
You just know you'd be testing out the iphone's capabilities at the t_____ g___ within 5 mins of getting it :lol:

Can you imagine? An assortment of state of the art phones and posh dolly shoes could be dangling from the ceiling at turnmills soon. :eek: :lol:
it looks massive and fairly novelty to me. I dont think its a particularly good idea to mould an ipod and phone into one. Flash storage is fairly slow at the moment so i'm sure it will take ages to transfer your music across. I use an MS duo pro in my phone and it takes a few mins per song. For this reason, i can't be bothered to use that as an ipod replacement because i like to update my music in bulk and in a rush.

In addition, i don't take my ipod everywhere, nor do i want to. However, i take my phone everywhere because it is compact and does its job. I believe the majority of people just use a phone as a phone and dont need all the extra crud they attach to it. If i want loads of functions I'd get a smart phone or pda. I cant see this as being as popular as the invention of the camera phone because the mp3 phone isnt as accessible. Looking at the photo above, its hardly cutting edge either. None of those functions are new to a phone.
oh yeah and i think stuff like this is pure gimmick:

It's something the majority of us will get bored of in a matter of minutes. Its much less functional than just having a list of artists. Form over function is for fashion rather than gadgets imo. Seeing as lots of people will have an iphone it will soon lack the 'cool factor' too.

moan moan moan... moan moan moan :lol:
In addition, i don't take my ipod everywhere, nor do i want to. However, i take my phone everywhere because it is compact and does its job. I believe the majority of people just use a phone as a phone and dont need all the extra crud they attach to it. If i want loads of functions I'd get a smart phone or pda. I cant see this as being as popular as the invention of the camera phone because the mp3 phone isnt as accessible. Looking at the photo above, its hardly cutting edge either. None of those functions are new to a phone.
I use the PDA functions on my smartphone quite a lot. It's just so convenient having phone numbers, addressess, birthdays, etc. of everyone in one location and always with you. The calendar is a must too because I forget things. The email functions are nice because I can check the headlines of messages wherever I am and not have to stop in at an Internet cafe or something if I'm traveling (on one occasion in '05, I was with some colleagues at a lion park in S. Africa when a major business announcement was about to take place. We downloaded and opened a Word file with the press release and were ready when the phone calls started pouring in!)

The music and video functions I use a lot less often. The video came in handy once when I was on a long train ride. The music I'll use now and again when I'm out walking and haven't brought along the iPod.
The main problem is that music and video run down your battery. If you're not judicious in your usage, you can run out before you get somewhere to recharge, and then you're without your phone. True convergence won't happen until someone comes up with a good long-life battery.
thanks for your input buckeroo! 8)

Morbyd i agree that some of the functions you describe are very handy. However, the majority of those are available on the cheapy phones you can get so i no longer class them as smart phone functions. The word file is definately more of a smart phone function though. I tend to think as smart phones being geared towards business use rather than personal. They definately have merit in the business sector but as the 'iphone' looks to be aimed at the personal market I feel that many functions are wasted.

You have a point about the battery. It has crossed my mind before and is one of the advantages of using a seperate unit for music. Mixing the two devices means that the same battery will have to be charged much more often. The current type of batteries deteriorate a great deal due to overcharging etc.
You're right, it is more a business thing than personal. I disagree about the contacts/calendar thing though. They are getting much better in most regular phones, but still not good enough for my taste. For me, the ability to sync with your computer is also crucial.

I forgot to mention Internet. It's very handy when you're out somewhere and want to look up something on a website. Even better when you've got WiFi in the phone and can piggyback on someone's unsecured wireless network :lol:

The battery issue is major. If my phone (HP iPaq 6915) had a serious long-life battery, I'd probably carry my iPod less and also load videos on it more often to watch on plane rides and such. The same would probably be true with the iPhone... as it stands, you'd risk arriving somewhere and not having any juice left to call your ride!
Anyone interested by what will be announced in around 2 hours time by Apple in regards to their latest release?
I've had the 3 and now a 4 (it's a work phone so it gets upgraded fairly regularly)


I've smashed 3 phones in two years, just by dropping them. I think this is a major drawback in their design, not robust at all!

Also what really pisses me off about the iphone's design , as it's a touch screen, when you ahve the phone close to your ear it activates the "Pause" or "mute" icon and you're rabbiting away and suddenly you realise you've been on silent for five minutes - this happens a lot and ususally when i've talking to clients or arranging a beer - you know the important stuff :lol:
I'm with you on that score, can't stand Apple. Apple people scare me, as you can see on the vid on this page, they are under some sort of spell: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-13416598

That's not right at all:lol::lol:

The iphone is now no better than third in the 'mobile handset wars' but the brand is such a behemoth they don't even need to be the best to take over the world!!

Apple are currently suing just about every other company in the world for breach of patent for use of finger swipes to control mobile devices:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I have a Blackberry but it's totally wasted on me- I only used it in Ibiza to occasionally update my Facebook status to make the guys back home jealous. Otherwise I use my trust old Sony Eriksson W360i with its 8GB built in walkman, decent enough camera and tough as old boots. Does exactly what I want with no bells and whistles.
May get the iPhone 4s. May just get an iPad 2 instead, as I have an iPhone 4

But...1080p videos... :lol: