Haha I've not been back on the spotlight forum for ages so I'm loving all these replies!! I know I'm about 2 years too late but I think this thread deserves a bump anyway since I'm sure we won't be the only ones wanting to do Ibiza on the cheap and I still think it's worth hearing folks suggestions!!
So anyway we did it - and here's how we did We managed to get a super cheap last minute deal staying at the Riviera hotel all inclusive, so that was a bonus right away (no tinned potatoes after all!!!) We kept the club nights to a minimum, just went on 2 biggies that we really fancied and we managed to get the tickets quite cheaply by sweet talking a few reps and rather than taxiing we used the free coach ride (scary experience that mind!!!)
Rather than buying drinks in Mambo for the sunset (which in hindsight I can't believe we ever did!) we just bought a cooler on the first day and filled it with beers to take down with us each night (and on our daytime island exploring too). On the last day we passed it on to a group of young stag do guys...I like to think they passed it on too and it's been doing the rounds of the island ever since
We managed to spend all our cash by the 2nd last day so just spent the last couple of days having a wander (thank god for all inclusive at least!) No money for taxi to the airport, so we braved (OK my boyfriend braved...I bus it everywhere but he's a bit of an Ibiza snob!) the bus - 3 euros each, took no less time than a taxi and picked us up right outside our hotel. That's the last time I pay for a taxi or a transfer to San An!!
Never made it to Formentera that year after all but anyway we're off back to Ibiza again this summer, and whilst I'm no longer a student and will have considerably more Euros to splash this year, I'm def going to keep up the saving in some areas (drinks at Mambo? ...yep, a coronita from a cooler on the steps outside) so that we can splash out on some nice meals and trips to Formentera and of course a night or two in the clubs.
What's your tips for Ibiza on the cheap? Tinned potatoes aside of course!!!