Japanese Tsunami

I'll say my slip was Friday syndrome. :)

The after shocks aren't a walk in the park either, alot of them are measuring avobe 6 on the richter scale.
There is a major tectonic plate running down the middle of the Atlantic. If it was to move, the UK be in direct firing line!

Makes me think of a scene in a film (I forget what one, brain dead on a Friday afternoon) where the thames is completely taken over by floods :eek:
World getting ready to end in 2012, as the Mayan's predicted?


Drama! :eek:

They didn't predict the end of the world.

It's just the end of the Maya Long Count calendar - which means we're lining up with the centre of the milky way galaxy (a black hole) which is something that happens once every 25,000 years or something. The rest is faaaar too esoteric for a thread like this.
Yeh, the Mayans based their lives around astronomy (as we know it) and based 3 or 4 calenders on the stars. When the Spanish invaded and destroyed any trace of the Mayans, what exactly they believed to happen at the end of their long calender was lost.

The Jehovahs are also keen to express that the world will end soon, along with many other doomsayers.

I personally believe that this **** has been happening for millions of years, but we are now to technologically advanced that someone cant fart without the whole world knowing. Now with media reporting "as it happens", it seems more is happening now than ever. Possible that even just a few years ago, a lot of what happens in the world would go unreported across the globe.

Also fairly believable that the world is going through a volatile state and the volcano/earthquakes etc are a consequence. Did read something about the position of the Moon, and its close proximity having an effect? Its gravitational pull may be affecting the liquid molten rock beneath the earths crust... its actually quite exciting, in a weird way to see such natural power. Although the suffering from the consequence is so sad.
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Anyone heard any news on their nuclear plant?

Damaged apparently which sounds a bit scary.

News reports here say one of the nuclear plants is not cooling down and a state of Emergency has been declared about it.:eek:
Plant was shut down, and the entire area around it evacuated.

The UK sits, what, two thousand miles from the mid Atlantic ridge? And it's a divergent boundary, not a convergent one like the plate Japan sits next to / on, so there should be less in the way of earthquakes for us anyway... but much more in the way of volcano eruptions.
I think our closest convergent boundary is in the Mediterranean, between the Eurasian and the African plates... but correct me if I'm wrong.

Personally, I think plate tectonics is absolutely fascinating. Got to wonder how much smaller the pacific plate is now (inches, at the best).

Also, as a little interesting side note. Since the 8.9 this morning, there has been a further 120 quakes (At last count) since then that have measured above or around 5, and a few 6s and 7s on the Richter scale in and around that plate boundary. No idea for the ones that measured less.

Not a good place to be in at the moment.
Also, as a little interesting side note. Since the 8.9 this morning, there has been a further 120 quakes (At last count) since then that have measured above or around 5, and a few 6s and 7s on the Richter scale in and around that plate boundary. No idea for the ones that measured less.
Many of those tremors would be significant seismic events in their own right!

With New Zealand, Japan and to a lesser degree Hawaii shaking, it is almost as if the Pacific decided to shift around all at once! One wonders if it's connected to the Super Moon next week (when moon will be closest to Earth in decades)

Edit: Just read some news reports debunking any connection, but it still seems a little too coincidental to dismiss outright...
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Our news outlets are stating that there are now 2 nuke plants in trouble. One is very near meltdown and a Chernobyl type situation is possible.
Our news outlets are stating that there are now 2 nuke plants in trouble. One is very near meltdown and a Chernobyl type situation is possible.
Not really. According to what I read in the latest bulletins, after the explosion, the reactor core on the main one is apparently cooling down and radiation release diminishing.

I haven't seen anything saying that the 2nd reactor is on its way.

And the problem is different to Chernobyl. That was an explosion. If there's a meltdown here, it'll be different (again, that's only according to various articles I've read)
Not really. According to what I read in the latest bulletins, after the explosion, the reactor core on the main one is apparently cooling down and radiation release diminishing.

I haven't seen anything saying that the 2nd reactor is on its way.

And the problem is different to Chernobyl. That was an explosion. If there's a meltdown here, it'll be different (again, that's only according to various articles I've read)

There seems to be conflicting reports emanating at present which is not good
True. Hardest part is figuring out who has the latest info.

The before-after photos of Fukushima reactor #1 are pretty scary (I think I saw them on BBC website). First you see the 4 reactor buildings, then you see 3 and a steel frame where #1 was. :confused:
Ya... now they're saying that as many as 3 reactors could be heading for meltdown :confused:

(still, not quite Chernobyl level... different type of reactors and different type of meltdown)
was away at weekend, just catching up with the Japanese disaster - it's horrific, there's really nothing you can say

even worse, the Libyan atrocities will now only intensify as Gaddafi knows the world media spotlight is turned east
It's going to be interesting to see the outcome of Libya. If / when Gadafi takes back the rebel held towns, which he's been doing for the last ten days, what will the international community do? Impose sanctions? The no fly zone would now be too little, to late... :(

Death toll for Japan is about 2000 at the moment, but it's expected to continue to rise, there is over 10000 missing from one prefecture alone. After shocks have continued on since the main, which I believe was re-classified as a magnitude 9 earthquake.