Is the EU finished for the UK?

What I'm starting to find distasteful is this whole attitude from Europe of:

"Well I know we said that countries can use a veto if they feel what is being proposed is not in your countries interests, but if you dare to use it, damn you'll be sorry!"

Talk now of UK not getting a decent share of euro funding or coming off badly in negotiations about fishing quotas etc because we used the veto.

Don't know about you, but this sounds a lot like blackmail and bullying.

If this is the vindictive, feudal manner in which these "revered" EU institutions operate, do we want any part of this?

Nail on the Head Mark.

They dislike it when people dont do what they tell them to do.
What I'm starting to find distasteful is this whole attitude from Europe of:

"Well I know we said that countries can use a veto if they feel what is being proposed is not in your countries interests, but if you dare to use it, damn you'll be sorry!"

Talk now of UK not getting a decent share of euro funding or coming off badly in negotiations about fishing quotas etc because we used the veto.

Don't know about you, but this sounds a lot like blackmail and bullying.

If this is the vindictive, feudal manner in which these "revered" EU institutions operate, do we want any part of this?

hmmm, isn't as much to do with how unacceptable cameron's demands were though. as one article i read pointed out, it'd be the same as merkel saying no matter what Volkswagen (or car industry in germany as a whole) does, they can't be touched.

dave would have dismissed nonsense like that immediately, yet he's happy to wear that pair of particular shoes.

also, he's a cock.
Thats Socialism for ya. "You can have an opinion, so long as its the same as ours".


We voted NO to Lisbon. They then used scaremongering about job losses etc if we did not vote YES the second time around. Expect the screw to be turned on Cameron. They will gladly welcome him back to the table again if he wants it.

IMO they need all the states together to harmonise taxes and fiscal policy. That can mean only one thing....that the taxpayer gets screwed with Austerity for the next 10 years to pay the gambling debts of the Bankers and Bondholders.

The ECB wont issue Eurobonds until they have the Collateral from Brussels that federal(German) fiscal policy is adopted by all states.
Thats Socialism for ya. "You can have an opinion, so long as its the same as ours".

in contrast to conversatism in action here:

"You can have an opinion, but it's irrelevant cos we'll always just choose ours anyway. In fact, to make things easier, why not just forget having an opinion".

actually, how is anything the tories or politicians in general do different from the quote you make chew.

We voted NO to Lisbon. They then used scaremongering about job losses etc if we did not vote YES the second time around. Expect the screw to be turned on Cameron. They will gladly welcome him back to the table again if he wants it.

IMO they need all the states together to harmonise taxes and fiscal policy. That can mean only one thing....that the taxpayer gets screwed with Austerity for the next 10 years to pay the gambling debts of the Bankers and Bondholders.

The ECB wont issue Eurobonds until they have the Collateral from Brussels that federal(German) fiscal policy is adopted by all states.

The fundamental problem is that some countries have spent way more than they can afford to pay back. Thats in addition to the bankers. This whole tangled mess of a situation is caused by unmanageable DEBT Levels.

Explain to me how being a bond holder equates to Gambling? Not so long ago Bonds were supposed to be a 'safe' investment - my family (and others) experience with Lehman Brothers says otherwise.
in contrast to conversatism in action here:

"You can have an opinion, but it's irrelevant cos we'll always just choose ours anyway. In fact, to make things easier, why not just forget having an opinion".

actually, how is anything the tories or politicians in general do different from the quote you make chew.

The difference is not being a ****ing hypocrite. ;)
I'm as pro-european as they come, but in this instance with the UK not being in the Euro-zone, I think it's right just to stand back a wee while and take stock.

With hindsight, it's clear the EU has grown too much too quickly and if the EU was still the first 12 (maybe 15) countries with the others spending a 10-15 year *initiation* process before becoming full members, we wouldn't be in the state we are now, propping up Greece and some of the others.

