icelandic volcanic ash

well ive been stranded here in san antonio for the last week, i was supposed to fly home to england on saturday gone but its now been put back to this saturday and by all accounts that will be cancelled aswell. no news about getting home soon from ryanair

is there anyone else in ibiza at the moment who i stranded????????:cry::cry:
a plane has just gone overhead!! it was nearly met by a bora bora style cheer as it passed by my house !..

forget that, its a poxy little propellor thing going around and around in circles...bring back the ban! noise is ruining a sunny quiet day
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a plane has just gone overhead!! it was nearly met by a mambo style cheer as it passed by my house !..

forget that, its a poxy little propellor thing going around and around in circles...bring back the ban! noise is ruining a sunny quiet day <-- read

How are you still stuck there if flights back to England are operating at almost 100% efficacy?

Just wondering... :)
i am luckily not stuck anywhere (although being stuck by a pool might be nice!) the comment was about a plane going round and round in circles above my house in UK (i'd put more tonic in it if i were you ;)....)