Is the EU finished for the UK?


Active Member
Having surrendered much of our liberty to the puppet masters of Europe over the past few decades, does the latest move by Sarkozy and his groupees signal the beginning of the end for Britain in Europe? Many would like to think so. The original idea of a single market for trade has morphed into an out of control beast that costs billions to keep thousands of noses in the trough.

Any views? Is it time to try and claw back some of the decision making successive governments have been all too keen to give away scot free?

(Alternate thread to the previous as this is about the EU not the Euro)
The Euro mess seems to be accelerating radical changes that would not otherwise be progressed with any speed. Like the Tories using financial woes to accelerate ideological change to the way the state operates and what it does and doesn't provide in return for taxes, this is an opportunity for a more far reaching European integration to be derived, with the UK unlikely to be integral to this. Rightly or wrongly remains to be seen.
This whole EU mess is designed to do one the bondholders, namely the French and German banks so exposed to years of unregulated lending.

England has done the right thing and stood up for its own best interests. So Cameron and Sweden deserve credit for not being a German/Franco biatch.

The idea that different cultures, religion and ideologies could come together as one was a very ambitious project to start with.

IMO It has Failed and is dead in the water. What we are witnessing now is one of the main reasons it will fail.....the stronger powers looking after their own self interests and F#ck everybody else. Thats not a Union thats an Oligarchy.

All thats left is a fiscal union so that the debts can be managed and paid back.

More countries, including ours, will follow Englands lead. If England could play football as well as they do politics than they would win a World Cup!:)

Lucky it was the Torries in power and not Labour or else you would rolled over and had your bellies rubbed by Sarcozy and Merkel.
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I think my views on the Tories are fairly well known on here after my many rants :lol:

But I agree, good move on Europe.

I think it's time to get out of the EU altogether, as we're effectively isolated with our card marked after last night.

My biggest problem with the EU is the number of Directives and regulations imposed on Uk businesses over recent years, which simply add huge amounts of administration and costs and actually result in lower standards as businesses struggle to comply.
Financial analyst Max Keiser calls it a suicidal move that will ravage the British economy and “finish” Cameron's tenure as prime minister.
Financial analyst Max Keiser calls it a suicidal move that will ravage the British economy and “finish” Cameron's tenure as prime minister.

Just found the article. These commentators, analysts and experts are guessers and chancers like the rest of us, only difference they are paid to have wild guesses and express an opinion!

Europe is bankrupt, the FED is bankrupt, the whole house of cards is going to come crashing down over the next few years, what's playing out now is pretty meaningless (imho of course).
Just found the article. These commentators, analysts and experts are guessers and chancers like the rest of us, only difference they are paid to have wild guesses and express an opinion!

Europe is bankrupt, the FED is bankrupt, the whole house of cards is going to come crashing down over the next few years, what's playing out now is pretty meaningless (imho of course).

Yea they are paid to peddle a certain point of view....not just wild guesses. Looks like the knifes are out for Cameron now. Should make an intresting Pantomime for Christmas. "Look Behind you Mr Prime Minister"!
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but come on though, imagine being the only one out of 27 members of a group to think that you are right and the others are wrong, even when there are others in similar positions, albeit not on the same scale, e.g. the non-eurozone countries. even switzerland, which isn't part of the EU finds itself better off than the UK both before and after new proposals.

but yeah anyway, good one for not rolling over.......that way he can be eliminated alone!
I don't live in Europe but I would not want to give up sovereignty to the EU. The UK is in the same boat as the rest of the EU. The UK banks have as mush at stake as all the other banks. If the Euro goes down it will cause a Europe crisis.
Dangerous Dave Cameron ought to be thinking about some nice Christmas presents for our friends across the big pond :lol::lol::lol::lol: What might Benny Bernake like as a stocking filler ........
England has done the right thing and stood up for its own best interests.

More countries, including ours, will follow Englands lead. If England could play football as well as they do politics than they would win a World Cup!:)

Hence increasing the chances of Scotland voting for independence when the referendum comes round.
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Lucky it was the Torries in power and not Labour or else you would rolled over and had your bellies rubbed by Sarcozy and Merkel.

As one commentator put it, we're as isolated as those who missed out the titanics maiden voyage.

why should we generously give more, with **** all in return and bail out countries who've been living in perpetual debt.

Camerons balls have finally dropped. 8)
I think my views on the Tories are fairly well known on here after my many rants :lol:

But I agree, good move on Europe.

I think it's time to get out of the EU altogether, as we're effectively isolated with our card marked after last night.

My biggest problem with the EU is the number of Directives and regulations imposed on Uk businesses over recent years, which simply add huge amounts of administration and costs and actually result in lower standards as businesses struggle to comply.

i wonder where the money goes... alll aboard!