The UK is in the Eurozone, but not in the single currency. When the Euro was created the majority of the countries were over the debt ratio allowed (Germany included) and should have not been allowed to join the euro until that was fixed. They ignored the rules formed the single currency and winked at the debt debt ratio. The current scheme is only to use taxpayer money as insurance for the gambling that banks and bond holder did. The single currency and Eurozone was created to compete with the USA as a trade block. The experiment may fail ahd cause chaos all over the world.
The fundamental problem is that some countries have spent way more than they can afford to pay back. Thats in addition to the bankers. This whole tangled mess of a situation is caused by unmanageable DEBT Levels.

Explain to me how being a bond holder equates to Gambling? Not so long ago Bonds were supposed to be a 'safe' investment - my family (and others) experience with Lehman Brothers says otherwise.

Investing is a benign word for gambling. Both are the same.

You place down a sum of cash in the hope that you will gain more.

Whether its "investing" on Frankie Detorri in the Derby or investing in bank Bonds... both have an element of RISK attached. Bank bonds traditionally had a lower element of risk so therefore a lower return on your stake. "Odds" of about 1/20. Rarely do 1/20 get beaten but as witnessed by Lehman Brothers sometimes they do. And when long odds on shots get beaten usually the investment is "Large" due to the stake needed to win a small amount.

I had a job once with a Stockbroking House here in Dublin. I had no experience except for the fact that I understood odds, risk and percentages like the back of my hand as I had been involved in backing horses since I was 4 years of age. So I understood from an early stage that stocks and shares are just another form of "posh" gambling.

On the issue of "unmanageable debt levels" Banks had a responsibility to lend prudently. They did not. If you bought meat from a butcher that was tainted and made you sick you are within your rights to claim compensation. Same should apply to institutions who sold dodgy loans. Regulation failed.
On the issue of "unmanageable debt levels" Banks had a responsibility to lend prudently. They did not. If you bought meat from a butcher that was tainted and made you sick you are within your rights to claim compensation. Same should apply to institutions who sold dodgy loans. Regulation failed.

And as a consumer, you should have a responsibility to know what the implications are if things go tits up.

We're all culpable in all this. ;)
And as a consumer, you should have a responsibility to know what the implications are if things go tits up.

We're all culpable in all this. ;)

Ok Im drunk out of my head and I walk up to you in Pacha and say I heed a loan of €100 to buy 4 more drinks........will you lend it to me? ( I am aware of the implications if things go (hopefully) tits up:))
Ok Im drunk out of my head and I walk up to you in Pacha and say I heed a loan of €100 to buy 4 more drinks........will you lend it to me? ( I am aware of the implications if things go (hopefully) tits up:))

i'd tell you to buy your own drinks. :lol:
i'd tell you to buy your own drinks. :lol:

Exactly. :)

So Why didnt the Banks tell that to Greece, Portugal Ireland, and Italy when they came asking for cheap loans??? Not as if they were a "sober" proposition in the first place.

Banks lent recklessly with your savings and others.
hmmm, isn't as much to do with how unacceptable cameron's demands were though. as one article i read pointed out, it'd be the same as merkel saying no matter what Volkswagen (or car industry in germany as a whole) does, they can't be touched.

dave would have dismissed nonsense like that immediately, yet he's happy to wear that pair of particular shoes.

also, he's a cock.

My point is, take the Tories out of it, as you know I'm no Blue, I think our Prime Minister (whatever his stripes) should have the right to defend UK interests within the EU.

And if the EU response is to ostracise the UK, what the hell is going on? Is there no room for difference of opinion within the EU? Particularly when protecting national economies is concerned.

If the price of membership of the EU is to put up and shut up or face ostracision, then that's hardly a progessive place to be.
The international finance markets were unregulated. This allowed banks and other financial groups to buy debt for pennies on the dollar. If you went into a BMW dealer with 20 quid and tried to walk away with a 5 series they would laugh at you. This is what banks did, when it came time to pay for the debt they accrued, it was passed on to the tax payers too big to fail. It is b0llocks to give loans to people who can not afford them. The income to debt ratio is a common tool. The financial institutions are even saying today we don't need to be regulated, we are good at our business. It took the great depression to regulate the stock markets and this should be the reason margins are eliminated. When companies are not playing with their own money they are much faster and looser.