Japanese Tsunami

It's got a low death toll, thus far.
But it's the missing toll that'll raise over the next few days.

The damage is severe in some parts of the area.
By the sounds of it, there has been a major plate shift in the last 12 hours. Hmm.

World getting ready to end in 2012, as the Mayan's predicted?
im currently in s.e Asia,and watched a few videos on msn..a tsunami warning was also issued for where i am..:eek:
I have friends in Tokyo. They are safe was just worried during the quake lost power and phones for a bit. My heart goes out to the people in Japan. The after shocks will continue for next couple of days according to the news
Some of Toyko is without water at the moment, and they've shut down another power plant due to failure of it's coolant system.

In other areas of the pacific, small of the smaller waves have begun hitting islands such as the Philippians and some of the Indonesian islands. I'd imagine Hawaii will be hit sometime soon.
The wave just hit Hawaii, and there are reports of a massive explosion at a petrochemical plant in Japan

This is indeed, a sad day. :(
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I know this country is falling apart in many ways but jesus, it seems the whole world is of late :(

when one natural disaster ends another starts, its awful and actually makes me so sad :(
Times like this, I'm glad that the UK isn't located near the edge of a tectonic plate.
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the n't makes such a difference. Updated my post.

Bloody thought so lol...

I know a tadge about georgraphy and i think in this particualr georgraohy lesson back at school i did pay attention on where the plates in the world were and i knew there wasnt one near us lol