
I've smashed 3 phones in two years, just by dropping them. I think this is a major drawback in their design, not robust at all!

I just don't get people who constantly drop their phones. I think I've had a mobile phone since 1999 or thereabouts and I've never dropped one and smashed it.
I've had 8 iphones since the day they came out. Lost 2 of them, dropped 2 and had 3 upgrades.

The big selling point for Blackberry always appears to have been Blackberry messenger, Iphone 4s now has imessenger which is the same thing.

Siri seems like an excellent addition too. Will be interested to see what IOS5 has to offer as well.

May just get involved using it as a 'work phone' therefore getting it on the cheap :D
I just don't get people who constantly drop their phones. I think I've had a mobile phone since 1999 or thereabouts and I've never dropped one and smashed it.

What's not to get?

I dropped my phone, it's made of glass.

It smashed.

Gravity is a bitch.
I never knew there was such a simmering rage against phone droppers on this forum.


Have no fear, i regularly dropped my mobiley - it looks battered to hell atm and is without the back case atm as when i put it on you cant hear the thing go off :lol: and im sure you read about the droppage of my poor old mobiley in a pint of rose :D
Have no fear, i regularly dropped my mobiley - it looks battered to hell atm and is without the back case atm as when i put it on you cant hear the thing go off :lol: and im sure you read about the droppage of my poor old mobiley in a pint of rose :D

Did you have to drink the full pint before you could get the phone out? :lol:

Well i have recently went from a Blackberry to an i phone even th o the bf has been moaning at me to get with the times, even though he still had a bb at the time as well :spank:

The final straw was when the roller ball thing wouldnt scroll up, so thought spose i best get with the times....

Got the phone and was like meh does what it needs to, good camera etc etc....had it a week and the phone went back, battery lasted 4 hours before turning off when i barely used it and got so hot to the point i couldnt hold it and one night had to cool my hands off under cold water :rolleyes:

It has since been replaced and now lasts 12 hours and doesnt get hot so yeah....not a great start, but i am slowly warming to the greatness of this invention :lol:
i have to admit i do like my iphone (4)...will see what the i5 has to offer, but think i will be just happy to keep my 4, and get out the end of my 2 year contract in december and get a cheap sim deal with giffgaff...im paying £45 a month, but am still going over my usage for the internet with orange!...was £50+ this month.