iphone app?

Got it earlier - it's just a glorified news feed! £2.39 or something as well :(

Oh wait, it has a 'fan wall' I can post how much I love Cocoon :/

It's crap, hogs current location all the time and rapes your battery. Swiftly deleted...
I only got an Ibiza Rocks app...ive got a Blackberry btw

Im guessing the i phone has got one for spotlight ?!
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It is also fully available to those with an ipod touch.

Its a reaaly good app, esp for the podcasts.
hi weluv,

85% of mobile connectivity to our sites is iphone/itouch/ipad. the extra development time needed to create apps for two platforms in our opinion wasn't yet worth it. as soon as we see a growth in android usage, we'll get the android app out there.

imo, so many phones are released nowadays with android that the average android user probably doesn't realise what he can do with it. however everyone with an iphone is pretty savvy on what it can do and why they got it.

i think android is an amazing platform and should definitely rival apple in the future, but as a company we have to choose where we invest.

Decent App, never thought to have a look for it. Will there ever be a way of accessing the forum via it?!