Is Liverpool too big to fail?

Not completely Liam.

The judge has told H&G it would be inappropriate to appeal.

But it looks to be 99% there.

Here's hoping.
The judge has told H&G it would be inappropriate to appeal.

But it looks to be 99% there.

Here's hoping.

If I read it right, then the judge refused the right to appeal, but they can apply to appeal at the courts of appeal.

Lots of appeals there :lol:

It looks alot better anyhow !!
"The suit lays out the defendants' "epic swindle" in which they conspired to devise and execute a scheme to sell LFC to NESV at a price they know to be hundreds of millions of dollars below true market value."

'Epic Swindle' :lol:
'Epic Swindle' :lol:

I like this quote:
"The suit lays out the defendants' "epic swindle" in which they conspired to devise and execute a scheme to sell LFC to NESV at a price they know to be hundreds of millions of dollars below true market value."

Below true market value ? We're in the relegation zone FFS !!

These cowboys are clinging on by their teeth, apparently this is only a temporary injunction that will hopefuly be lifted in the coming days. I think theyre just trying to put NESV off from going ahead.
hicks and gillete now acting like the beligerent squatters, wouldnt suprise me if they trashed the boardroom, have a dirty protest before they go. I predict that today RBS will launch a counter injuction against this "illegal" order.
hicks and gillete now acting like the beligerent squatters, wouldnt suprise me if they trashed the boardroom, have a dirty protest before they go. I predict that today RBS will launch a counter injuction against this "illegal" order.

Apparently NESV are now saying they will wait as long as it takes as they have a watertight agreement to purchase the club. I just wish it could be over and done with now. They were going to hold a press conference declaring the sale done, that was until the Disney twins cam up with this injunction. :evil:

My poor club having to go through all this :(
Proper usage - "is"
I've only really noticed in England the consistent improper use of the plural "are" in reference to a singular term.
Just like the consistent misuse of reflective pronouns (myself, yourself, etc.)
One reason why I say that the US is preserving the Queen's English better than England these days!

Hmmm.............Better had tell that to the Americans who were overheard on the train once referring to a place called Loo-Ga-Berr-Roo-Ga.

Hmmm.............Better had tell that to the Americans who were overheard on the train once referring to a place called Loo-Ga-Berr-Roo-Ga.

This is an urban myth. There is another story about an aussie student arriving at nottingham station asking the cabbie to take him to Looga beroooga".
Residents of said town have also adopted the term.
"One forum reader, Roshi98, also has this:
Just thought I'd use the fabulous interwebs to dig up some info on the amazing Judge Jim Jordan, whose breathtaking arrogance in approving an injunction from a little known district court in Texas has thrown a small bit of uncertainty to an otherwise done deal with NESV.
In 2008 the good judge received beaucoup funding for his failed campaign to win a seat on the Texas Supreme Court (yes, in Texas SC justices are VOTED into office). One organization caught my eye - K&L Gates LLP. Why? Because they provided Mr. Jordan with $10K in campaign contributions. One of the head partners for K&L Gates LLP is one Vester Hughes. Mr. Hughes shares multiple board seatings at various organizations with one Tom Hicks.
Examples are:
Dallas Civic Leaders Council
Cooper Institute"