Is the EU finished for the UK?

Interesting point, what is the Scottish nationalist stance on Europe and the euro?

Yes, Cameron was representing the UK not England.

The stance is the same as before. Upon independence, Scotland would continue to adopt sterling until a suitable time to do otherwise.

As a side, yes lets all protect the "City" does that affect me? Well, Scotland exports circa 9bn to europe pa. These markets will shortly not be as easy to reach as before thus resulting in my mates being out of work etc.

I have found it interesting some of the comments on this thread are from the same people that were kickin bankers in the balls not a month ago.

"standing up for Britain" and not agreeing to implement an increased tax on financial transactions because business will go elsewhere does not work given the different time zone.

Now, we all know that very few people would vote for Liberal Democrats again given how quickly they have dropped their morals. I foresee this an opportunity to semi-redeem themselves afterall, they are the most Euro Centric Main Steam Party. I doubt it.
However it is sold to the public, any policies adopted in Europe are nothing more than cronyism with the policy makers looking after their mates at the banks. The end game remains the same whoever is in or out of the euro and europe.
Now, we all know that very few people would vote for Liberal Democrats again given how quickly they have dropped their morals. I foresee this an opportunity to semi-redeem themselves afterall, they are the most Euro Centric Main Steam Party. I doubt it.

Right on cue cleg has come out strongly criticising camerons position on Europe:)
we were supposed to be isolated if we didnt sign up to the Euro ffs.

Just the usual bitching from the Libs. I dont think the Red bunch can possibly comment about Europe. after all they're the idiots who signed away Lisbon, and gave back our sodding rebate - if by doing so was to get us to the head of the table so the rest of Europe would listen, that wouldnt happen in a million years.

The only time the French want to speak to the UK is when they need help of some description.
Technically with England out of the Union The Europe Parliament i.e Brussels has no legal jurisdiction to do anything at the moment. The legal framework for the present Union was drawn up to only work with all 27 member states involved.

So Europe cannot proceed without England, so expect some sort of deal to be worked out. Here in Ireland our constitution will most likely need a referendum to pass the new changes. Its favourite to fail as no government to date here has successfully passed a referendum on Europe. But there is sure to be scaremongering involved so it could be close.

They tell us it wont be until March before the terms are drawn up, I would guess that Cameron will sit on his cards and wait to see what transpires. Politically he is in a strong position and I doubt he would fear an Election.
So Europe cannot proceed without England.

Similarly, England cannot proceed without Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland since it is a member of the EU as a constituent part of the United Kingdom. As Prime Minsiter, Cameron is representing the United Kingdom, not England individually.
Similarly, England cannot proceed without Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland since it is a member of the EU as a constituent part of the United Kingdom. As Prime Minsiter, Cameron is representing the United Kingdom, not England individually.

I think in the legal framework of the European constitution its not as clear cut as that. Im not sure though.
I think in the legal framework of the European constitution its not as clear cut as that. Im not sure though.

I am simply saying that your references to "England" are incorrect as it is currently the UK that is an individual member state. Should, for example, Scotland vote for independence in 2 years time, the UK would remain a member (withous Scotland) and Scotland woud then negotiate its own membership.
I used the word "England" in this context as its a solo run by England that Cameron seems to be taking. If I used "UK" that would be inferring that Scotland, Wales and NI are happy with his decision? As a Irishman im fully aware and sympathetic to the independence rights of all states or cultures that seek to establish it.
I'm as pro-european as they come, but in this instance with the UK not being in the Euro-zone, I think it's right just to stand back a wee while and take stock.

With hindsight, it's clear the EU has grown too much too quickly and if the EU was still the first 12 (maybe 15) countries with the others spending a 10-15 year *initiation* process before becoming full members, we wouldn't be in the state we are now, propping up Greece and some of the others.
What I'm starting to find distasteful is this whole attitude from Europe of:

"Well I know we said that countries can use a veto if they feel what is being proposed is not in your countries interests, but if you dare to use it, damn you'll be sorry!"

Talk now of UK not getting a decent share of euro funding or coming off badly in negotiations about fishing quotas etc because we used the veto.

Don't know about you, but this sounds a lot like blackmail and bullying.

If this is the vindictive, feudal manner in which these "revered" EU institutions operate, do we want any part of this?