry... today's explosion at Fukushima Dai-ichi reactor #2 resulted in a radiation leak and a fire in the reactor's fuel storage pool. Up until yesterday, this was the one of the 3 troubled reactors that still had a partially-functional cooling system. :confused: I guess the seawater solution used on #s 1 & 3 hasn't quite had the same effect. Not good! Also a fire at #4, which had already been shut down, released some radiation.

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Was just reading about that off the BBC. That's not good.

I don't think the Seawalter solution was ever going to really work though. 20km exclusion zone now. This is starting to sound like another Chernobyl.
It could be quite bad, but it could still never be like Chernobyl. The difference in the level technology is huge (Chernobyl, for example, didn't have the containment layer that Dai-Ichi does).

A large swath of Ukraine is still a no-go zone. Belarus keeps it very quiet but a big chunk of its territory is also not healthy.

But if they end up having to build a cement sarcophagus around the reactors like at Chernobyl, that's at least 100s of workers dead.
The reactor problems are just adding more misery onto a disaster. The report coming out are still conflicting; the situation could be much worse and they are trying to down play it to avoid a panic. There are still loads of people without electricity, heat, or water.
NB: As with murderers who receive life sentences or the Death Penalty for their crimes depending on the laws of the Country or States where such a Crime was committed. If Mother Nature could be brought before the Court for wreaking death and havoc to our Planet i wonder what sentence the Judges would give her?

Well a fcking ASBO would be a bit pointless
I heard a News Report this evening suggesting that another big earthquake is likely to happen again very soon (within 1 month) though next time hitting Turkey and Greece. Mother Nature it seem's is telling everyone to behave or face the Consequences of her Wrath.


NB: As with murderers who receive life sentences or the Death Penalty for their crimes depending on the laws of the Country or States where such a Crime was committed. If Mother Nature could be brought before the Court for wreaking death and havoc to our Planet i wonder what sentence the Judges would give her?

We have science now to explain things; like the world isn't flat, the earth revolves around the sun, and tectonic plates causes earthquakes.:spank:
Explosion 3 released radiation into the local area. Surrounding 20km have been evacuated, with the surrounding 20km beyond that being advised to seal up the house and make it completely air tight.

The reactor design is far more advanced, and there is also the concrete / metal substructure to absorb a lot of the radiation should there be a breach in the main container... but still, it's a disaster they don't need. By the looks of it, a lot of countries are looking at the sustainability of nuclear power now.
I'm not a Gaga fan but I appreciated her effort.

She designed a wristband and all proceeds go directly to Japan relief efforts.


Cool, not only do we raise next to f uck all in comparison to what's needed, we are diverted from the fundamental distribution issues needed (can't we just take say, Goldman Sachs bonus and send that there) & we get to pulicise how 'aware' and 'charitable' we are.

Bands are ACE!
Cool, not only do we raise next to f uck all in comparison to what's needed, we are diverted from the fundamental distribution issues needed (can't we just take say, Goldman Sachs bonus and send that there) & we get to pulicise how 'aware' and 'charitable' we are.

Bands are ACE!

amazing how many nuclear scientists we have working in the media all of a sudden!

anyway, some turbulent times ahead. saudi's sending troops in to bahrain largely slipped under the media gaze, libya, japan, eurozone debt. no particular order.