James Blunt

Not a bad song - his voice grates on me after a while though! Can't see him sticking around for more than a couple of years!! :D
I hate him I hate him I hate him :twisted:

He appeals to the same middle-aged boring people who are into the likes of Dido and David Gray :lol: Present company exluded Bec :lol: ;)

I would rather be deaf than be subjected to his cack :lol:
Morbyd said:
I like Dido. She writes some pretty decent songs. :confused:

Well we all know you Americans have no taste in music :lol: ;)

(Joke before you start ranting off on one again :lol: ;) )
Barbie said:
Morbyd said:
I like Dido. She writes some pretty decent songs. :confused:

Well we all know you Americans have no taste in music :lol: ;)

(Joke before you start ranting off on one again :lol: ;) )

She's not half as popular in the States as she is in the UK. Must be a whole lot of expatriate yanks living in your midst. :lol:
barbie i agree! i hate him too,m he should shut da funk up. BUT dont say middle aged peeps like Dido, i loooove her. honestly! :evil:
I won't wade into a debate about Dido's dress sense... I'd tend to agree with you all on that one.

Her last album did drag a bit in terms of tempo, but I her voice and some of her lyrics (sometimes very inventive, though sometimes a little hit and miss).

I've got nothing against depressing - I grew up on Gothic music (hence the nickname!) :lol:
so this thread has gone from i hate james blunt to i hate dull artists in general ha! i can tell you, i disliked dido up until a month ago where i had an epithomy (ehmmm spelling?) and after that: have her 2 albums and they´re on repeat at home.
Mark Sun said:
Classic :lol: :lol:

"... and you knew just what to do.
Now you own a coaster too."

But Marky, weren't you once seen singing this song to passers-by in a public square in Riga, Latvia :?: :?: :lol:
Morbyd said:
Mark Sun said:
Classic :lol: :lol:

"... and you knew just what to do.
Now you own a coaster too."

But Marky, weren't you once seen singing this song to passers-by in a public square in Riga, Latvia :?: :?: :lol:

Heh heh yep! I thought that was a good p1sstake so posted it up, but I actually quite enjoyed his album :) And I like Dido too (although only really for 4-5 listens, then I get a bit tired of the songs).
Mark Sun said:
Heh heh yep! I thought that was a good p1sstake so posted it up, but I actually quite enjoyed his album :) And I like Dido too (although only really for 4-5 listens, then I get a bit tired of the songs).
Revealed! :lol:

I think my favorite Dido song is "Hunter". Strange that a song by a woman can so articulately describe an inherent part of the male psyche :lol: "White Flag" is also an interesting song lyrically and melodically.
I love her lyrics, hunter is AMAZINGLY written....
about a girl who just is so fed up with her relationship shes litterally begging to be set free so she can go´hunt again and feel her basic instincts. FABULOUS!