Ibiza workers 2008

what do you work as? i dot really know if much will be open on the westend around then, all the firends i know who pr on the westend are either coming home before then or are already home, sorry i cant answer that question! Ill be going over there as soon as i finish uni so around may, or beg of june i wouldnt go any later than that... most of my firneds who i met out there are going around the same time aswell but even if none of them went id still go! what u got in mind for wen u get there u know what job ur gonna look for?

Probably just Bar work or Prring I am thinking of malia or magaluf too help me hollie ibiza would be great but not on my own :( my ate said he will go but not ibiza cos he is a mad sesh head and thinks he will be home after a week ha ah I am a receptionist and beautician sort of but I dont do that any more ha ha
I am in the same situation as quite a few of you, really can't wait to go but not sure how to go about it. Am saving already and going to have enough ( i hope ) but am worried about going on my own and not having a place to stay etc.

I am wanting to go for a couple of months maybe longer if i am enjoying working etc, I want a job where i can work and earn some money but also want some time to go out and experience more of the atmosphere, music, clubs and just the whole surroundings of watching the sun go down at mambo or hearing the music from bora bora while having a beer on the beach. Anyone have any suggestions on how to go about this?
I've never worked abroad either. I'm heading out in late april / early may and am going to do the season. I am in the same boat as many (which is good really, at least I know I'm not alone!)

First steps, start saving - get as much info as possible.
Yeah Ppl I Cant Wait Till Next Year Wen A Wanna Go Out And Work Hard And Play Hard In The Party Capital Of The World. Am A Little Worried About Accomadation And That But Most Places Offer Wiv The Job, And As For The Work There Is Loads Of Jobs Out There As Long As Ya Get There Early In The Year B4 They Are Taken Init. Me Names Phil And Am 26 But Will Be 27 Wen A Go Out Next Year So If Ya Fancy Havin A Top Time In The Sun Then Get In Touch, After All It's Better Goin Wiv Others Rather Than On Ya Own

Hu Hu To Theibiza Crew
hey im coming out in april may time and my m8 wants to come but he wont be 18 until june will he strugle to get work out there being 17
hey i got bk two weeks ago was out for seven weeks. ive been so miserable since i got back. i had the best seven weeks of my life and met some amazing people. i also went out on me own which was scary at first but is the best way because you just meet people so easy! am looking forward to going out next may so if anyone wants to meet up just get in touch! hope to hear from some like minded party people!! hahaha speak soon!!! x x x x i love you white isle!!!! x x x

ye I dont wanna go on my own but I wanna party hard. I am thinking of just doing the prring your always finished by about three so you can still have some of the night left. I am all about the parties I will be 21 when I go over stay in touch and we can meet up!!!!:D And faye 123 how old are you? I need someone to go with what did you do there? bar work??
hey everyone,

Im planning on working ibiza 08, well looking forwards to it. Been three times before and loved it but never worked out there. My brother worked there this summer and i went and stayed wiv him and some other workers and had a mad time.

All my mates are lazy or in long term relatioships so if anyone else is looking for someone to meet up and go wiv let me know,

you can email on tim@watfordlaugar.com or add me on face book

Tim :D
Was in Ibiza this summer but unfortunately only managed to get out for a week in July, its safe to say it was the best week EVER! Definetly goin out for the whole summer this year! Booked my flight last week, couldnt wait, was too excited! So i head out on the 8th of June, and im not leaving til they kick me off the island!lol!!

Im hoping this isnt going to be too late to find work?? advice from someone whos bin out there already working would be great. i also have plenty of both waitressing and bar experience, does anyone know where would be the best place to apply for jobs and when to start looking??

Oh yea and if anyone else, around 18 or 19 is plannin on headin over there on their own get in touch with me please!!:D

hey me and my friend are def wanting to work over next summer!! i went this july and it was ace!! and can not wait!! but can not get out there till june 15th!! is this 2 late!! i am also thinking of flying out in easter to arrange accomadation and work if possible for when i arrive!! is this possible?????

is it neccesary to arrange before hand or just go in june and search then!!!
HELP!! i really wanna arrange it and get it sorted!! i ve had lots of experience in pr work/ bar experience/ waitresing and flyering so if anyone has any suggestions!!! plz get back 2 me!! xx:)
I still havent been there but from what I hear theres quite a high turnover in the food & beverage industry over there. So even when you show up in the middle of June you should be straight.
Hi ya!

Hi, as most of you I was also out in Ibiza this year for a Holiday. And already missing the white isle and Cafe mambo and the sunset!!! I went out with a friend. Only once we got out there I realised that this wasnt really the holiday for my friend. But i loved it and really didnt wana come home time. It was actually good, cos it made me a lot more confident my mate wasnt in2 the whole clubbing thing and making friends, so i had 2 do it on my own and I loved every minute. So im definatly going back out there next year and working...but will probably be going on my own. I turned 20 last week and really wana do it...jus wanted 2 get in contact with a few others and see whos goin out when and that.
feel free to message me back
apartment 08

Hi, Me and my mate Laura are goin Ibiza 3rd May 08 and r goin to look for job and apartment once we get there, its gonna be around 950 euros for a 2 bed apartment that sleeps 4 so if anyone interested in sharing then email me or add me on facebook (natalie bugler). I have read that it is probably best to save enough to pay for the 5/6 mths rent upfront once there otherwise you will probably struggle so thats what we plan on doing so whatever we earn there is ours to party!!

heyyyy!! me and my friend are going on the 23rd may for a 2 week holiday then planning to stay for the rest of the summer....anyone whos done the season b4, do u think this is too late to go and get a gd job and place to stay etc?? just coz im panickin now coz ive seen people sayin u shud really go at the end of april and stuff. also were lookin for people to share a place to stay with us so anyone interested, male or female let me know!!! alsoooo any idea how much money i shud take with me??? im gonna try and take £2000 will that be enough?? i spent £400 in a week when i was there in august but i think that was just coz i was on holiday but i dunno, advice plz!! and another thing does anyone know how available dancing jobs are???
Im planning on going to Ibiza for the whole season next summer, going over alone and im looking to meet up with people once Im over there. Been there 3 years in a row on holiday. If anyone is planning on going over in April / May 2008 and has no one to go with get in touch.

I am looking at doing the same thing,worked in malia 2 years ago,cancun in march 07 for spring break,absolutley love working in the sun, i travelled by myself and found it annoying and boring and would like to take you up on this offer.

contact me on r-obo-flop@hotmail.co.uk
Hi, im looking to find a place to stay when i get to ibiza in june,im only out in ibiza for a month. so if anybody has found an apartment and wants to share, or you are just looking forother ppl to share with.please let me know.
Ryan 26.

my email: razza.ibiza@yahoo.co.uk
Seriously considering it myself in the summer. I've got a full time job just now and been in it for 2 years but I really fancy ditching it to head over. Not sure what kind of work I would be looking for though as never worked in a bar?
my bloke and i have been considering workin in ibiza for a year or two, although not sure what we would do. i am a special needs teacher and he is a manager of a windscreen firm (he would be ok cos he can speak ok spanish. i know about 3 words)
gonna consider it for 09 maybe cos would need to save some proper money first. we will just have to make do with 2 weeks hol at the end of aug.
has anyone had any luck with jobs for this year?
How much cash do you reckon would be reasonable for taking over to start me off if I'm going for the summer. I've been 8 times on holiday but i know this is completely different.
